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Everything posted by Denim

  1. International Criminal Court issues arrest warrants for Russia's Shoigu and Gerasimov https://www.reuters.com/world/europe/international-criminal-court-issues-arrest-warrant-russias-shoigu-gerasimov-2024-06-25/ By Stephanie van den Berg June 25, 20246:07 PM GMT+7Updated a min ago
  2. It often turns out that less is more . You will probably enjoy something more if it is not habitual and taken for granted.
  3. Deadline date. I often do my report a week early if I happen to be in town shopping and pass immigration.
  4. Seriously , there are better places along the East Coast unless you really like crowds.
  5. As far as I know this checkpoint is still closed. It closed just after the Covid outbreak and has yet to re open. Given the current situation in Burma traveling to Dawai is probably only doable via a flight into Rangoon. If this is currently possible you will need a visa. Might be best to try and contact the Burmese embassy and get the latest information from them.
  6. No amount of gerrymandering or goalpost moving will stop a MF landslide. So, they will use the tried and tested methods of disbanding on a trumped up charge or that good old method....another coup to save the institution.
  7. There is never a towel in any traditional massage. Instead you are given very lightweight fisherman's long pants. The OP has not stated his real desires. If he wants a glorified German tank with maybe some breach loading then he should go to an ' ahb op nooat ' If on the other hand he wants a traditional massage to address some physical problem or pain then he needs a ' nooat pain bornan ' where you get the fisherman's pants and no spermoflage.
  8. Oh. I see where you are coming from. Basically , you are saying that since this kind of thing has many historical precedents it is perfectly normal and acceptable in these modern times. It's OK when this sort of thing happens right now because hey , America was founded like this so why shouldn't China also do it. Cool. The CCP must be such great guys to follow such a noble aspect of human behavior.
  9. Yea , and my Thai MIL would have made a better PM than both. At least she is pretty harmless.
  10. This is Thailand. That will hammer out and be back on the road in a fortnight.
  11. 30 days visa exempt. For a beach try somewhere around Rayong. Plenty to choose from. Quiet peaceful town Kampeng Phet. Lots of historical ruins and walks.
  12. Unfortunately, in this case , cutting a deal means unconditional surrender to all Putins demands. He has recently said this much himself. The war of attrition will continue. But Russia has a lot more cannon fodder which is hard for Ukraine to deal with. IMO Ukraines strategy and tactics should be aimed at destroying Russias ability to wage war rather than worrying about retaking lost territory. If they retake a town or village it is useless since it cannot immediately return to its peacetime productivity.
  13. There are metal detecting apps you can download. Yes. I know this does not answer your question but at least you could actually download one immediately and test its effectiveness by hiding metal objects at different depths and seeing if the app works. This would at least give you and him a yardstick to measure dedicated machines by. When I was 10 I was fascinated by microscopes. My grandparents bought me one. Tried it out for a few days and was thereafter cured. But I still thought it looked pretty cool on my bookshelf.
  14. You might do well to add Poland to your in depth study. They have been expanding their military considerably recently in preparation for any Russian aggression. Last I read they have over 600 tanks plus additional armored vehicles. Secondly , let us look at moral. We can see how enthusiastic the average Russian male is about an expansion of the war by the numbers of them that have fled the country rather than fight. If Russia attacks Nato their troops will not be as motivated as the defenders. Therefore a dangerous situation will quickly arise whereby Putin will have to go nuclear as a last resort to save his sorry ass . Not a good outcome for the planet. It all depends on whether there is anyone in Russia capable of removing Putin before he cuts of everyone's nose to spite his face.
  15. 11 x 14 inches is not exactly large. Could be prominently positioned on the back of the door just beneath the coat hook.
  16. This is known as the Zorba syndrome : And as the OP suggested just hit the town zorba.mp4
  17. Interesting. Thanks for the info. Guess there is absolutely no advantage in going there any more. If your one year non O is based on marriage might as well just get extensions at your local immigration office. There must be quite a few hotels there that will be feeling the pinch now that their customer base has evaporated. Shame , I liked the place but sounds like a lot of hassle now.
  18. A number of posters seem to have forgotten how things arrived at the current situation. Three years ago , Russia and Ukraine were at peace. There were no sanctions. Russians and Ukrainians could cross the border to visit relatives. Sweden and Finland were continuing in their long held neutrality. Thousands of Russians had not moved to Phuket fleeing war. Then Putin had the idea for his two week special miltary operation to clean out Nazis ??? His close circle of yes men agreed with his idea if they wanted to stay in favor. If , back then a Russian refered to this as a war they could be arrested. It was not war it was just a two week thing. Russian troops tried to secure an airport at Kiev. Russian armour got close to Kiev. After that , everything went wrong for Putin and his two week military operation drags on. There are many posters here who believe Putins excuse and think Ukrainians should not have resisted him but thrown flowers in front of his invading troops. Putin apologists can spin things any way they wish but the hard FACT is that from peaceable neighbors Russians and Ukrainians are dying in thousands merely to gratify the ambitions of a narcissist who cares nothing for human life or the well being of his citizens. As for Thailand , just doing what it does best. Staying neutral and sitting on the fence. Works for them.
  19. Some like it hot. ( good movie that )
  20. ' Pssssst ......wanna buy a crucifix ? Or perhaps this piece of the true cross . Yours for 200 baht or 150 for both. '
  21. Then dropped into very deep water for 24 hours to cool off.
  22. Same here on another platform. My shop closed down due to copyright infringement. Music copyright is a really hot potato in America and The Universal Music Group employ staff to track down people ignoring copyright. Try a Youtube channel with original content. Might work but you do have to prostitute yourself to have a chance of success. Plenty doing it here already.
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