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Everything posted by Denim

  1. Linda Linda , Linda Linda, Linda Linda, oi oi oi .
  2. And ladies and gentlemen , if you care to look out of any window you will see the crystal clear water of the Ratchaprapa dam. But for Buddhas sake DON'T open any of them !!
  3. Never mind Simon. Don't take it so hard. Even Thais get confused sometimes.
  4. I disagree. The nation survived the Toxteth riots and it will move on from this as well. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/1981_Toxteth_riots Look what happened after George Floyd was murdered. Mass looting. What has stealing got to do with the trigger event. I have seen the latest videos and watched people breaking into shops and stealing the contents. Not a very political thing to do. Nonetheless, although these dregs of society are mainly concerned with enjoying themselves and filling their pockets their behavior will serve the needs of the far right just as well as if they were paid up members of the EDL. Civil war Bob ? I don't think so. If there are thousands protesting there are millions who are not and are disgusted by what is happening. When those responsible are brought to justice they will be crying into their beers.
  5. I think a majority of them now are not politicaly motivated at all. Just a bunch of youthful malcontents and losers who have jumped on the bandwagon for a cheap thrill and the chance of an opportunistic ' thieve up '. I hope the CCTV images will be carefully scrutinized and as many as possible of these scumbags arrested and made to pay hefty fines or face a stint behind bars. In addition , those responsible for putting out fake news regarding the stockport stabbings should be tracked down and jailed.
  6. I just completed this quiz. My Score 80/100 My Time 44 seconds  
  7. Randy Newman ... ?
  8. Not to mention : Well....somebody has to.
  9. Except its not that cheap anymore. Those days are long gone.
  10. No confidence in their banking apps either.
  11. Here maybe ? The faces of the extremist far right of England
  12. God, what a spectacle that would be
  13. Guess those tourists were unlucky enough to get on the Wong bus.
  14. I feel I must protest. I had Bookends by Simon and Garfunkel . This is the cover : Where is the bridge ???? A quick google of all their album covers : https://www.google.com/search?q=simon+and+garfunkel+album+covers&sca_esv=ce82090d53e0c143&rlz=1C1BNSD_enTH1053TH1053&udm=2&biw=1600&bih=665&sxsrf=ADLYWIL9qBHv0-Mcf5SXK-WoAyMKVRqOAg%3A1722405738237&ei=atOpZrCgDtqq4-EPyqKC6AU&ved=0ahUKEwiw_b6xzdCHAxVa1TgGHUqRAF0Q4dUDCBA&oq=simon+and+garfunkel+album+covers&gs_lp=Egxnd3Mtd2l6LXNlcnAiIHNpbW9uIGFuZCBnYXJmdW5rZWwgYWxidW0gY292ZXJzMgoQABiABBhDGIoFMgUQABiABDIGEAAYBRgeSJ2GAVDvBljTdXACeACQAQKYAW2gAbUgqgEENDguM7gBDMgBAPgBAZgCI6ACkBioAgrCAgYQABgHGB7CAgQQIxgnwgIHECMYJxjqAsICCBAAGIAEGLEDwgIOEAAYgAQYsQMYgwEYigXCAgQQABgDwgILEAAYgAQYsQMYgwHCAgYQABgIGB7CAgQQABgewgIHEAAYgAQYGJgDBIgGAZIHBDMwLjWgB-bRAg&sclient=gws-wiz-serp No bridges. I want a refund in full . This image was not an album cover . It was a free poster included with the album.
  15. I just completed this quiz. My Score 80/100 My Time 80 seconds  
  16. Next time cheat properly. Get your wife to sign up to ASEANNOW , then have her do the quiz and make a note of the answers.
  17. 10 questions better than 5 as weeds out the good guessers .
  18. I just completed this quiz. My Score 80/100 My Time 151 seconds  
  19. Sign them up for gramerly. Get those youtube monkeys off my back.
  20. How dreadful to have your child murdered attending such an innoculus event. Parents all over the country will now be a lot more concerned about the safety of their kids just trying to enjoy their childhood away from their immediate supervision. My sincere sympathies to all the victims.
  21. I just completed this quiz. My Score 20/100 My Time 86 seconds  
  22. Make sure your drainage is good as in the rainy season water can fall in torrents and leave low areas under water , especially if like us , your soil has high clay content. Easy things to grow are papayas , chillis and long beans which have always done well in our garden. Small tomatoes and limes are worth trying then you have all the ingredients for som dtam. We had so many beans I made a very nice bean soup which stored well in the freezer. Herbs like Thai basil and pak chee are dead easy to grow as is pak boong if you have a damp area. We put shading up instead of a greenhouse which was OK until a strong storm blew it down along with lots of trees in the area. Even telegraph poles came down blocking lots of people and their cars inside Big C for 3 hours. If you don't do a greenhouse simple clouches work OK. As for trees be careful. Our mango , jackfruit , coconut and teak tree got too big and created a mountain of dead leaves every day and put so much shade on the lawn that it partly killed it. Just had the teak tree cut down and it took me 2 weeks to burn off just the leaves. Getting back to the vegetable garden we eventually couldn't be bothered as although we grew a lot of things we never ate a fraction of it and had to give 90 percent of it away. Also the things that are easiest to grow are the cheapest to buy at the market so you don't really save much. Nice hobby though If anyone has any good bacon or sausage seeds that grow well here, PM me please.
  23. In other news the family have sacked the lawyer who said the police action was an attempted assasination . . He apparently had his own agenda. https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-13683183/Controversial-TikTok-lawyer-steps-representing-family-man-kicked-head-fire-police-officer-Manchester-airport-dramatic-footage-revealed-happened-BEFORE.html Controversial TikTok lawyer steps down from representing family of man 'kicked in the head' by under-fire police officer at Manchester airport after dramatic footage revealed what happened BEFORE. Egg on face much.
  24. However, after a truck ran over it it was again measured at 5 meters in length and weighed 10 kilograms.
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