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Everything posted by Denim

  1. If its only dust don't worry. The thing to take care of is all rubbish , empty bottles etc. As long as there is no damage and the place is left tidy should be no problem.
  2. The imperialist Chinese running dogs and their lacky allies will get the asses handed to them on a plate. They talk about their vast hordes as if it were a game changing bonus wheras it would rapidly bring down their defeat since they would be unable to feed themselves. But it won't be the western armies that crush China it will be the Chinese people themselves who will rise up against the CCP and decorate city lamposts with their dangling corpses as happened to Mussolini. https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-13455847/China-warns-Taiwan-WAR-demonstrates-send-missiles-raining-island-vows-ramp-countermeasures-unification-achieved.html ( note to dim wits. look up tongue in cheek ) 640x360_MP4_7883886661574115289.mp4
  3. He has friends ? Wow. Anyway, moving on will there be new guidelines on alcohol to follow ? The bottles and caps will remain legal but the contents will only be allowed to contain 1% alcohol. This will be a revenue booster for government as drinkers will need to buy more bottles too get drunk. Great minds at work in high places.
  4. Old Thermaes was a legend. New one....not so much. Things change , old places wither , new ones spring up. There was an alternative to Thermaes back then on Phetburi Road. I think it was called thoulde Siam hotel ( so long ago I forget ). When all the massage parlors that then lined Phetburi closed a lot of the girls would go to the hotels coffee shop looking for business. Lots of street walkers on the pavement outside for drive through customers.
  5. Same here. Just button down all hatches, close all curtains and use only dim lights. I hate meng mows almost as much as cockroaches but at least it's only once a year after the first heavy rain.
  6. Good timing. Out of office in time to escape for the summer holidays with his family secure in the knowledge he has a nice life time former PM pension.
  7. I actually knew a guy who jumped from a high storey of a well know Bangkok hotel when his girl jilted him. Made the papers. There are some very emotionally fragile people out there.
  8. No flowers no bees. If these places that attract bad tourists have attractions and prices bad tourists want , then they will be attracted. Put a big tax on alcohol , close bars early , crack down hard on prostitution and the bad tourists will have no reason to come. If the locals provide all these things seems a bit short sighted to complain when their venal attitudes are at least partly to blame
  9. A lot of Iranians ARE celebrating.
  10. Sounds a lot like marriage
  11. I think Putin himself would call him a useful idiot. https://www.yahoo.com/news/tucker-carlson-completed-evolution-kremlin-170043044.html
  12. Yes. Pity this recognition had to be paid for in blood and destruction though.
  13. I've had a few refunds from Lazada not using wallet. Just need to follow their instructions.
  14. Mine will be OK. Don't show the face.
  15. I was thinking Weed smokers will be prostituted. One track mind I guess
  16. True story , 42 years ago a Canadian friend came here for the first time. He was told Thais don't use toilet paper so he bought ten rolls with him.
  17. I'm not hearing any Allah Akbars on AlJazeera news.
  18. I did the flesh spots 40 years ago when they were worth doing. 66 now and we'll sedated.
  19. Yes, easy when the state provideds a roof over your head and food in your belly. God bless the UK tax payer.
  20. Original article here : https://www.gbnews.com/money/cost-of-living-crisis-move-thailand-energy-bills Sounds like they are on a tourist visa : She added: "I’ve applied for a visa and hope I can get it and work here as we can afford childcare now." Frankly , it just reads as pure fiction .
  21. Sounds like our place in Petchabun. Best of all, few foreign tourists to screw it up.
  22. Bit Vague . Exactly 2 or 2.001 plus or minus ?
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