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Everything posted by Denim

  1. Sex addiction. The prospect of not getting a leg over for a year is a mighty disincentive to doing the sensible thing.
  2. Wasn't that exciting .🙄
  3. Good for him. Hope he manages to push the case through and that he is not intimidated and officials are not bought off.
  4. Yes, but for the many participants a nice little event justifying a few days in nice hotels with good grub and all sorts of perks. Nice work if you can get it.
  5. No. I repeated what was in the newspaper article which stated he pulled up on the right. Then I said he would have needed long arms to tap on her window. My closing sentence then said the story only made sense if he pulled up on the left not right. A few posts later another poster agreed. You seem to have misunderstood my post, which in fact was the first to point out this discrepancy.
  6. Thank you. Exactly what I said.
  7. That will hurt the insurance companies and give Barclay's staff an extra holiday. Nice one protesters.
  8. Sa lor is an Isaan word . The meaning is not so much bad as irritating, mischievous, naughty , interfering. Sometimes used to describe children as well as adults. Logically, a bad person would be ... kon mai dee or as someone already said , kon laew.
  9. He pulled up to the right of her ( facing oncoming traffic ? ) then lowered his window and tapped on her window ? Long arms , especially if her hubby was driving. Only makes sense of the Russian pulled up on the left not right.
  10. Cutting the power to said room might have been more effective.
  11. Phua Thai will go the way of the Democrats for getting into bed in a coalition with proxy military parties. Wipe out at next election.
  12. The clerics etc committing these crimes are actually brain dead enough to believe that Allah is looking down on their doings with approval and will reward them on their deaths with an orgy of nubile virgins. Talk about embracing their ignorance.
  13. Quantum mop mechanics.
  14. I use a dual language and sometimes find the Thai useful for searching. However , an easy work around is to use Google translate then copy and paste.
  15. Have you seen the bulk of the opposition, and I mean the figuratively and literally.
  16. As did I , a very interesting period of history but I am always eager to learn. Just yesterday I was surprised to learn that Britain and Canada shipped half of the Valentine tanks they produced to Russia . Altogether 3762 of these tanks. were sent to Russia Many of these saw action outside Moscow in 1941 stopping the Germans . The Russians also sent sample tanks to Britain and America and Britain considered cloning the T34 to re equip the British army but surprisingly the scrapped the idea. Mark Felton is not any old Youtube Vlogger . He is a respected auther and historian and has taught at several universities including 9 years in China at Shanghai and Fudan universities. Well worth watching . https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mark_Felton
  17. Exactly. Has anyone on this thread said otherwise ? By the way, if you are interested in every minute detail of WW2 may I suggest watching Mark Feltons Youtube videos https://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=Mark+Felton
  18. Pathetic. Everybody knows that the Russians and western nations were allies , even you.
  19. Talk about stating the obvious. But hey ho.......what goes around comes arouind. Russia didn’t invite officials from unfriendly countries to victory parade, diplomat says https://tass.com/politics/1785923 Did you miss that if there had been no second front at Normandy the Germans would have had many divisions and aircraft to throw at the Russian and push them back East. Duh
  20. You forgot to add : Not many people know that.
  21. Latvia has found a novel way to help Ukraine and solve one of its own problems. Latvia sends cars seized from drunk drivers to Ukraine Imants Liepins Wed, June 5, 2024 at 9:43 PM GMT+7·2 min read 30 A Latvian volunteer helps convert a seized SUV into an armoured medevac transport for Ukraine's medical corps (Gints Ivuskans) Latvian drunk drivers are making an important -- if not entirely voluntary -- contribution to helping Ukraine fend off the Russian invasion. In a parking lot outside the capital Riga, some 100 cars confiscated from drunk drivers are being repaired and adapted before being sent to the front line in Ukraine. In a nifty move to combat both endemic drunk driving at home and support Kyiv, Latvian authorities are handing seized vehicles over to the Ukrainian military. Some are even being armoured and turned into medevacs to evacuate wounded soldiers. https://www.yahoo.com/news/latvia-sends-cars-seized-drunk-144342077.html
  22. Somewhere on a Military base in Bangkok : Ring ring ....Ring ring Hello , Generalal Pruthuts residence , Mrs Prayuth speaking Sawadi krap, this is the senators office , Can we speak to Tu please. Wait I'll call him ..................... oh he's in the bath . Can you call him back in 30 minutes ? Its rather important. He says what do you want Well, it's about the vacancy at Parliament. We are looking for a new PM . Would he still be interested ? ( patter of wet feet on floor ) Oh darling , you could at least have wrapped yourself in a towel. I'll be there in 45 minutes. Don't ask Prawit until I get there. Hangs up.
  23. Where is here exactly ? Could be anywhere between ankles and neck .
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