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Everything posted by wombat

  1. er.... unless you've been living under a bridge you'd know weed was removed from the narcotics list and is no longer a crime over 12 months ago.????????
  2. er...I think he just outed himself as a troll?
  3. Confucius says...the only disgrace is being caught
  4. The world's policeman has spoken. Bow down to your overload. Resistance us futile.
  5. With weed off the table I expected to see way more of these headlines
  6. Definitely...if there hadn't been a war they wouldn't be draft dodging in LOS.
  7. Should i find myself in the same position I would too. I'm guessing you're straight arrow and wouldnt/dont/didn't?
  8. with the net and FaceTime you are never alone
  9. a head job followed by a joint puts me to sleep at night.
  10. didnt they sell off all the materials for the wall? Where is that money?
  11. they are drones...with 48 wars on this planet why would you not use drones?
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