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Everything posted by wombat

  1. I honestly thought that article was an April 1st joke.
  2. "not a positive for the kingdom’s economy at all" At this point I laughed.
  3. Bob's your uncle Fanny's your aunt and Micks your brother in law...the gangs all here.
  4. It's not dunny paper it's tissues in a roll instead of a box for all you clueless heathens. I bet you still laugh at farts.🤪🤣🙃
  5. Ditto...I've settled on Royal Gorilla and haven't been disappointed...as old mate says...the price us right
  6. Well there ya go...the Japanese aren't all good after all🙃🤣🥳
  7. You get what you pay for
  8. If he hadn't been in Thailand it wouldn't have happened
  9. exactly....headers are designed to get response...dont like the response?...St!ff sh!t
  10. Bullet Train from China to Pattaya...I can't wait.
  11. Democratic Socialism or Democratic Marxism?
  12. My dad always complained how tight the neighbor's were...maybe he wasn't talking about the wives?
  13. Nominated for post of the day RRTFPMSL.
  14. The Jamaican Rasta's would disagree
  15. I'm not seeing a lot of sympathy🤪🙃🤣
  16. On weed? Impossible.... Er...what strain was he smoking?😊🤣
  17. He probably became a Born Again Christian as well.
  18. Biggest downside is for the tax payers who inherit the debt
  19. Your asking novice questions to people who only get stoned on the first for the day the rest being top ups
  20. Yawn...slow season is upon us...immi crackdown.
  21. Goodness me Carlotta you have a lot of angst mirroring your own life experiences...go buy a weed ciggy and chill...life's not that bad.
  22. A lot of assumptions there. Lash out with a 10 baht 1grm purchase and let us know your boots on the ground conclusion. Maybe these guys have 10 baht weed sales as a loss leader? Whenever they do it's always sold out by the next day. The fat banana I got that was rock hard dry and powdered when crushed has been sitting in a bowl in my pit for 5 days now and is starting to soften up.
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