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Everything posted by wombat

  1. Exactly...the number of Tha people enjoying eating on the beach at night was amazing...my guess is the big money restaurants didn't like the cholera cart vendors making money while their greasey spoons sat empty
  2. Was the middle east ruled out...my money is still on it being a payback for the Uyghurs that got out of hand.
  3. Gunna have to get WS finished and repaved for the red light part of the tour before the Chinese come back.
  4. Aha...iz zis iz zee owld couldn't zleep in zee am und went for zee walkies wis my 100k baht nekalace shining round my nek trick?
  5. curious asks... weed is not on the narcotics list... what crime was committed ?
  6. The 30 Country alliance are going to do collective little bits in their panty when the Bear drops a nuclear poo.
  7. Men telling women what they can't do with their body is not the way to get their votes or do these men think the women will vote as they are told by their husband like it is in Moslem countries?
  8. I have to answer your question with a question ... Do you read the headlines on ASEAN or is this one more troll post?
  9. Sir...Sir...Sir...i have questions... Why are men telling women what they can't do with their body? Has America become a Moslem country?
  10. Exactly... With all the info available online combined with you must have been living under a bridge with no print media available ...my spidey sense puts all these "How To" topics on weed as troll posts.
  11. Yes...most definitely Grasshopper. As Buddha said... From confusion and chaos comes clarity.
  12. all i know is the amount of excrement that shows on the outside of a mask that hasn't entered my lungs...personally i will keep wearing one.
  13. Effective immediately...just checking that doesn't mean 1st July? You know..flip flop and all that
  14. Yes...after seeing the amount of excrement that collects on the outside of one that didn't get into my lungs from pollution... unless it's mandated you have to stop wearing them I will continue to use one
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