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Everything posted by wombat

  1. More like he got caught double dipping and not passing it on up the food chain so an example had to be made is my guess
  2. this is the best news ever...kudos to the Thai Govt
  3. check left right left right left right head on a swivel while crossing any road here
  4. you must save a fortune in lighting the way fluorescents light up from the electric flux that encompasses that lot
  5. what tourists? certainly not the ones from the sub-continent...its the same as home
  6. no real change is going to happen until endemic is gazetted and the control bs removed
  7. That is true...however...the rule of thumb for riding in LOS is its not IF you have a prang but WHEN....sadly.
  8. at the cost of replacing the batteries after 5 years there will be a graveyard for them
  9. Deport him to Australia in chains. They do still own Australia don't they?
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