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Posts posted by smedly

  1. 35 minutes ago, smedly said:

    they are a bit late


    The key to understand what is going on here is not "what they say" but "what they do"


    e.g. They have completely closed and isolated Phuket for what - 10 confirmed cases ?


    And Pattaya - what is it - 5 ?


    Eight weeks ago I said it was of the utmost importance to keep people accurately informed of the situation and for 8 weeks Thailands actions did not match their words - now they seem to be coming together but too late

    and the other elephant in the room 


    How many tests have they actually done in Thailand over the last 3 months - I will guess it is around 1,500 and no more than 2000


    Compare that to the UK which is currently testing 10,000 "PER DAY"  soon to increase to 25,000 "PER DAY" and the general testing rate in the west is huge, same with Japan Korea Malaysia and what about Thailand who not so long ago claimed they were the "Primary Medical HUB of SEA"


    How many tests PER DAY ????????? what is it - 5 - 10 - 20 ??????????


    How on earth could anyone expect accurate confirmed cases when they are testing very few people .................... HOW ?

    • Like 2
  2. 2 hours ago, ukrules said:

    This whole article seems to confirm 'community spread'

    for well over a month already.......

    they are a bit late


    The key to understand what is going on here is not "what they say" but "what they do"


    e.g. They have completely closed and isolated Phuket for what - 10 confirmed cases ?


    And Pattaya - what is it - 5 ?


    Eight weeks ago I said it was of the utmost importance to keep people accurately informed of the situation and for 8 weeks Thailands actions did not match their words - now they seem to be coming together but too late

  3. 1 hour ago, GordyS said:

    They have tested less than 20,000 of a population of 70,000,000

    Of those 20,000 there are still about 7,000 who don't know the results and are in hospital.


    Therefore only about 13,000 people in the kingdom out of 69,000,000 know if they have the virus or not (0.000188 of the population)

    Furthermore anybody who has died of the virus via a lung infection or pneumonia who isn't part of the 1388 positive victims is not part of the stats, as there is no testing of postmortem deaths


    Let that sink in!


    Must be hundreds if not thousands of deaths in the last few months that have been missed due to lack of testing


    one of the best posts I have seen on the subject so far and I agree 100% and been saying much the same for weeks 

    • Like 2
  4. 1 hour ago, TallGuyJohninBKK said:


    Good news???


    I think 143 new cases is the highest single day increase since this started, and if not THE highest, it's right up there among the highest.


    And the numbers probably would be much much higher if the government's CV testing were widespread and easy to obtain, which it's not.


    There nothing in this that strikes me as good news.


    Right now, there's almost 7500 people admitted as inpatients in Thai hospitals with COVID type symptoms, and most of those apparently are still waiting for confirming tests. It's a much bigger problem than just 143 reported new cases in a day.



    correct - if they don't test the nearly 10,000 PUI then no report of confirmed CV infection - just look at them for days hoping they will recover then send them home, so how many confirmed cases - only those tested and reported

    • Like 1
  5. 12 minutes ago, Just Weird said:

    "...I hope he has the balls to name his place so we can all avoid it..."

    I hope you have the balls to concede that the "we" to whom you refer should read "I" because you, smedley, do not represent anyone here, never mind a communal veto!


    "...and keep him safe"

    So you're avoiding his coffee shop will keep him safe?  That suggests that you're one of those that doesn't wear a mask for the peace of mind of others just for the hell of it.  If you're a mask-wearer you wouldn't need to avoid the place to keep him safe.

    we all make our own choices based on what is in front of us 


    You will never agree to anything I say on here - glad to see you have stopped your obsessive stalking of my posts - that really was "just weird"

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