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Posts posted by smedly

  1. 1 minute ago, mfd101 said:

    The Supreme Cdr is the head of all the armed forces. Army, Navy & Air Force come (theoretically) under him, though I suspect (but don't know) his normal role is ceremonial & coordinating rather than operational command. (Certainly Army seems to act like a law unto itself.)


    The PM has nominated him to be in charge of the Emergency law enforcement function.

    I'm just wondering if my hunch was right and there is a spat between the army chief and Prayut - this looks to me like the army chief has been sidelined but then I could be totally wrong ....................who knows

    • Like 2
  2. 7 minutes ago, Ian Nagle said:


    If you get infected, have mild syptoms and then get over it - can you still infect despite recovered?


    And are you inmune from it then afterwards?


    I guess it's the question/s  needs answering. 

    once cleared you are no longer infectious 


    yes you will have a high level of resistance unless the virus mutates significantly 

  3. 5 minutes ago, MJCM said:

    IMHO not only the people in that bus should report immediately also all Staff and passengers (on other routes) that were in that Bus Station around the same time should report immediately

    and anyone else who played "hide the soap" at the same spa these last 2 weeks ................. oh that's right, they only had one customer and he wasn't Chinese 555

    • Like 1
    • Haha 1
  4. 18 minutes ago, darksidedog said:

    And so the exodus of people back to their home places is spreading the virus far afield, as we all predicted it would. Social distancing is all very well, but until you stop people leaving high number areas like Bangkok, the numbers are just going to keep rising.

    By the bus load it seems 


    I advised two Thai friends of mine who were planning to go home yesterday not to go anywhere near a bus station let alone a bus, they stayed


    I told them I would give them 2000baht a month x2 what the Thai government thinks is enough lol


    How long does it take for my posts to actually appear on the forum live - yes I see them but from another device they are not there - so how long TVF

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    • Confused 1
  5. 7 minutes ago, webfact said:

    Restaurants in shopping centers can only offer takeaway.

    again they missed the ball


    someone of influence is very reluctant to apply this general rule to all resturants - why ?


    Does someone of influence own a lot of restaurants, why in Pattaya are they totally ignoring restaurants .......................why ??????????????


    How are they different from bars serving beer 


    I could have gone out last night in Pattaya and got food and beer in many restaurants and sat there all night boozing - what the hell

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