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Posts posted by smedly

  1. 38 minutes ago, rooster59 said:

    Then she underwent self-quarantine to observe symptoms at her house.

    a little late for that after possibly causing an infection spread to hundreds of people who will in turn infect thousands 


    Meanwhile following a report from Phuket the so called PUI thousands seem to be being held observed but not tested to confirm CV infection 


    Well done Thailand - no test no report of infection, it seems officials don't like big numbers unless it's tourist arrivals and how much they are spending 


    be careful out there

    • Like 1
  2. 8 minutes ago, bluesofa said:

    If they use a skin thermometer when I've been in the sun cycling - because it seems this thermometer is 'easier' or allegedly 'more efficient', could I be carted off for further testing - and would that be at my expense I wonder?


    Or can someone say if those doing the 'roadside' non-medical 'point and zap' tests know what they're doing? Somehow I doubt that.

    this is why I have made the several posts you are referring too


    It doesn't really affect anyone in a vehicle with aircon as their surface skin temp will be cooler and also at night as there is no sun shining


    It only affects people who are outdoors in direct sunlight or are in temperatures of over 28c, also if you have been in the sun previous days and got a sunburn you skin will remain hot for a day or so depending on severity


    There are about 3 convenient accurate methods to take body temperature - in the mouth - armpit and rectal


    I would assume if a skin scanner says you have a high temperature then another method would be deployed to confirm but we have no confirmation of this and I would doubt that there are any medical skilled people at these road stops to carry out such a confirmation - currently unknown  

  3. 1 hour ago, bluesofa said:

    There seems to be a bit of slanging match about this, which I have no intention of in getting involved in.


    What I would like to understand is about checking your temperature (during the Covid-19 pandemic) using one of the "skin thermometers" for want of a better description. These seem to being used by everyone and their dog, in fact anyone with the smallest amount of authority at the moment in Thailand.


    Now I'm not au fait with a lot of this, hence posting the sources. Referring to wiki to start with:


    "Normal human body temperature (normothermia, euthermia) is the typical temperature range found in humans. The normal human body temperature range is typically stated as 36.5–37.5 °C (97.7–99.5 °F).[8]

    Human body temperature varies. It depends on sex, age, time of day, exertion level, health status (such as illness and menstruation), what part of the body the measurement is taken at, state of consciousness (waking, sleeping, sedated), and emotions."

    source: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Human_body_temperature


    So having a 'range' of 36.5 - 37.5C - is this what all and sundry have been instructed to look for I wonder?



    Moving on to another google result:

    "Temperature of a Healthy Human (Skin Temperature)"

    Apart from showing a lot of different temperature variations for different situations, it also says:

    "If a person was to be in a warm room and her skin temperature was cooler than the air, her skin temperature would rise."

    source: https://hypertextbook.com/facts/2001/AbantyFarzana.shtml



    My straight question is:

    Those who might zap me, presumably looking for 36.5 -37.5C.

    If I can continue cycling (talking to no one, interacting with no one), and being in the direct sun while "exercising" for want of a better word, am I likely to be reported as 'suspect', because from the above it does seem bit bit hit and miss regarding 36.5 - 37.5C?


    touch you skin after being in direct sunlight even with a slight sunburn - the skin will be very hot to touch


    The are accurate places on the body to measure temperature - the skin is not one of them - simple 

    • Thanks 1
  4. 2 hours ago, superal said:

    Thanks again for your thoughts , however I suspect the BB to be the problem . When I went to my branch to explain the dilemma I got nowhere speaking to an English speaking bank officer . The last £10 test I sent Thursday remains in limbo waiting for BB to process .

    There has been a suggestion from TW that my account personal name with them is not exactly the same as the BB account name ( BB acc missing my middle names ) , however that has not caused any problems over the last 3 years . I will keep you posted on the outcome , thanks again for your opinions . 

    from what I have read there were 2x main issues 


    - ATM not functioning correctly which seems to have been rectified 


    - Transfers and payments - Transferwise needs this functionality to operate correctly, when you send money to Thailand it arrives at a particular account with BB - from there is transferred to your personal bank account - this is my understanding of how it works but either way it involves transfers of some kind which was flagged as a problem in this thread - I don't think it was specific to TW but rather transfers in general either within BB or from/to 3rd parties, no word yet if this has been resolved, I made a payment two days ago to PEA and although the money was taken from my account PEA are still showing it as an outstanding balance - so it seems they didn't receive the payment. 

    • Thanks 1
  5. 13 minutes ago, Pib said:

    Based on TW explanation of various statuses a transfer goes through (see below TW weblink) I think that after your first transfer was rejected by Bkk Bk (if it really was Bkk Bk doing the rejection), then the other three transfers (i.e., 300, 10, & 10 pounds) never got sent by TW....was stuck on the TW end....although the TW statuses might imply otherwise. 



    I would take some of the TW transfer status messages with a big grain of salt...they can imply there is no problem on the TW end with the transfer and the problem is somewhere else like at the receiving or funding bank when in fact the problem is at TW.  


    I remember my first TW transfer....it just got stuck....was going anywhere...kept saying TW was waiting to pull money from my bank acct to fund the transfer.  Statuses all implied the problem was not at TW but elsewhere.    After 4 days I did an online chat with TW asking what's the problem.  TW couldn't find any problem....it all looked good to them; however, the transfer just seemed stuck.  They recommended I cancel that transfer and initiate it again. I did that...initiated the transfer exactly as the first...and then that transfer went OK...funds arrived a day or two later.  


    And something in my gut is telling me that BKk Bk was not the one to reject your first transfer although TW status updates might imply that.   And I haven't seen any other TV post so far complaining about TW transfers to Bkk Bk over the last several days being rejected....maybe there are some and I just haven't seen them. 


    Guess you need to talk to Bkk Bk to see if they actually received/rejected the transfer.  You may find out no money arrived their inbox so to speak...and the money never arrived because it never really left TW.  Regardless, hope you get the issue resolved soon.



    I don't think that it would be unreasonable to assume that Bangkok banks are experiencing some System difficulties involving both ATM transactions and interbank transfers 


    The important question is - when will it be resolved 

    • Like 1
  6. 6 hours ago, snoop1130 said:

    Following the deaths of 30 horses in the Northeast region on Thursday (March 26), the Department of Livestock Development conducted an investigation and learned that the horses had had fevers, snots and breathing difficulties, but no signs of Covid-19 infection.



    were these horses Thai or farang 


    Maybe Thailand tried out their new COVID-19 vaccine on these poor animals


    back to the drawing board 


    PS - stay away from food that involves any sort of meat for the next week or so    

    • Like 1
  7. 7 minutes ago, bangkokfrog said:

    This guy's arrogance, combined with a national emergency he is neither mentally nor intellectually equipped to handle, could (hopefully) lead to the implosion of modern day Thailand as we know it and the emergence of a better, more egalitarian society. The sad part is the number of unnecessary deaths it will take to achieve it!

    are you thinking some sort of forward future - well we know what happened to that idea 

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    • Haha 1
  8. 33 minutes ago, NanLaew said:

    Good point. The happy chap at the bottom of the escalator at Big C yesterday showed me the 35 on his temperature thingmie that indicated I had borderline hypothermia.



    he was inside wasn't he in an airconditioned building, you should have sent him outside into the 36 degree heat in direct sunlight and how cold he is then 

  9. 12 minutes ago, Chazar said:

    complete  waste  of  time,  I like it  when people  have readings of 35c and  how  can they take a  reading and keep 2  metres  away exactly?

    My point being if you happen to be checked at one of these checkpoints and you are showing a high temp on your skin surface (current screening method) you could be detained when there is absolutely nothing wrong with you - from there you could actually be exposed to infected people

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