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Everything posted by smedly

  1. well now she has nothing, hope they are both locked up for a long time, somehow I doubt it
  2. I agree with you but............... since it is law here to wear a helmet is it correct of the ins company to assume he wasn't, seems to me to be the opposite, unless the ins company have actual evidence to say he was not wearing a helmet then IMO they are on shaky ground, perhaps legal intervention is an option here. also - I don't trust hospitals here, they are money making scams and this poor guy is a cash cow, keep him in intensive care likely in an induced coma - and the money rolls in - he can't stay there for ever
  3. I wonder how many of them rode motorbikes into parked taxi's or even parked 18 wheelers - this country is a shambles, how many lives would be saved if the police actually did their job
  4. there are lines that should not be crossed, pretty sad you don't get it
  5. this quite disturbing, why ?, very poor for an official in Thailand to get involved like this, was he paid money to make this idiotic pact......hard to figure
  6. well at least this idiot didn't harm anyone else, any guesses if he was ##sd
  7. The ACC need more manpower - there is no way any agency can ever get on top of corruption in Thailand - they need to follow the example of Malaysia, stiff penalties ............start with unusal wealth, how many does that apply to - follow the money anti corruption 101
  8. Tip of the iceburg ............ you can trust my officers he said can we have a vote on the most corrupt in Thailand where to start ?????????
  9. Future Forward and PT get together - Prauth Prawit Anitin are ### if that happenes expect coup No22 and all out civil war - the people will not put up with that, these self appointed unelected ## are done, lets have people that are elected by the people running the country - they can do it - Future Forward and P Thai, a new begining hopefuly
  10. well done prauth prawit and heath ### anutin - this air quality issue is worse than covid, any Thai that votes for anytning remotely connected to you three needs their head looked at this country needs a change - Prayuth Prowit Anutin are not it - I just hope the people see these #### for what they are \ Future Forward ...............gets my vote
  11. none of which describes what is going on, Idiot Putin wants them to fight........I was going to say - to defend Russia, but that's not really what is going on .... is it, nobody attacked Russia, they will not win in Ukraine, if idiot Putin hasn't realised that yet then the excuse for a man is a fool
  12. Thousnds of Rusians maybe and a few hundred UKR Russians who are on the run from Idiot Putin who will send then to war in a T55 lol, I don't blame them
  13. does it matter, seems she was leaving, why is this even news, pay 20k and let her leave, stupid nonsense
  14. paying a fine is not the issue, fines have always been there, the issue here is getting threatened with "red/yellow card" and what comes with that for Serious offences like DUI already come with hefty penalties like large fines and jail, I think foreigners should be deported for committing serious crimes after normal penalties under law are served, This red/yellow card abuse is additional to that, you now run the risk of getting deported seemingly for not wearing a helmet or for other equally minor infringments - this has all come about because Phuket police were unable to deal with foreign/thai scooter mobs racings around the streets under normal lawful means so they have invented something outside of the normal application of current law and enforcement
  15. this is so open to abuse do any of these so called crimes actually go to court or do police decide on guilt ?, giving police that sort of power is highly problematic, it bypasses absolutely everything, what makes it worse is the actual penalty "red or yellow card" which is not clearly defined, what they have done is created a whole new criminal system that targets foreigners only without proper legal definitions or accountability, I do agree with law enforcement but this is verging on abuse and discrimination on a whole new level, if the law is not fit for purpose then change it
  16. a failed bungee is nothing compared to this in so far as Pattaya's reputation or Thailand in general
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