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Everything posted by smedly

  1. and there is the exact problem - the people voted in an election and the winners need the unelected senate permission to run the country - sorry but the democracy handbook doesn't have that page the people voted - junta/military parties got their marching orders - dumped it's a very clear message
  2. ha ha, are you for real, maybe you made a joke and I just didn't get it lol
  3. you nailed it they haven't got the message yet - you're all fired - shut the door on your way out
  4. the people voted for him - that is all you need to know no discussion required - comply with the vote and honor their their wishes, how ### simple is that
  5. agree the senate needs be elected but there needs to a government willing to do that first - one step at time
  6. there will be a lot of boiler room discussions going on, will they get 66 senators onboard - quite possible considering the senate is doomed no matter what happens, some 66 senators could be promised seats in a new senate if they support a MFP coalition while the rest are fired, what comes next is an ammended constitution as first order of buisiness to remove the PM election clauses entirely. Then another coup - number 23 I think
  7. seems Thailand has an unconstitutional constitution that was imposed on the people by an unelected military junta and was never endorsed by the people, IMO that makes it invalid
  8. There is no democracy here - yes the people have elections that mean absolutely nothing as we can see here from the OP This needs settled once and for all - this never ending cycle must change
  9. one way for sure not to break so called dreamed up election law - just use military foce to take control right - no election required, what do the courts think of that ?
  10. what political career ?, you took over the country using military force - nothing political about it, you then failed to do what you said you would do, the people have told you exactly what they think ......... ### ### and just to remind everyone one of your first achievements was to protect you and your cronies from having to disclose financial gains while in office - how convenient while you all stuff your pockets
  11. legalising weed just adds to it - they cant get a handle on drunk driving as it is. consider how many accidents and deaths are caused by drunk drivers in Thailand - yes great idea now we have 2x deadly drugs to deal with when it comes to driving vehicles
  12. or ask the cost of ringing the bell a lot of these bars/venues give the girls a soda or water with lime in it costing the bar about 5baht and charging as much as 200baht pet drink, it is a scam and a rip off and everyone should know this
  13. I think people with experience in tourist areas have a pretty good Idea of what went on...........................he got fleeced with a padded bill, not unusual and easy to avoid
  14. this makes no sense at all, covid is over why aren't they getting it - stupid nonsense very recently the WHO Officially declared it over
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