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Everything posted by smedly

  1. what complete and utter nonsense, trying to put a different label on what is known worldwide as ....................... prostitution if it quacks like a duck.........
  2. big jellyfish (bullshark) shhhhh don't want to alarm tourists lol nasty bite
  3. everything about Thai just stinks, , people have been using this cash cow fraud for years and it continues
  4. seems this company is still not balancing the books, I'd call that a risky investment
  5. exile to ? what a farce, they keep fumbling , this man is a criminal - what is he doing out of jail -he robbed the people of billions - what a "big joke ' corruption unmatched
  6. I hope those responsible are held to account, this is a very alarming situation, I think I'll give Laos a miss
  7. are they having a laugh, drink driving is a serious problem 365 days a year
  8. jesus christ, that is shocking, I hope someone is facing charges for this
  9. someone you know or condo security, they had to know your movements and that there were valuables to take, how did they gain access
  10. how about every month ?, even 5k per month
  11. it's a public place not a business
  12. not to mention winter fuel allowance, lol the uk government need to clamp down on this bs, the money they save can be spent pensioners . first thing I would do -biometric id cards, absolute id when claiming anything, oh the general public do not agree -well seriously it would stop the huge fraud going on in the uk right now
  13. does't really matter, if you are not in the country (excluding short holidays) you are not entitled to benefits - pensions are slightly different were like benefits you are not entitled to increases if out of the country - look up - 🇬🇧 ORDINARILY resident, I know people here claiming for benefits they are only entitled to while living in Thailand - they risk a prison term if caught I knew a guy geting paid his dead mothers pension for years
  14. weii it is a lot worse than that, there are benefits being claimed using this same method, I don't agree with frozen pensions but blatant benefit fraud is another matter, they could easily catch these people by checking passport records, for now they don;t
  15. if the government cannot control the central bank put someone in charge that can be controlled, the BOT is no longer independent
  16. you think this idiot will ever be inside a Thai court ?, you won't hear anything more about this money talks, hope he has deep pockets
  17. maybe you do, are you part of an ethnic minority
  18. i think it likely that some physical contact took place which is technically assault but this is getting ridiculous, apologize and move on
  19. well as courageous as it is, I have lived here a very long time - spent a lot of money, maybe they need to expand that a little and consider those that have contributed to Thailand for many many years
  20. you are correct, assaults on tourists is reserved for Thai only lol
  21. Live monday email notifications not working again, seems random
  22. no kidding maybe doesn't apply in a 3rd world corrupt banana state
  23. no surprise there is there jail this ###
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