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Everything posted by smedly

  1. maybe a mod could close this thread as it gone seriously off topic
  2. very sad RIP that is some pretty serious damage, as already mentioned that car must have been going at very high speed, anyone know where this happened - was it a major road or in a built up area and was it at a crossing..........shocking to say the least and is the genius in government these last few years ................ none other than acting PM Prawit, what a stellar job he's been doing
  3. seems that an order came from the cops yesterday evening instructing every bar and entertainment venue to shut across the city at midnight, no explanation has been given for this but my guess is that it was linked to the removal of the Pattaya police chief - a do you know who I /we are kind of statement, either by him or his ranks, a very obvious abuse of power to issue such an order to businesses across the city who are legally allowed to open until 2am That's my take on it - I can think of no other reason for such a thing to happen
  4. I think I am getting it after all these years they simply have no clue what corruption actually is
  5. I am not anti-weed and yes I do take the odd beer now and again but I don't abuse it and I don't drink and drive, I have other reasons why wide spread use of cannabis is quite frankly wrong - here's a clue - alcohol is bad enough with having a population spaced out on another drug, also there is strong evidence that long term use and abuse of cannabis causes issues with the brain, I happen to know a couple of long term cannabis users and they are quite unstable and have problems that I won't go into
  6. the only thing I have seen recently from Pattaya police is shutting down bars for no good reason - but I think everyone on here knows the reason, all the bars that I have seen shut had all the correct papers and licences ............ go figure
  7. did he kill anyone ? how many drunk drivers travelled on this road +/- 5 hours of this, well you would never know until they run into a tree or cause a fatal accident................oooooops to late then right ? stupid
  8. fool watch how this evolves and who controls it, all about money it will take a while but at some point someone will realize this was a very stupid thing to do
  9. to the OP - it rains heavy it floods just like anywhere else - check the weather forcast if it concerns you
  10. been here a long time and first choice for anything medical, can't say one bad thing about the place .................... so far
  11. is that two jail terms that you should have got if you hadn't fled with the loot
  12. just as well they don't have wheels
  13. so she went to police basically saying her life was in danger and is now dead......................................all quite normal - she tripped and fell
  14. very unusual in Thailand the safest tourist HUB and most tranquil country for all to visit this story is missing the usual ................. "Bang" normally and commonly associated with violence here, probably left out to maintain the stellar image
  15. charged with having a full wallet the stupidity in this country is astounding, just as well is doesn't snow here
  16. mirror mirror on the wall who's the ## of them all out of interest what do you see ?
  17. and lets remeber who has been resposible for road safety these last 8 years Mr Prawit - what a great job he has done ...............................not
  18. This fee matters not a jot, what is important is the Thai authorities remember excatly what it was for and stop bitching about unpaid emergency hospital rip offs, it is a huge ammount of money when measured against its supposed purpose, most tourists that get injured here - it is generally not their fault - Thailand is a dangerous place and with poor enforcement of standards including safety - many foreigners become victims caught up in those dangers - whether it is in transport/roads or building safety .........................not their fault
  19. feeling guilty ? if you really want to make a difference then expose the huge corruption that you are fully aware of ............................. life threatening I know - just do it
  20. how about abuse of power self enriching and corruption Thailand right now follows a very similar path to Russia - a huge amount of people unusually rich - source of their huge earinggs hidden and uninvestigted, maybe not as obvious but if someone was tasked to look at it - just as corrupt if not worse
  21. what a pile of garbled con words that say absolutely nothing, the first part almost describes Thailand backing Russias invasion and the second part leans towards Thaind backing the international response total hogwash
  22. was this stuff that he actually paid for and fitted like aircon units etc I noticed something similar taking place on a building near BigC in Pattaya-the building was not unlike this one, over several weeks all aircon units were removed and likely other stuff too
  23. this could have been an accumulating bill over the 4 days, bars will do that if they know the customer well enough, speculation on my part but would make more sense
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