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Everything posted by smedly

  1. 1. Allowing mass gathering events over the new year 2. Not allowing all bars and reastaurants to open causing mass overcrowding 3. Promoting travel across the country
  2. strange fact but true Many are killed every year from people firing guns in the air, a falling bullet at terminal velocity (about 200mph) can be quite lethal if it hits you on the head
  3. sounds to me like he got infected in Thailand, this is what happens when there is no mass testing going on, the virus could be rampant and you will only find out when someone gets sick, out of all the people involved in this, the only person very recently and extensively tested is the foreigner, logic tells me - it didn't originate with him
  4. many have fallen victim to this sort of crime, what is different here is that this crook was a representative of K Bank and selling none existant investment products to customers on bank premises and openly lying and stealing their money, K Bank needs to return the money and this crook needs to go to jail
  5. ask any one of them to explain why they are doing something and you will be met with a blank confused expression that would make Stan Laurel look like a genius - they simply have no clue
  6. I predicted weeks ago that they would need to open things up in Pattaya because a few hundred extra people would cause serious overcrowding, now we have a similar situation even though there are more venues open it is still centralised around a small area in central Buakoew, with the arrival of several thousand people we are back again with serious overcrowding - this idea of limited opening is causing a bigger problem than it is trying to solve, I have said over and over - either fully open up or stay shut, this half way open is just stupid nonsense Can you imagine a city in the UK with 600,000 people and nightlife venues of say 200 and the local authorities deciding that only 10 can open up to accept customers - what is going to happen. This stupidity of restaurants allowed to open and bars are not would only happen in ### Thailand - Prayuth and his merry band of genius generals should take a walk down soi buakoew at 8pm and see the monstrosity they have created with their stupid rules - either fully open up or don't - #### or get off the pot
  7. impossible, so Thailands approach will be the don't test and hope for the best - an approach that might actually work this time considering emerging data from other countries, the only possible issue I can see is how many of those vaccinated involve the Chinese vaccines - that could throw a huge spanner in the works and see hospital admissions rise on a scale not seen yet
  8. and what was so special about 2010 .............................................. better not mention that one Right now unlike in the west were governments have spent huge sums on supporting workers and employers and where highly expensive welfare systems exist - Thailand has no such thing - there have been plenty of approved emergency budgets with no evidence of what it was spent on (I have my own thoughts on where most of it went), the bottom line is that household debt is huge and Thais are on the brink which equals lack of consumer spending and without a massive influx of foreign tourists it will continue, I actually do not believe Thailand can recover from this - they could try increasing taxes etc but all that does is drive the poverty level higher - IMO Thailand is up the creek without a paddle and the signs are just stating to show
  9. agree, every covid case detected around the world over the last 2 years has always been due to an international arrival except for where is started - the country of origin CHINA
  10. I agree, based on data from other countries you cannpt have just 200 odd cases of this variant but they are not going to find the true numbers because they only perform very selective testing, as usual the public will have to guess the spread based on something other than Thailands testing or rather lack of, we will just have to assume that it is spreading fast silent and unobserved, it would be interesting to know how many people are coming down with what appears to be a bad cold = we are not going to find that out from government testing,
  11. I would be willing to put money on it that he had his face buried in a mobile phone - yes his brakes failed - failed to stop him in time when he actually got round to using them
  12. I wonder if he himself actually believes the constant ### that he spouts or even worse - he thinks everyone else does. I get a cold Shiver every time I set eyes on this plonker
  13. this raises a very big ugly question mark over Thailand's ability to test for covid especially in Bangkok or is there a scam at play
  14. exactly, it might be different if they were to cancel existing issued passes but that is not what they are doing
  15. let me alter the last that last sentence but COVID-19 spreading measures will be stepped up.
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