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Posts posted by loonodingle

  1. For all this chat has anybody done anything at all. Contacted police or MP or anything?

    I have made a donation to the defense team and intend to make another on pay day.

    I sent an email to England to ask about David inquest.

    I post everyday to help keep this in the news for the b2 to get support from people more financially able than myself. In my holiday I intend to go visit them. ?what have you done ?

    I think you should be writing to the big UK tabloids asking that they they put up a substantial standing offer for rights to the exclusive story of anyone -- Thai, Burmese, farang, whomever -- who can provide credible substantive evidence to bust this thing wide open.

    So one person has listed something of substance and one person advises him what else to do. But offers nothing himself.

    For the 2500 plus comments that's it?

    Any more coming forward...

  2. I am scared to pursue this now after the french ie. I think we must stop. People are dying.

    Don't stop - pursuing the real criminals in this case. It's not just about justice for the victims. It's not just about the victims' families aiming to find closure. It's about trying to put some very dangerous punks on Ko Tao away for a long time. Even if we don't personally know the next victims, if we care about youngsters in general, it's incumbent for us to continue to try and unravel what happened at that crime and afterwards. I interact with hundreds of farang backpackers each year. They're all fine folks. Any one of them could have been (or may be in the future) victims of crazed Thai killers. If there's anything I can do to preclude that, I will.

    Gotta laugh ? right then back to the job at hand. A timeline of all suspects⏳?

    But let me just tell each and every one of you right now.☝

    If anything happens to me "ever" IT IS NOT A SUICIDE. ?


    The way you was talking it wouldn't surprise me if you gave up life and swung in a forest when you visit Kho Tao next time.

  3. I am scared to pursue this now after the french ie. I think we must stop. People are dying.

    Don't stop - pursuing the real criminals in this case. It's not just about justice for the victims. It's not just about the victims' families aiming to find closure. It's about trying to put some very dangerous punks on Ko Tao away for a long time. Even if we don't personally know the next victims, if we care about youngsters in general, it's incumbent for us to continue to try and unravel what happened at that crime and afterwards. I interact with hundreds of farang backpackers each year. They're all fine folks. Any one of them could have been (or may be in the future) victims of crazed Thai killers. If there's anything I can do to preclude that, I will.


    i would advise not clicking any link like this as it is possibly an IP tracker. Most probably.

  4. Next week the UK coroners reports and hearings commence i believe. Might be interesting or not but it should be something at least.

    Which date are you talking about.

    The date of the 6th for hannah has been postponed. We dont know date of David.


    The Inquest for Hannah is not on the 6th. It's a case review as it's incomplete. They will set a new date. That's direct from coroners office. I called them.

  5. Just me and I know I come across too strong sometimes but it really isn't the people who don't believe --- many things despite the known "facts" that I just don't buy or think something isn't right. I just get irked, and I probably shouldn't, when I think people are spreading disinformation and going to desperate measures to support a conspiracy. It never is, "wonder if there is anyway he could have got somebody to fake those videos showing him at his apartment" ... instead it is "many experts have claimed the videos are fake" ... when in reality only unknown social media folks make such claims.

    While I don't trust police, here or anywhere, but especially in a less developed country where they are paid peanuts and almost need bribes to survive ... there are a number of reasons why I do believe they have the right people heading to trial and one of the big ones is it would take a very well planned and large conspiracy to have their semen be in the victim. There are other reasons too but that is one of the big ones. But again, if people think something is fishy or things don't add up or just have a gut feeling it is wrong, that is understandable to me. I just can't handle the wild theories presented as being plausible when they are anything but.

    But more importantly is --- i actually speak like you wrote sometimes to communicate better with Thai friends and families and joke with then I now know how to speak Thai.

    it would take a very well planned and large conspiracy to have their semen be in the victim.

    We are on opposite sides on whether the Burmese kids are guilty, but I agree with you there. I believe the DNA results have been tampered with, but not by planting semen. Those doing DNA testing of samples do not know the source of those samples. They just test them and return the results. It is how those reports are correlated back to the original source, and the opportunity to modify records where the tampering is most easily done, requiring only a few key individuals to be involved.

    One thing that's concerned me Is when they have said we don't remember anything we was to drunk.

    That shook my faith. That doesn't sit well with me. I can drink like a fish gallons literally over a long session and I never forget everything. Maybe I am an alkee? ?? But It is not a good response.

  6. JTJ Wiki of Thailand.

    Well as I said. My Thai Wife and her mates all sat here reckon he is doing this because he do wong. Vely wong.. Sorry cant write Thai but that's how they speak.. In Fact one of them just came back from there.... a lot of people have a good idea what happened but they do not want speak out against a family with power. This vely stong famileee. U no speak u speak u die shure. Sorry tahts my translation again.

    PS - you get a like cause the accent made my smile

    LOL... It was my best Thai translation that could add a picture to my words.

    You know John everyone has an opinion and unfortunately because of the lack of cooperation between the UK and the Thai Government the Family of both Victims are short changed.

    To have all us keyboard warriors ranting on wouldn't help their grief if they knew. I hope they don't.

    I feel this case will never reach a conclusive result everyone can agree on. It's a terrible shame.

    Our politicians are spineless.

    Just me and I know I come across too strong sometimes but it really isn't the people who don't believe --- many things despite the known "facts" that I just don't buy or think something isn't right. I just get irked, and I probably shouldn't, when I think people are spreading disinformation and going to desperate measures to support a conspiracy. It never is, "wonder if there is anyway he could have got somebody to fake those videos showing him at his apartment" ... instead it is "many experts have claimed the videos are fake" ... when in reality only unknown social media folks make such claims.

    While I don't trust police, here or anywhere, but especially in a less developed country where they are paid peanuts and almost need bribes to survive ... there are a number of reasons why I do believe they have the right people heading to trial and one of the big ones is it would take a very well planned and large conspiracy to have their semen be in the victim. There are other reasons too but that is one of the big ones. But again, if people think something is fishy or things don't add up or just have a gut feeling it is wrong, that is understandable to me. I just can't handle the wild theories presented as being plausible when they are anything but.

    But more importantly is --- i actually speak like you wrote sometimes to communicate better with Thai friends and families and joke with then I now know how to speak Thai.


    I wish they had of allowed the British to verify the DNA. They didn't. That logically raises doubts.

    The fact that they do not appreciate the importance of this to the family, friends, tourists and everyone else I forgot to mention is disturbing to me. If I was in charge I would be very forthright in my approach. Not this charade that's played out.

  7. JTJ Wiki of Thailand.

    Well as I said. My Thai Wife and her mates all sat here reckon he is doing this because he do wong. Vely wong.. Sorry cant write Thai but that's how they speak.. In Fact one of them just came back from there.... a lot of people have a good idea what happened but they do not want speak out against a family with power. This vely stong famileee. U no speak u speak u die shure. Sorry tahts my translation again.

    PS - you get a like cause the accent made my smile

    LOL... It was my best Thai translation that could add a picture to my words.

    You know John everyone has an opinion and unfortunately because of the lack of cooperation between the UK and the Thai Government the Family of both Victims are short changed.

    To have all us keyboard warriors ranting on wouldn't help their grief if they knew. I hope they don't.

    I feel this case will never reach a conclusive result everyone can agree on. It's a terrible shame.

    Our politicians are spineless.

    • Like 1
  8. Now that a Frenchman has been found hanged with his hands tied behind his back, the indications are foul play (you don't say). If he indeed was murdered, possibly by the same gang, it is more likely that Nomsod (who is now a monk) is only a possible witness, rather than taking an active part in Hannah and David's deaths. Or he could be completely clear, but I don't think so as his actions throughout have been highly suspicious.

    You do realize he is not a monk or becoming a monk right? You can't be this far removed from Thai Culture can you? If so ask a Thai, if you know one, about the tradition for young Thai males to take time off stay at temple for a number of weeks. While they are called samaner while there since they are studying, it is not a commitment or even a desire to enter monkhood .... assuming you have been duped by Facebook or other less than less than credible source with an agenda if you really believe he has become a monk

    Is it true that some people who have committed crimes in Thailand become monks as a form of atonement. #

    That's what my Thai wife just told me.

    Do you dispute that JTJ?

    Are you just asking a completely non relevant question out of boredom or are you trying to perpetuate an untruth since I am unaware of anyone involved in the case becoming a monk or trying to become a monk especially not Nomsod.

    Edit: Not to get to far off topic here as I was simply pointing out Nomsod is not becoming nor is he a monk but atonement in Buddhism is about forgiving others for wrongs they've done to you and not about atonement or forgiveness of ones own's wrong doings.

    JTJ Wiki of Thailand.

    Well as I said. My Thai Wife and her mates all sat here reckon he is doing this because he do wong. Vely wong.. Sorry cant write Thai but that's how they speak.. In Fact one of them just came back from there.... a lot of people have a good idea what happened but they do not want speak out against a family with power. This vely stong famileee. U no speak u speak u die shure. Sorry tahts my translation again.

    • Like 2
  9. draftvader, on 03 Jan 2015 - 13:49, said:draftvader, on 03 Jan 2015 - 13:49, said:
    MJP, on 03 Jan 2015 - 13:43, said:MJP, on 03 Jan 2015 - 13:43, said:

    Jabis, my memory is getting frail, but did I not recently read that there was a witness to the recent Koh Tao murders and that this was a Frenchman?

    Or am I imagining that?

    No, I saw something. However it was just a post on here and I wasn't too sure whether something had been lost in translation as there was no source quoted. Maybe somebody can correct.

    Some early reports on the Koh Tao murders of Witheridge and Miller referred to Sean McAnna as a Frenchman. This was later corrected to Scotsman. It was during the reporting of the minimart incident when Sean was being chased by the island "mafia" and threatened with hanging. He posted photos of the two men concerned to his facebook and said something like: "if I die tonight, they did it". Those same reports also claimed that this same "Frenchman" had taken a photo of the victims having an argument with locals in the AC bar. All very confusing, I'm afraid.

    Worth mentioning that,

    • The report about the Frenchman being (present tense) in protective custody was reported in the media on Sep 23. Sean left Koh Tao on Sep 22.
    • Sean denied ever being in protective custody. Indeed, he accused the police of abandoning him to his fate in his room. (Sean fled into the Jungle for a few hours for safety.)
    • The report says that the photo's were on the Frenchman's phone. Sean took photos on a borrowed phone.
    • Sean denies having told the police that he saw any argument in the bar. Indeed, he claimed to have been asleep in his room at the time.

    There are probably other discrepancies that I have forgotten. Either the original media report was farcically poor, or the police story that they had just confused Sean's nationality is highly questionable.

    If anyone believes he fled in the jungle my names Ian Paisley and I am having T with the Pope in heaven......... Seriously

    Yeah they are goner kill me by hanging me from a tree. So I run in the trees. LOL.... the guy is a blagger.

  10. Now that a Frenchman has been found hanged with his hands tied behind his back, the indications are foul play (you don't say). If he indeed was murdered, possibly by the same gang, it is more likely that Nomsod (who is now a monk) is only a possible witness, rather than taking an active part in Hannah and David's deaths. Or he could be completely clear, but I don't think so as his actions throughout have been highly suspicious.

    You do realize he is not a monk or becoming a monk right? You can't be this far removed from Thai Culture can you? If so ask a Thai, if you know one, about the tradition for young Thai males to take time off stay at temple for a number of weeks. While they are called samaner while there since they are studying, it is not a commitment or even a desire to enter monkhood .... assuming you have been duped by Facebook or other less than less than credible source with an agenda if you really believe he has become a monk

    Is it true that some people who have committed crimes in Thailand become monks as a form of atonement. #

    That's what my Thai wife just told me.

    Do you dispute that JTJ?

  11. Headlines we might (like to) see in not-too-distant future:

    >>> Ko Tao Residents Form Own 'Citizens Protection Force' To Replace RTP.

    subitle: claim they've lost trust for police, who are in Mafia-like family's pocket.

    >>> Surat Thani Residents Sue To Withhold Police Salaries

    subtitle: Assertions fly that police are not doing the jobs they're paid and trained to do.

    >>> Two Burmese Suspects, Let Out of Prison After 12 months, Sue Police For False Imprisonment

    >>> CCTV Footage From AC Bar Proves Altercation

    subtitle: On Night Of Ko Tao Murders, once-hidden video shows relatives of Headman harassing Brit who didn't survive the night

    LOL....you cant beat a sense of Humour.


  12. You could also check all the control tower records in the area to see if there were any charter helicopters operating in the area that morning. And if there were no charter helicopters operating in the area that morning, that could just mean that all the control tower records have been 'cleansed'.

    ...and check whether he had a police escort from Chumpon. Shouldn't be too difficult...

    Guys, Nobody in Thailand who has any clout is going to check anything. The Police or prosecution. No Native Thai is speaking out despite the students spreading rumours on social media about Nomsod.

    Thats Fear or Favour for you.

    The people who can do something is the UK government who can protest. The defence who can counter their arguments. And then any foreigner who has the balls to speak out. It doesn't help when we see foreigners swinging from a rope though. Connected or not. Its a reminder why Sean McAnna was pooping himself because of what he knew. Genuine fear etched over his face. It was oozing from his pores like a man waiting to go to the electric chair. Calling his mother and sister, using every method he could to let the outside world ( Outside Koh Tao) he was about to meet his maker.

    Why though..... He wasn't there was he. he told us he was in bed sick. Oh well lets all believe it was a random choice.... We believe you Sean McAnna... Not!!! ...............Tw@t









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  13. MAT representative Kyaw Thaung reconfirmed the testimony the legal team had been told. “After finishing the beer and cigarettes, Maung Maung said he told his two friends he was leaving, but they insisted on having more to drink, so he went back to the room and got an extra bottle of alcohol and took it to them. That was all around 1am,” he said.

    “Maung Maung said he then went to see his girlfriend and did not return until 5am.”

    According to Kyaw Thaung: “Maung Maung said he woke them up and asked them, ‘Where is the guitar?’ at which point one of the pair indicated it was in AC Bar [where the British couple, Hannah Witheridge and David Miller, had been drinking with friends the night before]. Maung Maung said he then went to AC Bar to look for the guitar and his sandals, ‘because they were expensive – 350 baht’, he said.


    The above is not much help, sorry. Seems it was after five and sometime before the bodies were found that Maung went to get guitar.

    The question that's come into my head now after re reading reports is why was the guitar at the AC bar?

    It sounds as if the guitar must have belonged to Maung Maung (hence his concern about going back to get it). If there was only one guitar, which we are led to believe, then he must have left it with the other two and one of these other two must have taken it to the AC bar before they went home to bed. Why would they do this? Why not take it home with them. Or alternatively someone else took the guitar off them and left it at the bar. If so, why would someone do this?

    I don't think Maung Maung is guilty but I do think he was possibly a witness to the crime or to someone involved with the crime.

    If one of the men took the guitar back to the bar then someone would have seen them. And the men may have seen things happening that made them want to get home and hide under their bed covers.

    Funny that, that at the trial they claimed they were too drunk to remember anything, but back then they remembered were they left the guitar.

    That has been the one thing that has given me doubt.............. That exact sentence.............. We where to drunk to remember......... That's not a good thing to say.

  14. We could all rondevue down at kt next week. Take measurements of the distance. These are the distances we will collect.

    B2 guitar playing to their room.

    Muang room to girlfriend.

    Mon room to beach.

    Beach to foreigner hotel.

    Csi did show a map with some of the locations of the bars and Hannah hotel. But I am interested in the location of rooms of all the suspects.

    Let's start an accommodation line ?

    Mon stays at ?

    Cop stays at ?

    Chris cooper stays at ?

    Tom stays at ?

    Sean stays at ?

    Muang stays at ?

    Muang girl stays at ?

    B2 stay at ?

    Foreigner stays at ?

    Old man stays at ?

    Plus walking distance time from beach. "Fast walking"?

    LOL .......... With our ThaiVisa T Shirts on.....

    I picked up the Number 9 Footballer who shook Davids hand is dead as well on Koh Tao. Not sure if true. Someone mentioned it in a conversation with CSI.

  15. again regardless of the "evidence" - or the opinion of the family, the trial is too tainted by procedural faults and prejudicing leaks and announcements by the authorities...it no longer matters whether or not they are guilty they can't have a fair trial........this would of course include any sentencing.

    Quite frankly I would have thought it obvious that the announcement that the family think the evidence is convincing is now one of the key prejudicial factors......a farce from beginning to grisly end.

    You're right. Obvious. Case dismissed.

    Look On The Positive side.

    The judge has given the defence plenty of time. He refused certain witnesses for the prosecution. (I believe) He is in the spotlight possibly so he wants to be sure?

    You cant just through your hands in the air and say F Kit we are goner loose. Karma my friend Karma. There's going to be possibly a year of this. Further more the pressure will be applied again on the UK Government and the Thai officials to do this properly. They have Egg on their face since that letter was made public.

    Reprieve have got a grip of this. As well as many other concerned people. Its not just all us keyboard warriors

  16. Look carefully at the video. Nomsod is entering the door from the lift area. View the video several times from the beginning. It does not demonstrate Nomsod's innocence, but I cannot see anything to suggest the CCTV is obviously tampered with.

    The point is you can turn the date on and off just like your camera.

    You watched a recording not the original.

    The point is we are fed what they want us to believe. People are gullible. Even the UK government only got caught out when the Met Police replied to reprieve. We all sat here thinking Mr Cameron... u r a gr8 guy. Standing up for citizens. Getting things done for the family's. We have all been sitting waiting to see something wonderful from it.

    Nearly forgot

    And are you saying he is walking out or in. Either way where is his bag for Uni.

    The point is you can turn the date on and off just like your camera.

    Do you have a reliable source that identifies the CCTV system in use? On some systems, the date/time is embedded with the video, and while it can be hacked, this is not so easy for several hours of video on multiple cameras (which is what the Thai PBS journalists viewed). On others, it is stored separately and can trivially be altered.

    The point is we are fed what they want us to believe. People are gullible.

    I am alive to that danger. It is very important to keep an open mind and consider all possibilities (including that the Thai PBS journalists were paid to produce a false report). However, that cuts both ways. The CCTV is not obviously fake.

    And are you saying he is walking out or in. Either way where is his bag for Uni.

    We see him leaving his room, entering the lift, exiting from the lift and entering the lobby area. He is not carrying a bag. Perhaps he has a locker at the university and had no need to carry anything. My guess is that he was not going to the university. He may have been going to breakfast.

    Keep an open mind and see if we can prove this one way or another.

    Tim whats to say they didn't just reset the date for a few hours hit save onto the hard drive and hey presto theres ya film. It will be recording simultaneously all cams I believe.

    But the point is where there is a will there is a way from taking a picture and letting an 8 year old Photoshop it in 5 mins 2 times. date and day to rerecording a day. its not hard. Change the date leave it on and save it.

    I am not saying they done this but we don't know. What we do know and there was evidence somewhere that the father said he had to go back in a hurry as he had exams. Then it changed.?? make of that what you will.

  17. I have numerous times viewed the CCTV video at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l4Z1zEjDj7I#t=160 (Thai PBS report actually starts at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l4Z1zEjDj7I#t=101) and I just cannot see the issue. Can you explain what is dubious about the door that I am missing.

    What I am getting from the still is that one arrow is highlighting the bottom of the door on the left to show it is open. The other arrow is pointing to the red band in the glass door (which I assume is a safety thing). The red band appears to remain there even though the sliding door seems to be open. Can't see what else the arrows would be highlighting. What that signifies is beyond me.

    I Had trouble with the door but then I realised it swings and the thing you are seeing on the left side is not that door. I did have trouble with it but then the penny dropped. Study it and you will see.

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