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Posts posted by loonodingle

  1. Sean McAnna completely refusing to comment is ridiculous. Or Gianni DiLupo whatever that nonce is calling himself these days.

    What can you expect from a thing who takes pleasure in child porn. He is sat in Milan with his Italian buddys I bet they don't know his history. Still maybe someday someone will post his details to his friends pages and he will be shunned.

    credits to Daily Record. Information in public domain



  2. Virtually everybody has a mobile phone, surely looking at phone activity my hold some clues.

    I bet the perpetrators made a call to at least one person after the murder...

    How many boat owners got a call in the early hours? and then their phone signal was registered within two or three hours on the mainland or Samui?

    surely there must be software/systems available to detect from the phone companies records any phone that was on the island at the time Hannah and David was seen alive and appeared on the mainland or Samui before the first ferries.


    No one in power wants to look M8. Not at the CCTV not at anything that wouldn't support their theory.

    Sit back and wait for the next round. You will see some revelations coming that will shake the RTP to the core

  3. The other thing that bothers me from the NS supporters is they like to say NS had a girlfriend at the time, so he wouldn't need to rape...... That's that Thai logic getting them screwed at every turn.

    NS lives in Bangkok. He comes from a wealthy family. I am sure he could easily find many single girls at university, who would want to latch on some of his wealth, or he could easily pay for it.

    But since you keep suggesting he is a rapist then why not do that in Bangkok, and were he lives? Why would he come out to an Island on a weekend, and where his Father, Uncle, and perhaps other family members have a vested interest in Tourism, to do this? That a crime like this would hurt tourism, and thus hurt his family. He is a university student so surely he would know this before hand.

    You posted here what you think is Thai Logic and like you are some professional with this, and speaking for all Thai's, which I doubt you are Thai. So let me make it easy for you and give you some Good Old Fashioned American Logic.

    "You don't bite the hand that is feeding you!"

    Nope..no farang girl would be interested in him.

    now you are touching on the psychology and motive behind this heinous crime, add power and money into the mix and you have narrowed the suspect pool down to a hand full of people thumbsup.gif

    Well, Let's see. Why would someone choose to go home and commit a crime? I don't think that was the intention. I think he went home for a weekend for whatever reason and during his time on the island he felt insulted, slighted, whatever. Now, he knows he's on an island his family controls, 100%... Who's gonna stop him from teaching these tourists a lesson? Nobody, not with Mr. Shark Tooth and Big Ears around.

    Why not do it in Bangkok? Simple, dads power only reaches so far, waaay more empty palms up here to grease.

    Oh, but he's a young rich guy why does he need to rape? Classic rapist apologist thinking. He needs to rape because he like to exert his power over people who he may feel inferior to in some way. Rape isn't about sex, normal sex isn't as big a turn on for a rapists because they're not exerting their power.

    Kind of like how I don't find rape arousing, because it sickens me and any woman who doesn't want to be with me, won't turn me on.

    There are patterns here, garing ugly patterns.

    There is a reason certain people are under a microscope.

    You're average Thai boy gets very little discipline, they're doted over and their mistakes laughed at. How do you think growing up with nobody telling you "No" ... You gain a massive sense of entitlement.

    The kind of entitlement that makes you confident enough to commit a major crime in your family backyard because, Just like your crappy nappies, the maid will be by in the morning to clean things up... While you catch a nap.

    Perhaps she laughed at his tiny Thai winky... whatever happened someone was extremely upset to do what they did..

  4. The whole case centre's around DNA which the police processed in house. They repeatedly refused to allow verification. By the UK police or the Singapore labs or the USA labs and even the Thai Forensic experts. This is the case in a nutshell. So for everyones harping on about this scenario and another just ask yourselves Why? Why did they keep it in house in the highest profile case in Thailands for a decade would tbey do that UNLESS they had something to hide. And thats why I think the B2 are Innocent. That very reason.

  5. Goldbuggy

    How can one respond to someone who after nearly one year doesn't even know who is on trial here? The RPT are not on trial here, nor is Thailand, the people on trial here are 2 Migrant Workers accused of a double Murder, Rape, and Robbery. They are the ones who need defending, and not the RTP. I have no connection to any police force in the world or anyone on this Island, that I did not even know existed a year ago. My opinions are strictly opinions which I try to base mostly on fact and not social media gossip, and my agenda is to shed some light on some twisted facts.

    Your very wrong with this statement. While sure the B2 are on trial so is the RTP and the Thai justice system. Everybody and I mean everybody has a story about extortion and cover ups and graft in these areas. So are you denying that extortion isn't carried out by RTP on a hourly basis and that these same authorities aren't responsible or turn a blind eye to most of the criminal activity in Thailand.

    And as for for the poor workers in Kao Tao and other Islands do you really thing that the powers that be care about them one bit.

    No to them it's just cheap labour from a compromised race who even after employment get deductions and have to pay for so many things that should be taken for granted. You didn't see the Sky reporter live interviewing a Burmese worker on KT. Saying everyone there has to pay to the mafia just to have the right to be there. No, the people running KT don't care one bit about Burmese workers.

    Which makes me ask why would the same powers that be lean so heavily on translators and such like if it was Burmese involved.

    That's illogical in every way.

    This Extortion started in Myanmar, and not in Thailand, when the 2 accused paid good money to someone to be smuggled here and become Illegal Aliens in Thailand in the first place. You can scream and shout at the top of your lungs about Workers Rights,but the reality of it all is they don't have a right to be here in the first place, and thus are not entitled to have Workers Rights. The same as in your country.

    When you start out with shady people in the first place, call them mafia if you like, you are stuck with them until the end. Trafficking in Women, Trafficking with Illegal Alien Workers, is almost the same same my friend. How many women and girls get smuggled over the border for the sex trade in different parts of the world? But the big money always starts in their own country.

    But this is not on trial here. That goes to the World Court. This case is about a Double Murder and Rape of 2 innocent victims and trying to determine without reason doubt who did this.

    Lets see what this retesting of this DNA brings.

    Actually YOU are Wrong.

    One of the accused had papers to work as was not an illegal

    Well actually I can't argue a point based on something I did not see saying he had legal papers, or you not posting a Link to prove it.

    I can tell you from one media report, who I think it was Win, who said he paid good money to come here. I think it was around $500. But I am not going to go back and find it for you.

    I do know that if I jumped in and said to someone that he was wrong I would want and try to prove it with a Link. That is of course if this hadn't been posted here many times before.

    LOL like u post link to back up the sheet you post as well....

  6. Could those of you who were brave enough to view the pictures of Hannah and particularly David confirm that the injuries to him could have been made by the blunt end of a hoe!! From everything I have seen and taken in his injuries were not consistent with a implement like that. I'm sure somebody will confirm or deny the possibility. Thanks

    There was no wound to the back of David's head. There were a couple of wounds on the side of the head, but most of the wounds (similar looking) are on the front.

    To my eyes, the pattern of David's wounds are consistent only with a protracted fight. The wounds do not look consistent with a blunt instrument.

    The only possible explanation I can concoct (and concoct is the word) is that the single blow from behind that incapacitated David and left him to drown in the sea left no mark (being a blow in an area covered by hair from a blunt instrument) and the visible wounds were inflicted by sharp shells or other objects after he fell. Realistically, the RTP story is a load of round objects.

    Tim You are incorrect about the wound. I have PM'd u.

    If anyone wants to see the wounds PM me and I will send them over then u can judge for yourself. Let me know if you want both victims or just David

  7. Could be, at the end of the day its not the prosecutions decision to have her stand witness, its was asked for by the defense, we already know the defense has very significant new evidence to present to the court at the right time, perhaps it will coincide with this. Currently I trust the defense teams decision to ask her to stand

    I hope there's not a mistrial declared before the defense have their turn to present what they have. It wouldn't surprise me if charges are dropped just before Sept. 1st, when the defense get their turn at bat. By that time, the prosecution and RTP will already have made such a mess of things, that the court probably won't want to see officialdom suffer any more. A 'coup de grace' if you will, to put them out of their self-orchestrated misery.

    I'd like to see what the defense has, and care not a whit about alleviating the gross loss of face the RTP and prosecution are bringing upon themselves - particularly if it might lead to RTP being more professional (and less inclined to finger scapegoats) in the future. And I'm not sorry if they make less money by being honest.

    But they need to have someone found guilty of this crime, so it is very possible these 2 were to be found guilty no matter what.

    If they're found not guilty it means finding the actual culprits which i just can't see happening.

    It would not surprise me one bit if they turned up dead in their cells. End of case and a result for the Polee. Face saved.

  8. http://www.irrawaddy.org/burma/respected-thai-forensics-specialist-criticizes-koh-tao-murder-investigation.html

    CHIANG MAI, Thailand — One of Thailand’s most well-known forensic pathologists, Dr. Porntip Rojanasunan, has criticized the Thai police investigation that led to the arrest of two Burmese migrants for the murder of two British tourists on Koh Tao last month.

    Porntip, who is director-general of the Central Institute of Forensic Science, told the Manager news agency that the investigation into the murders of Hannah Witheridge, 23, and David Miller, 24, on Koh Tao in Thailand’s Surat Thani province, was weak and the results not fully trustworthy as police did not involve forensic specialists at the crime scene.

    She added that since the police force handled the investigation on their own, the Thai public doubted the outcome of the case.

  9. Apologize if this has been posted before but this is the first time I've seen an extra day added to the trial and we also have confirmation that Dr Pornthip will attend for the defense.

    SURAT THANI — The head of Thailand's Central Institute of Forensic Science will testify in defense of two Burmese men accused of killing two British backpackers in southern Thailand last year.

    Judges ruled on Friday to add an additional day to the trial to allow for CIFS director Pornthip Rojanasunand to take the witness stand at Koh Samui Provincial Court on 11 September. http://www.khaosodenglish.com/detail.php?newsid=1437793064&section=12

    Just have to wait for certain posters now to come along and discredit her some more..yawn

    She discredited herself by her actions. This is a completely justified claim, as she continues to insist that empty plastic boxes, made in the garden shed of confidence tricksters who are now in an English jail for fraud, work as bomb , drug and human remains detectors, through methods "that science can't explain".

    You can be very convinced that the case against the two Burmese seems flimsy and incompetent, and still be appalled at the calling of such a person as a defence witness.

    There is no discrepancy between wanting the accused in this case to have the best defence possible, and distrusting the objectivity and expertise of one of the defence witnesses. I would not want her defending me, in a case where influence could be brought to bear on her by the people who gave her her job back.

    She is obviously very well qualified, and has been known in the past to step on a few toes when she has felt it to be necessary, but I am inclined to agree with your closing statement. As I have said before on this thread, I consider that independent testing of the DNA should be exactly that. It should be done in another country that has no axe to grind with Thailand, either for political favour, or business deals, and independent of the RTP and the Thai Government in all its shapes and forms. As it stands now, as you quite rightly imply, only one question needs to be asked of Dr Pornthip - "Do you want to keep your job?"

    She has given evidence before in cases against the prosecution regarding murder.


  10. It definatly wasn't a single blow as someone previously on this thread had a mock up showing the numerous injuries on the various parts of his body. It sure wasn't a single blow. In fact having used a hoe on very many occasions very similar to the one shown in the scene of crime pictures I personally have absolutely no idea how the blunt end of said hoe could possibly cause injuries as indicated. I'm looking forward to hearing the leadingThai pathologist but more so the UK guy comment on both victims injuries as there seems to be doubts about both.

    I think we all need to wait for the disclosures from the UK Forensic autopsy.

    I suspect this will be the game changer.

    While I think we would all like this released and used in the trial, I don't think it will ever be released. To my knowledge it was not part of any criminal investigation. Not sure of laws in UK but can't see any reason why they would make this public unless the family agrees to it.

    One can certainly make some logical assumptions due to the UK Police who looked into the case and visited Thailand. One would assume they would have also looked at the UK autopsy before they even went to Thailand to make sure it matched with what Thai police shared with them. Based on the family's statements after the UK police finished looking into the merits of the case, one would have to assume the police saw nothing out of line.

    In statements released through Britain's Foreign Office, the victims' families said they had seen strong evidence against the suspects and expressed confidence in the case.

    "There is a great deal of detail and vast areas of investigative work which has been shared with us," Witheridge's family said in a statement.

    The family of Miller criticised "increasing sensationalism of this story" and said that "speculation" should be suspended until all evidence is made public.

    "The support for the Myanmar suspects has been strong and vocal, but please do not jump to conclusions until you have considered the evidence from both sides in full," Miller’s family said.

    "From what we have seen, the suspects have a difficult case to answer. The evidence against them appears to be powerful and convincing."

    Well JTJ perhaps you should google some things then as u suggest to other posters.

    Lets put a couple of things straight.

    The family has no say as to whether the forensic autopsy results are released to the defence. Having spoken to the coroners Mark who is dealing with the case I think its pretty safe to say that the criteria has been met for disclosure of all the facts found. This will include xray results. A full forensic Autopsy will have taken place.

    I do not know what they say and await with baited breath.

    The 2 family's will without doubt regret their statements made on false information provided to them as its clear there hasn't been a thorough investigation as was suggested. Well clear to me maybe you have your head in the clouds.

  11. Goldbuggy

    How can one respond to someone who after nearly one year doesn't even know who is on trial here? The RPT are not on trial here, nor is Thailand, the people on trial here are 2 Migrant Workers accused of a double Murder, Rape, and Robbery. They are the ones who need defending, and not the RTP. I have no connection to any police force in the world or anyone on this Island, that I did not even know existed a year ago. My opinions are strictly opinions which I try to base mostly on fact and not social media gossip, and my agenda is to shed some light on some twisted facts.

    Your very wrong with this statement. While sure the B2 are on trial so is the RTP and the Thai justice system. Everybody and I mean everybody has a story about extortion and cover ups and graft in these areas. So are you denying that extortion isn't carried out by RTP on a hourly basis and that these same authorities aren't responsible or turn a blind eye to most of the criminal activity in Thailand.

    And as for for the poor workers in Kao Tao and other Islands do you really thing that the powers that be care about them one bit.

    No to them it's just cheap labour from a compromised race who even after employment get deductions and have to pay for so many things that should be taken for granted. You didn't see the Sky reporter live interviewing a Burmese worker on KT. Saying everyone there has to pay to the mafia just to have the right to be there. No, the people running KT don't care one bit about Burmese workers.

    Which makes me ask why would the same powers that be lean so heavily on translators and such like if it was Burmese involved.

    That's illogical in every way.

    This Extortion started in Myanmar, and not in Thailand, when the 2 accused paid good money to someone to be smuggled here and become Illegal Aliens in Thailand in the first place. You can scream and shout at the top of your lungs about Workers Rights,but the reality of it all is they don't have a right to be here in the first place, and thus are not entitled to have Workers Rights. The same as in your country.

    When you start out with shady people in the first place, call them mafia if you like, you are stuck with them until the end. Trafficking in Women, Trafficking with Illegal Alien Workers, is almost the same same my friend. How many women and girls get smuggled over the border for the sex trade in different parts of the world? But the big money always starts in their own country.

    But this is not on trial here. That goes to the World Court. This case is about a Double Murder and Rape of 2 innocent victims and trying to determine without reason doubt who did this.

    Lets see what this retesting of this DNA brings.

    Actually YOU are Wrong.

    One of the accused had papers to work as was not an illegal

  12. A lawyer contracted by the Burmese embassy to defend two Burmese migrants accused of murdering a British couple on the Thai island of Koh Tao said the men confessed to the crimes on Monday, but told the legal team they had been tortured.

    Officials from the Burmese embassy in Bangkok on Monday travelled to the neighbouring island of Koh Samui to meet the two Arakanese migrants who have been remanded in custody pending murder and rape charges. The embassy officials, led by second secretary Htun Aye, were accompanied by Thai and Burmese lawyers, as well as migrant rights activists. The embassy said Zaw Lin and Win Zaw Htun signed over power of attorney to the legal team contracted by the embassy.

    Today, [Zaw Lin and Win Zaw Htun] signed power of attorney to the embassys legal team, said lawyer Aung Myo Thant on Monday. We will try to offer them any assistance we can from a legal perspective.

    Speaking to DVB on Monday, Kyaw Thaung, a representative of the Myanmar Association in Thailand, who attended the interview with the defendants, said, We went to the prison [on Koh Samui] and were allowed to meet with the two freely. They confessed to committing the crime under the influence of alcohol. When asked for further details, they said they bashed the victims two or three times each with the blunt end of a hoe, but not with the sharp end. They said they did it because they were drunk but did not intend to kill the couple.

    From what I saw of what was reported of the Police evidence in court, it was a single blow to the back of David's head. Both statements can't be correct, can they. However, they could both be wrong, couldn't they?

    It definatly wasn't a single blow as someone previously on this thread had a mock up showing the numerous injuries on the various parts of his body. It sure wasn't a single blow. In fact having used a hoe on very many occasions very similar to the one shown in the scene of crime pictures I personally have absolutely no idea how the blunt end of said hoe could possibly cause injuries as indicated. I'm looking forward to hearing the leadingThai pathologist but more so the UK guy comment on both victims injuries as there seems to be doubts about both.

    I think we all need to wait for the disclosures from the UK Forensic autopsy.

    I suspect this will be the game changer.

  13. A lawyer contracted by the Burmese embassy to defend two Burmese migrants accused of murdering a British couple on the Thai island of Koh Tao said the men confessed to the crimes on Monday, but told the legal team they had been tortured.

    Officials from the Burmese embassy in Bangkok on Monday travelled to the neighbouring island of Koh Samui to meet the two Arakanese migrants who have been remanded in custody pending murder and rape charges. The embassy officials, led by second secretary Htun Aye, were accompanied by Thai and Burmese lawyers, as well as migrant rights activists. The embassy said Zaw Lin and Win Zaw Htun signed over power of attorney to the legal team contracted by the embassy.

    Today, [Zaw Lin and Win Zaw Htun] signed power of attorney to the embassys legal team, said lawyer Aung Myo Thant on Monday. We will try to offer them any assistance we can from a legal perspective.

    Speaking to DVB on Monday, Kyaw Thaung, a representative of the Myanmar Association in Thailand, who attended the interview with the defendants, said, We went to the prison [on Koh Samui] and were allowed to meet with the two freely. They confessed to committing the crime under the influence of alcohol. When asked for further details, they said they bashed the victims two or three times each with the blunt end of a hoe, but not with the sharp end. They said they did it because they were drunk but did not intend to kill the couple.

    Could those of you who were brave enough to view the pictures of Hannah and particularly David confirm that the injuries to him could have been made by the blunt end of a hoe!! From everything I have seen and taken in his injuries were not consistent with a implement like that. I'm sure somebody will confirm or deny the possibility. Thanks

    Personally I would say several different instruments had been used. not just a hoe. As well as bite mark and bruising from finger pressure that would have been due to gripping her. Some tissue loss around her mouth area and teeth broken. A possible entry wound on her right cheek and what appear to be shrapnel wounds on her upper chest. There was fine shards of bone splattered around the rock area which could have been caused by the effect of a bullet exiting and carrying tissue and bone with it. These are just my personal opinions and not forensically valid. The top part of her head was almost severed from the eye socker area up and this is what would have been caused by the hoe. Davids injuries are consistent with a stabbing and blunt force. He drowned and didnt die from his injuries. He could have well been over whelmed by force and held under water. This would have needed many hands I would imagine. Not sure how he was stripped and dont think he took a dip as he still has a sock on in one one of the pictures shown with mon in it. You canjust see davids legs.

  14. This is the bulk of the story

    Gaping holes in the investigation into the murders of British backpackers Hannah Witheridge and David Miller in Thailand have forced a judge to doubt it will ever reach a ‘conclusive outcome’.

    The series of police blunders in the investigation against Burmese men Zaw Lin and Wei Phyo has stunned the court on Koh Samui, in the Gulf of Thailand.

    The bodies of Miss Witheridge, 23, and Mr Miller, 24, were discovered in September last year, on Koh Tao Sairee Beach.

    But failures to investigate vital evidence in the case is putting the trial in jeopardy.

    Investigating officer Cherdpong Chiewpreecha revealed the shocking failures of the investigation

    when he appeared in court today.

    The staggering blunders include:

    Failing to confirm whether the mobile phone and SIM card found on the beach belonged to Mr MillerFailing to sufficiently explain apparent discrepancies between the clothing of potential suspects, whose images were caught on CCTVFailing to take into account body measurements of potential suspects when examining CCTV footageNot being present during the collection of crucial DNA evidence, despite being the investigating officer in the case. Colonel Chiewpreecha admitted he had no idea how the DNA was taken and did not know whether the samples had been sent to Singapore for testing.

    What’s more, Colonel Chiewpreecha did not know the whereabouts of a green towel that was found on Hannnah’s body, and claimed that it was not relevant as he believed it was placed on Hannah’s body after it had been discovered.

    The officer said he did not know whether he would have expected the clothes of the suspects to be covered in blood after the violent attack.

    He told the court that he did not know who the garden hoe that police had previously suggested was used to kill the pair belonged to.

    He had to be reminded by the court that a worker from a nearby resort had claimed the hoe, and said it was he who had found it on the beach.

    The officer did also not know who had reported the discovery of the bodies, because the police had not logged the name of the caller.

    He admitted that he also did not know why the son of wealthy Koh Tao business owner, known as the ‘Headman’, who is among the potential suspects, had not been questioned and he did not know why.

    Here is an interesting news report with some new discrepancies:


    The main gist of the article is that almost nothing was investigated and Investigating officer Cherdpong Chiewpreecha knows next to nothing about the case.

    I can understand why the RTP would want to claim no investigation inside AC Bar. If they said an investigation occurred, they would need to answer questions about it. However, some of the points Cherdpong expressed ignorance about were quite unbelievable.

    Is the prosecution trying deliberately to lose? If so, has a deal been struck (maybe even with the Burmese kids themselves) to ensure they are found not guilty if they promise to keep what they know to themselves? Any other possibilities?

    Just an FYI, that site is blocked in Thailand. You can probably copy and paste a paragraph within the story and do a google search to find another site which ran the same story.

  15. I always shake my head when I read something like "These Poor Boys!" "Take a look at them!" "They couldn't hurt a flea"!

    Now let me point out a "Fact" to you all.

    Myanmar, and where these so called "Innocent Boys" come from, has the Highest Murder Rate in all of Asia. All of Asia! The Myanmar Murder Rate is triple what it is in Thailand. Meaning by population for every 1 Murder in Thailand, there are 3 Murders in Myanmar. Thailand's Murder Rate is only slightly higher than the USA. But no small wonder they look at Myanmar Workers first when their is a murder committed nearby.

    So could they commit murder? You bet your bottom dollar they could! And there own Government Statistics proves that and they can back that up.


    Desperate measures from a person who is struggling to stack it up.

    More likely to be killed In the Bahamas. Twice as likely ... doesnt mean you right the whole race off as murderer's. Really that's the most tosh I have read all day.

    You could do with a weeks holiday for your racist comments.

    God give me strength.

    Given the area they come from in Myanmar has seen some of the worst violence in the country and that the army there is widely known to use rape as s means to punish and control, it wouldn't be out of line to consider they have at minimum likely seen a great deal of violence against people.

    You and your racist sidekick could do with a spell in the sin bin. I hope a mods reading your malicious and libelous rants. If your theory was correctly every person who witnesses a murder goes and and kills someone then. Ridiculous absolutely Ridiculous. This thread has sunken to a new low...

  16. I always shake my head when I read something like "These Poor Boys!" "Take a look at them!" "They couldn't hurt a flea"!

    Now let me point out a "Fact" to you all.

    Myanmar, and where these so called "Innocent Boys" come from, has the Highest Murder Rate in all of Asia. All of Asia! The Myanmar Murder Rate is triple what it is in Thailand. Meaning by population for every 1 Murder in Thailand, there are 3 Murders in Myanmar. Thailand's Murder Rate is only slightly higher than the USA. But no small wonder they look at Myanmar Workers first when their is a murder committed nearby.

    So could they commit murder? You bet your bottom dollar they could! And there own Government Statistics proves that and they can back that up.


    Desperate measures from a person who is struggling to stack it up.

    More likely to be killed In the Bahamas. Twice as likely ... doesnt mean you right the whole race off as murderer's. Really that's the most tosh I have read all day.

    You could do with a weeks holiday for your racist comments.

    God give me strength.

    Edit.... And we know the 3 times tables i understand you want us to know you are capable too.

  17. The problem how I see it is they have had a 100,000 plus petition signed and delivered to Number 10 Downing Street. They rattled a few cages and time passed and now the news is chip paper.

    So direct emails asking them to explain themselves would be the best.

    Along with Hugo Swire I called and Emailed Brandon Lewis the MP for Hannah's area. He is friends a near Neighbour of Tony Witheridge living just a few 100 meters up the road. He is also a cabinet minister and has worked closely with Hugo Swire and David Cameron. So a campaign targeted towards him would probably rattle the cage the best.

    I told him one day Brandon you will have to answer for sitting on your hands and doing nothing in the face of overwhelming evidence of a fit up.

    Some emails to the recipients below wouldn't go amiss. It includes the BBC's Louise Priest who's son went to college with Hannah

    In fact this was my last email to him.

    Sent: 09 July 2015 12:15:49 To: [email protected] ([email protected]); [email protected] ([email protected]) Cc: [email protected] ([email protected])

    Afternoon Louise and Brandon,

    Whilst you may of had me down as some nutcase ranting on about the verification of the DNA, it look like the chickens are coming home to roost with the UK Gov's failure to insist on independent verification.

    Further the Sky Reporter's translator has been threatened by the Thai mafia and left the post. 3rd story down on Heidi's feed is a live filming of an interview from the sky guy https://www.facebook.com/heidi.a.zimmerman?fref=ts

    "Thailand backpacker murders: DNA evidence 'lost' - police"



    This needs reposting after the court case, as obviously any MP would not be able to speak out until such a point.

    I would disagree to a point there.

    An individual MP doesn't need to speak out however Diplomatic channels are always open for dialogue between the relevant offices and pressure could well be applied without us knowing it.

  18. Loonodingle,

    You're a star. Well, I'll forget the quantifiable measure and precedent.

    You've just provided the gentleman's contact details.

    Although I'm Aussie of British stock, I'll email a respectful query first perhaps with the question.

    Can a formal petition be written, signed and forwarded to you on behalf of the expat (all nationalities), or Commonwealth and/or British residents current, non current, travelers and business individuals to effect action against the deplorable case at hand, or verdict following the case which sees justice for two of your nationals unresolved?

    Hi Blackfox.

    I think you should email directly to Hannahs MP Brandon lewis and his assistant Justine Duggan as a cc.

    Also Louise Priest who is the local area BBC reporter and her son went to school with Hannah. I myself went to the same schools as Hannah but am several years older so do not know the family personally. In fact I have 2 daughters of the same age bracket and being a father and having daughters who wish to travel the same path as Hannah did (I have stopped them by the way) cant help but want to see justice done.

    You would be subhuman if after seeing the pictures of David and Hannah didn't feel a moral obligation to assist in any way that you can. even if its just an email prompting elected MP's to step upto the plate.

    So please write and call. Every little bit helps I am sure.

  19. Better yet...


    I am not a UK citizen so cannot start a petition.

    But, surely there is someone on this thread who is willing to give it a go.

    I think direct contact as loonodingle suggested is good also there's one already that is supposedly starting again soon https://www.change.org/p/david-cameron-independently-investigate-the-horrific-murders-of-hannah-witheridge-and-david-miller/u/11424663

    The problem how I see it is they have had a 100,000 plus petition signed and delivered to Number 10 Downing Street. They rattled a few cages and time passed and now the news is chip paper.

    So direct emails asking them to explain themselves would be the best.

    Along with Hugo Swire I called and Emailed Brandon Lewis the MP for Hannah's area. He is friends a near Neighbour of Tony Witheridge living just a few 100 meters up the road. He is also a cabinet minister and has worked closely with Hugo Swire and David Cameron. So a campaign targeted towards him would probably rattle the cage the best.

    I told him one day Brandon you will have to answer for sitting on your hands and doing nothing in the face of overwhelming evidence of a fit up.

    Some emails to the recipients below wouldn't go amiss. It includes the BBC's Louise Priest who's son went to college with Hannah

    In fact this was my last email to him.

    Sent: 09 July 2015 12:15:49 To: [email protected] ([email protected]); [email protected] ([email protected]) Cc: [email protected] ([email protected])

    Afternoon Louise and Brandon,

    Whilst you may of had me down as some nutcase ranting on about the verification of the DNA, it look like the chickens are coming home to roost with the UK Gov's failure to insist on independent verification.

    Further the Sky Reporter's translator has been threatened by the Thai mafia and left the post. 3rd story down on Heidi's feed is a live filming of an interview from the sky guy https://www.facebook.com/heidi.a.zimmerman?fref=ts

    "Thailand backpacker murders: DNA evidence 'lost' - police"



  20. This is how it should work.

    Minister for the Far East and South East Asia Hugo Swire should summons the Thai Chargé d’Affaires to the UK, Mr. Nadhavathna Krishnamra, to the Foreign and Commonwealth Office.

    As he done last year.

    Then he tells him that he will increase the travel alert status of Thailand to Do Not Travel. This kicks in some problems with travel insurance etc and people don't go.

    When they get this issue resolved then he resets the status after being confident that crime and justice is a priority of the leaders.

    This a refresher for you all if you have forgotten..


    worth repeating several times.

    I totally agree with you Stephen

    This is how it should work.

    Minister for the Far East and South East Asia Hugo Swire should summons the Thai Chargé d’Affaires to the UK, Mr. Nadhavathna Krishnamra, to the Foreign and Commonwealth Office.

    As he done last year.

    Then he tells him that he will increase the travel alert status of Thailand to Do Not Travel. This kicks in some problems with travel insurance etc and people don't go.

    When they get this issue resolved then he resets the status after being confident that crime and justice is a priority of the leaders.

    This a refresher for you all if you have forgotten..


  21. [

    This is how it should work.

    Minister for the Far East and South East Asia Hugo Swire should summons the Thai Chargé d’Affaires to the UK, Mr. Nadhavathna Krishnamra, to the Foreign and Commonwealth Office.

    As he done last year.

    Then he tells him that he will increase the travel alert status of Thailand to Do Not Travel. This kicks in some problems with travel insurance etc and people don't go.

    When they get this issue resolved then he resets the status after being confident that crime and justice is a priority of the leaders.

    This a refresher for you all if you have forgotten..



    Can the Minister for the Far East and South East Asia, Hugo Swire, be petitioned by British citizens, families of the victims, and general public?

    Is there a quantifiable measure or precedent that could effect this action should the outcome of the trial fail?

    That's failing the two British souls.

    Yes he certainly can.

    His Name is Hugo Swire.

    He is an MP for apart of Devon.

    His Website is http://www.hugoswire.org.uk/

    If you would like to contact Mr Swire, you can do so by:

    - writing to him at House of Commons, London SW1A 0AA

    Tel: 020 7219 8173


    Foreign and Commonwealth Office, King Charles Street, London, SW1A 2AH

    Tel: 020 7008 1500

    - sending him an email

    [email protected]


    [email protected]

    Or Twitter is - https://twitter.com/HugoSwire


  22. I read people imploring the UK government to get involved.

    Beyond asking the question there is little they can do.

    Most countries, UK included, have access arrangements but can only assist in case of emergencies, death, serious illness, war etc.

    It is not feasible or practical to allow foreign police forces to come and investigate a crime in another country.

    If that were the case then policing would descend into farce every time a foreign national was killed with other police forces charging all over the place.

    You can show interest. Ask questions. But that's about it.

    And that has to be right.

    The Foreign office will tell you this. They cannot get involved in solving crime outside of the UK unless specifically asked, just to attempt to alleviate suffering of relatives where they can.

    Now, the Thai police do seem to have made a mess of this in so many ways and I am sure there are those who are staring in disbelief but there's not a lot the UK can do.

    The UK police were 'allowed' to come here of course but maybe only allowed to see what they were shown which might have been not much.

    However we have heard very little since.

    Have they got something?

    We don't know but whilst the UK police themselves have not in some cases been shown to be perfect they are very good at spotting inconsistencies and bad practice.

    My guess is they have got something. The defence team have been informed and advised and we are waiting for the 'hammer to fall' at the appropriate time.

    Interesting things are now being dragged out. Didn't check CCTV at the pier, DNA doubts, no investigation of the rumoured altercation at the bar, clothing on people seen rip inning away onCCTV not matching the Burmese boys may all be questions being suggested by the UK police based just in observation of how the Thai police conducted the investigation.

    I say again 'may'.

    Just in passing about the rumoured altercation. Wasn't there CCTV footage of Hannah leaving the bar pursued by what looked like an irate guy who seemed to be shouting and pointing at her?

    Maybe there was a problem in the bar, a rebuttal of an unwelcome suggestion or advance and she stormed out?

    I can't believe her friends or David's friends have not been interviewed by UK police and if so, well.

    I still think this will end up with the case being thrown out on a technicality.

    Maybe corrupt and unsubstantiated evidence,

    The court is clear. The Thai police let off the hook. The boys freed. Then it can all just go away.

    No 'loss of face' for anyone.

    The aftermath.....

    Hannah and David's families have no closure. The bar is still open. There are still murderers on the loose to do it again, those that have covered it all up free to just carry on and the police allowed to get ready to pursue their next 'investigation'.

    I think this has reached the stage where there can be no satisfactory outcome unless the boys are found unequivocally guilty using verifiable evidence.

    Somehow that looks unlikely.

    My scenario..

    Someone of 'some local influence' tries to pick her up in the bar.

    She refuses and leaves.

    His mates laugh at him and he rounds up friends to go after her.

    They find her on the beach and attack her.

    David, looking for her, hears a girl in trouble and goes to help.

    A couple hang on to her while others, probably at least 3 go after him and kill him, then return to Hannah.

    That makes at least 4-5 involved. Not just 2.

    The principle agitators hop a boat and get out if it.

    The rest, Sorry, don't know anything. Maybe it was those Burmese guys on the beach.

    There are people who know though aren't there.

    Just a thought.

    This is how it should work.

    Minister for the Far East and South East Asia Hugo Swire should summons the Thai Chargé d’Affaires to the UK, Mr. Nadhavathna Krishnamra, to the Foreign and Commonwealth Office.

    As he done last year.

    Then he tells him that he will increase the travel alert status of Thailand to Do Not Travel. This kicks in some problems with travel insurance etc and people don't go.

    When they get this issue resolved then he resets the status after being confident that crime and justice is a priority of the leaders.

    This a refresher for you all if you have forgotten..


  23. Reuters, BBC, SkyNEWS, and 2 freelancers (Mairs and Yuen) among maybe others are reporting from the Courthouse on the island whether from inside or not and none have had their work permits revoked.

    Jonah Fisher (BBC) and Jonathon Samuels (Sky) are not there.

    Read there twitter feeds

    Reuters is there maybe because their correspondent is not dependent upon translators: http://uk.mobile.reuters.com/article/article/idUKKCN0PY0A820150724

    Also the NY Times is not there and has no original copy even though they have a full-time Bangkok Bureau. They have run a couple of AP and Reuters wire stories and I guess maybe -- as they can tell -- not enough people have clicked on the stories for them to cover the story themselves. Maybe the BBC and Sky NEWS are finding the same.

    Could be the case Crabby.

    However I was a bit disappointed Jonathon Samuels didn't show up after his Translator was warned off. On the face off it you could suggest he has seen his backside and didn't want to come back.

    He was there from the initial murder interviewing that Scots Laddy Sean Mcanna who was tracked down to Milan by the newspapers and was extremely angry at having his location disclosed.. not sure why though as his pictures are everywhere on the internet. Sometimes he is Sean Dilupo as well. just stumbled across a poignant moment he was involved in. https://www.facebook.com/PScocktailbeer/photos/pb.520529774704117.-2207520000.1437731851./754952387928520/?type=3&theater

    Bet he didn't think he would see that day when he was being chased around Koh Tao under the threat of death.

    Shame he couldnt turn out for the trial for his friend though. That's the friend he claimed he admired so much he was always the man he wanted to be.

    Still he has a habit of not turning up as well. He allegedly didn't turn up the night he was supposed to be out with David

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