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Everything posted by zzaa09

  1. All this aside, they should be ashamed just for their sheer existence.
  2. You might get a different sense or perspective if reading the book alone without the accompanying film......as most recomposed filming arts/screenplays never do literary justice. Though, giving kudos to where it might be deserved - the oddly shaped and rather esoteric take on Heller's minor opus by way of film was spot on.
  3. Yet, all perfectly accepted and acted upon for decades - as the usual and expected cycles of engaging Thai politics and theatre are commonplace. One really should ask as to why these activities, and the origins/reasons thereof, continue to fill the void of decent and moral behaviour by the same old weary elitist crowd. Protection of the selected institutions is what they do - and will continue so as long as the seemingly revered institutions exist.
  4. Nothing has been mentioned regarding the growing and most dominate sector of self-employment/independent businesses........all of which have little to do with proposed/imposed minimum wage directives.
  5. Might one expect anything less? As this has been the universal manner for ages.
  6. Ain't the modern controlling and dependent age wonderful......
  7. Think big rhetorical.......of the twisted and manipulative variety. Scamming is what they do.
  8. ......and the overall balance of power that the elite have retained forever. The call for a broad revolution should be prime among the population.
  9. Oh dear. If one has to inquire, it's already too late.
  10. This is what oligarchies do - the world over. Keep the masses dumbed down and at bay.
  11. The base inquiry might be a simple one. Whose driving the surface delusion of hope? ....and those aiding the drive - naive circles of media and forums.
  12. This made up importance and obsession of everything tourism is quickly becoming weary.
  13. All of the above. Appears that some are in such a hurry to live their lives, that they completely miss the bigger picture.
  14. Remember the good old days when the military, and other assorted authorities, were the drug trade? I suspect that promotions as this are merely manipulated distractions to put folks off.
  15. Heh.. More than likely comes from this class of Farang that doesn't [and doesn't care to] socialize with the good Thais in any situation - including the vacant ability to speak the language, doesn't partake of local foods, finding the culture and customs to be foreign, etc. ????????
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