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Everything posted by zzaa09

  1. A call for a revolutionary spirit or general collective strike is in order. As in: living one's protest or being the change one would like to see in the world. Nah.....
  2. Or...the sad fact that too many have the inspiring belief that the tourism sector trickles up/down to influence the real economies - as such is repeated loud and often enough. Part and parcel of the extended illusion that most buy into.
  3. Whatever the current fashion might be and more important as to who profits and benefits. Not terribly difficult to figure out the Thainess motives toward any such movements.
  4. ......and then there is the real secret annual budget that no one is aware of. Nothing to see here. Don't attempt to look behind the curtains either.
  5. Let's hear it for free enterprise and free/open/competitive markets. Ain't it grand.....
  6. The sound ideals of independent self-sufficiency making a come back? Adding: knowing how and where to shop might be a clue.
  7. Nothing short of misdirection and distraction that most buy into. Too easy for them, as they consider the dumbed down populations.
  8. Surprised that they don't attach the usual Lese Majeste clause to such claims and accusations.
  9. Agreed. What is really shameful is that the scallywaggery is not recognized as a universal practice the world over.
  10. Shhhhh... Wouldn't want to offend the authoritarian sensibilities, would we?
  11. Be careful as to who you might trust as a news information source.
  12. Might be fair to ask who selects this Constitutional Court life membership? ....or any other special clubs. To be expected, we're distracted by chasing up the wrong tree.
  13. But that's clearly the crux - they won't never mind.
  14. For decades upon decades. And yet, no one seems not to take notice. Oh well.
  15. Yep. Thought this factual content would be quite understood by reasonably intelligent people. Guess not.
  16. Creepingly, quite accepted by those respective numbed populations....
  17. What makes all this illegal and illicit? Does any sound person really know why? ????
  18. This recognition could've easily been coined 2-2.5 years ago. The false and continued narratives have been deeply accepted by most. Almost impossible to recover from.......once the seed was planted.
  19. The Liberal [whatever that is] faction of the same old traditional political machine. No such beast.
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