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Everything posted by zzaa09

  1. Speaking of remaining in the political dog fight and the Move Forward circle, it has sparked my attention that perhaps the old proverbial MV favourite, Thanathorn Juangroongruangkit, can be released from his political banishment [oddly enough wasn't a Supreme Court writ] by the "new" government.....though, still beholding to the old militarism/elitist influence. We'll all recall that the young Pita [et al] was almost a select stand in after the Future Forward Party was dissolved and they found it necessary to reconfigure themselves into what is now the Move Forward/Progressive movement. It's all quite possible that his camp could make a plea to dismiss this order and others that were unjustly and immorally purged from political participation.
  2. Best be cautious and wise as to suggesting outcomes of next election cycles. Tradition has a hold here.....as we clearly witnessed from the last democratic election. More than interesting that Pita and MFP are just a slight blip on the media's radar. Another fashion passed in the wind.
  3. Noting that we've received consistent daily rain throughout September [as of the 20th] up here already than most of July and August. From gazing at future forecasts, the rains will be substantial through mid-October [maybe]. Oddly enough, the klongs are full but the rivers are unusually low for this time of year.
  4. Expect an official full amnesty writ before long - which was already in the works months ago.
  5. Awaiting the next round of false narratives and those extreme types that are easily sold.
  6. The usual distractions and misdirection appear to be looming and absorbed by the masses. Nothing up their sleeves. ????
  7. Noticed it hasn't budged much at all against other prominent currencies of the last several months up to a year.....yet, the U.S. Dollar is showing decline in the same period as it is today - which of course, creates these seemingly false currency fluctuations. It's all manipulated in one manner or another. Part of the dumbed down sleight-of-hand show that we easily accept......and truly has nothing to do with anything [fabricated currency exchange ratings]. What we should be paying attention to is the growing influence of BRICS and the ever present and real downgrading of the U.S. Dollar as a standard currency reserve the world over......all of which is being fast degraded as we speak. Things are changing quickly to the detriment of the traditional Western/Anglophone influence....perhaps for the betterment of the real world. Wouldn't surprise me at all if Thailand and major SE Asian players are integrated into BRICS by the next official gathering of this prestigious body.
  8. Thainess explained and defined by way of the most particular Eurocentric manner and perspectives. Well done all!!! Though, kinda predictable.
  9. Part and parcel of the ongoing theatre. Suckered into the rhetorical trickery that is Shinawatra and very Thai. A modified/partial pardon appears to be in place and should be expecting a full absolution before long. Most need to get over themselves and acknowledge it is what it is. And all live happily ever after. At this time, anything Thaksin shouldn't be point of importance - but instead directing our attention to the newly corrupted government that seem to be in bed with the same folks that they have long loathe [on the surface].
  10. Aside from this, I'm sure there would be considerable differences and perspectives as to what a fair/living wage might or might not be. An item of life that elite legislators cannot relate to. Allow the working class labour market to suss these issues out themselves.
  11. Save your breath. One can never reason with indoctrinated obsessiveness. ....and so it goes.
  12. Perhaps. Though, I've a deeper instinct that they're no better than the others. Thai politics - same bedfellows. Difficult to decipher the promoted delusions of what could've been or what should've been when the clubs remain beholden [of forced to be] to the same loyalties.
  13. As we will soon see, the old adage meet the new boss same as the old boss will come to fruition.
  14. For the discriminating hipster. Preppy is too passe'
  15. Knowledgeable circles certainly aren't. Way ahead of the curve.
  16. As it was planned from the beginning....
  17. They're not finished with the surprises, I'm sure. Expect an even more lenient/modified pardon extension in the coming weeks. One year already served [kind of]......a parole or "house arrest" sort to speak. Guaranteed he will not see time in any facility. That's how it works. The current situations/actions are just for the surface show - going through the intended motions. And all is well with the world.
  18. This elite visa never scam never did get off the ground as they were hopeful it might. Bit of a white elephant all around. Since their ever evolving mindset is obsessed with modifications of visa schemes and overwhelming bureaucracy, we might expect draconian measures - across the board - regarding all visa statuses.....from tourist type to the resident variety. Bet on it. The Thai authorities have been overly preoccupied with how they can bundle visa schemes, since Thaksin's days. Process and procedures have become increasingly malignant over the last couple of decades....almost xenophobic in nature - especially regarding the non-O/O-A/O-X variety and the uttered nonsense it entangles. The mused rumours that the current incoming [mafia] government might see their way of greatly reducing the bureaucratic stranglehold that incumber resident visas is just talk. Appears that all is set in stone and they're not budging. Some of us crustier old hands remember yesteryear when long-tern resident visas and regulations were a breeze and BS-free. Ah.....the good old days.
  19. Indeed. As long as the deeper traditions of influential militarism and the even more influential institutional patronage exist.....the power elite will always be seeking to secure it's place. Within this circle, coups are a way of life and certainly assure [in a rather twisted manner] their rightful space. Remember why the military exist here - or for that matter, why the reasoning and the existence for military anywhere.
  20. Tradition is everything...
  21. .....and this cycled stratagem has been ongoing for decades. The old adage holds true: the more things change the more they stay the same. With or without the rhetorically-based analysis and reasoning. Trickery is too easy.
  22. Goes without saying. Shouldn't surprise that too many weren't able to reason out the reality, especially the gullible. This hospital stay is a bit of a ruse and all part of the show to distract and assist the transitional mindset that an official absolution has been extended. The basic strategy and manipulation was quite clever, actually. .....and the Shinawatras will return to influential string pulling within the new allied coalition. It is what it is. Live with it.
  23. Could be worse. At least DoubleG offers an esoteric and eccentric display of subject matter and commentary, adding diversity within a venue that is overwhelmed with blind homogeny, monotony and banality. Keep on keeping on, Gamma.
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