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Everything posted by zzaa09

  1. Assured, they'll make up figures as it suits and befits their larger than illusion existence. Simply have to examine TG's unsavoury practices and history and the long time principles involved. Very similar as to how mafia gets on with their business.
  2. Disconnected Farang waiing other disconnected Farang. Seemingly.....a great paradox. Or not.
  3. Let's all celebrate the romancing and championing of all things American militarism!!!! 😉😍
  4. And then....that is questionable as well. Allow the Thai culture to be Thai, instead of the dreamy state that wishes such to be something else that doesn't fit well. That old Eurocentric adage: Reflective of us, in our image has never worked well in non-European societies.
  5. Remember who pulls the strings in almost all instances. Free, fair and non-intervention elections, indeed. When has this ever happened. Only in the dream state.
  6. Yep. Think the magic wore away some time ago - for most folks that were at one time under the spell. They might have new invented heroes today......whoever they might be.
  7. As some factions have been attempting to do for decades, with little results to show - just perpetuates more hardships on the general populations. The greater feature to this scenario is that the overwhelming percentage [as a collective] of the population doesn't wish to be involved [directly/indirectly] in rebellious movements and seemingly, the only manner in which to overthrow these successive and manic Juntas would be by a majority movement of sorts. And then.....besides these passive actions, the opposing para-military revolutionary groups have never really unified for a common cause. Splintering causes don't come together as one. The crux. Overall, the regional and international political bodies - ASEAN and the UN - have shown little interest and display great indifference to the decades long Burmese oligarchy. Rhetorical and weak diplomatic language means nothing, all of which they've granted a green light for the generational Junta to continue on as they always have.
  8. Hmmmm..... Imagine that. Happens every year. Whether it's blessed and sanctioned officially or not. Nature isn't political that we know of.
  9. This has all curiously evolved over the last couple of years....the seemingly regrouping of the Shinawatra circle. If not Thaksin and Yingluck themselves, who will more than likely act as influential figureheads, but more to pointing and promoting Thakky's offspring as future leaders in one capacity or another. Expecting a new political party to be formed and brandishing something along those lines....disassociating with the relations of the old Shinawatra-centric political attachments. The odd irony being of the almost witch hunt atmosphere and forced disbanding, over the years, of the Future Forward and now the Move Forward folks [and all associations] and the reprieve/rise of the once shamed Shinawatras - as the ever patient military sides wait in the shadows. Such speculative theories and scenarios could easily be debated and call out, but wouldn't surprise some if their associated rise from the ashes has great impact on future Thai political discourse. Just an observation.
  10. The Shinawatra's are back. It's official and duly blessed. Just go with it.
  11. Everything you know has it's origins in Asia and other ancient locales.
  12. Awaiting the next election [if there is one]. Should be fun.
  13. Real secure guys don't need to design tales of such exploits. Is this an Occidental thing?
  14. Who in part receive their marching orders from a higher influencer. As it's always been. Same as it ever was.
  15. Who's pulling the strings behind the curtain?
  16. In the long of it, would be much wiser for Thailand and ASEAN to require Myanmar into real diplomatic discourse regarding humanitarian/civil change instead of dragging their feet and ignoring the regional crises as they have for decades.
  17. More ways than what might be understood or discussed. Perhaps this was the plan from the elites all along. Oh well.... Could be worse.
  18. Yep. The usual and predictable manipulative distractions and misdirection techniques on display. The dumbed down come outta the woodwork.
  19. Indeed. Goes without saying. Though, I'm sure that too many will miss these realities. In most of these like circles.....that's all they know, thrive to keep company with their own kind. I'll pass, thanks.
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