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Everything posted by zzaa09

  1. Largely, this particular mindset stems from the very basic tool of manipulated propaganda - repeated long, often and loud enough....all becomes real and true. Most are suckered into it without critical, questioning or challenging thought - as it's much more of a comfort thing to go along/get along with the designed agenda of the oligarchs.
  2. Yet, there appears to be an ever entrenched [if not subliminal] championing and romance of the same mentioned fossils. Tradition. Revolutionary practices are never really acted upon and non sequitur notions tend to be a weak substitute.
  3. Which just about narrows the field, as they all belong to this same club - regardless of invented political identity. Still answering to the same traditional boss. Trickery at it's best.
  4. Ah.......because there was never any real intent to reform such matters - regardless of the occasional novelty civilian government in place. Just surface rhetoric. As there is an unspoken tradition or practice that is forbidden/disallowed to be usurped. The way things work here. It is what it is.
  5. More unnecessary government meddling in everyday affairs and activities. Doubt any such writs will be paid attention to, as it should be.
  6. As the rhetorical manipulation continues on. They are very good at what they do.
  7. Yet, Godfathers of the type seem to be able to conduct and manage their business from an unimagined ailing bed or behind the very secured curtain. Appears to be the case here. However the situation, anything Shinawatra still makes for lasting and stimulating news copy.....and particular circles are squeezing what they can. Wondering if we can stretch this outdated drama until the next general election. To be sure, there will be Shinawatras [one generation or another] in out midst and consciousness come that time. Part and parcel of the expected show. Kick back and enjoy the show.
  8. International standard. What does that mean?
  9. More than likely already set in motion months ago. Done deal and well understood among most circles. This innocent portraying and speculative guess work by the abiding establishment media is quite amusing. Tabloid sensationalism passing as investigative questioning journalism. Part and parcel of the show that most are suckered into.
  10. Who's to say that this type of unscrupulous activity isn't commonplace among parliamentarians? By the very nature of their positions [politicians], they're criminals. Any such sentences are too light and trivial.....to be expected. The elite circles washing one another. Several years in a real prison [Bang Kwang or Klong Prem] would suffice.
  11. Exactly. This unseemly and creepy pushed consciousness of everything Chinese tourism related - all of which is conceived for your convenience. Who gives a rat's backside.
  12. Or when this last election was unjustly stolen right from under their feet, which some might have considered to be a coup in one manner or another. At the time, there was just a little push back and then quickly faded. I can appreciated activism and strong demonstrations for just causes, but this instance was put to bed long ago. Instead of pasisionately dwelling on the past [water under the bridge], why not use some of that pent up energy and angst directed at the currently placed government that appears to be a replicate of the successive military/elitist brand of government - all of which could require a few doses of permanent reformation and whatnot......since the STR, and other like groups, are into reform of assorted manners, then why not pursue agendas that pertain to the [suspect] current government......which can always use a good fixing. I believe those that continue to chase this Shinawatra thing continue on because it's easy and not truly controversial any longer. An easy out, actually. If one really wants change and "reform", I suspect that we might look at the bird in hand firstly. I suspect that the greater percentage of such protesting activists have little else to do that's beneficial, so they grab at anything that's fashionable and safe.
  13. Historically, principally practiced worldwide to the present day. Thailand certainly doesn't have the market cornered.
  14. Exactly. What changes? Disguised changes? Things are never what they appear to be.
  15. No revelations, as that's what they do and always proceeded. When in doubt, design some sort of round about distracting coup - directly or disguised as something else.......of course, with particular blessing and green light from those influential circles. Remember that we're still ruled over.
  16. Awaiting the rise from their slumber. The coming revolution should [and could] be activated.
  17. Being the suspicious cynic that I am, such proposals are flowery dressing for image purposes, less action that's taken for the good of the commons. Srettha is much akin to his predecessors - part and parcel of the club. Don't expect any corrective action, in this instance, to be changed or installed for the good of the country/people. That's not what they're in place for....
  18. อย่าเป็นของปลอม
  19. As long as we're allowing surface amnesty to these types, why not extend such civilities to all exiled political prisoners. As there are too many to count and worthy of the show.
  20. The Yellow Peril and their hordes. Beware.....
  21. Mindless and senseless consumption, accumulation and waste.
  22. The more things change, the more they stay the same.
  23. Time to start culling the authoritarian hierarchy.
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