Or when this last election was unjustly stolen right from under their feet, which some might have considered to be a coup in one manner or another.
At the time, there was just a little push back and then quickly faded.
I can appreciated activism and strong demonstrations for just causes, but this instance was put to bed long ago.
Instead of pasisionately dwelling on the past [water under the bridge], why not use some of that pent up energy and angst directed at the currently placed government that appears to be a replicate of the successive military/elitist brand of government - all of which could require a few doses of permanent reformation and whatnot......since the STR, and other like groups, are into reform of assorted manners, then why not pursue agendas that pertain to the [suspect] current government......which can always use a good fixing.
I believe those that continue to chase this Shinawatra thing continue on because it's easy and not truly controversial any longer. An easy out, actually.
If one really wants change and "reform", I suspect that we might look at the bird in hand firstly.
I suspect that the greater percentage of such protesting activists have little else to do that's beneficial, so they grab at anything that's fashionable and safe.