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Everything posted by zzaa09

  1. Sure. Remember where he comes from and his background. And....to be somewhat pedantic, he was never an elected PM nor should he be noted as a PM or former PM. First time was a coup appointed proxy. Second time was highly manipulated by the usual elective shafting process.
  2. Remember the good old days when Children's Day was celebrated by way of promoting militarism? How lovely and civilised.
  3. Naturally. Repeated corrupt cycles that clearly no one recognizes. Nothing up their sleeves. Absolute power corrupts absolutely. Same as it ever was. These dreamy hopefuls that consider the young up-start Pita as the popular favourite and clearly the heir apparent. Next election, they say. Oh sure. What happens when they successfully and illegally manipulate another election? Standing by.
  4. This might apply to all airlines the world over.......talking a good show is part and parcel to the sleight-of-hand and the BS. They all just needed an excuse [the COVID era] to raise prices across the board, while diminishing service is quite apparent. The cost of flying will not recoup for anyone.
  5. Still awaiting a worker's revolution. It's coming.
  6. Like all... Some just disguise such shenanigans better. The art of dumbing down of varying degrees is the key.
  7. Coming full circle, as we might have expected. Clearing the way for Yingluck's return as well. We can always speculate as to what the powers that be are up to. Over a short period, the Shinawatras are being subliminally romanced and regroomed as their viability is becoming placed for the future. Wonder what brought this sudden change of heart.
  8. "Have broader perspective. Think constructively. Respect differences. Join forces in building democracy” Still looking to promote this fanciful manner - In talk and rhetorical theory, yet not in practice.
  9. The good old days.....
  10. The end is near..... Or so we imagine.
  11. Well said, but least understood. A better practice would be to get away from this obsessive tourism is the salvation of all of our economic woes consciousness and all that's associated.
  12. Historically, a commonplace trait and practice the world over. Thais don't have the market cornered within this sphere. Glass houses and stones come to mind.
  13. And aside all this, any such incomprehension that his return, and subsequent actions, were agreed upon and pardons/blessing were extended months and months ago - which doesn't set well with particular circles [mostly of the foreign/outsider variety]. The game is being played as it was designed from the start in a very Thai manner. Set in stone.....and everything will play out in a very twisted Thai manner. It is what it is. Whether he, or his political associations, have future influence on the underside of Thai politics is yet to be seen. Maybe. Maybe not. In the mean while, those that are seemingly angst and uptight about everything Shinawatra need to get over themselves and get on with your lives.
  14. That's the key factor. The general appearance of indifference or just brushing it off is quite hard wired. If society [as a collective] socially demanded that monks, abbots and the Wat infrastructures functioned as an extended community venture - as they used to be - instead of acting as a conduit for ciphering funds for personal advancement. This seemingly unethical [even criminal] behaviour is quite evident within the hierarchy where senior abbots and patriarchy are uncommonly and personally wealthy.......wealth that should be contributed back into the respective community. One basic manner in which this could be corrected would be for the good people to stop extending cash donations. Every common action or tamboon of every description is associated with a cash advance. Food, assorted sundries, or extended volunteering for the Wat/monk - that's fine. But not loads of cash. I've been around long enough to remember the good old days regarding romantic notions [and theory] of the humble monk and serving the community, all the while the community serve the monk by feeding and clothing them. They don't require to be "employed" and having an income. A bit dreamy, I know......it just doesn't work that way any more.
  15. When's the next election and respected campaigns? They're just lying in wait allowing all this to pass over..........and it will. Truly surprised there hasn't been any news of a pending Yingluck return. Could be worse, I guess. Could be a military run regime.
  16. It's a racket guised as a spiritual institution. Acts as a conduit for corrupted activities. What a shame. Not a calling but instead an income producing endeavor.
  17. Just as I thought. Things are never what they appear to be.
  18. Sure. As expected. No harm done....really. Nothing like a good distraction and misdirection.
  19. Revolutionary ideals? We could use a good dose of that......but certainly not from the elitist classes. Reforms. Indeed.
  20. .....and they all look alike. Generations of inbreeding has it's moments.
  21. What's an American Breakfast?
  22. Overthinking most everything will certainly shorten your pathetic existence. Seems to be instinctive for too many.
  23. Sure. Yet, isn't that what politicking and government is all about...and their principle practices. Scamming the good people for their self interest under the guise of assorted policies and whatnot. The age old tradition and practice the world over.
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