And this seems to be a universal practice to curb inflation.
Creating false wealth out of thin air comes back to bite the more productive sectors/markets.
Some have forgotten how the mafia-like BAAC blossomed under Thaksin and his scoundrel clan.
A total disaster for the working farmers, who were stable before the almost forced upon incentives.
Graft and corruption as an everyday manner of life. In written in the cultural DNA.
We do need to get away from this type of accepted lifestyle and business.
Appears that too many are on the newly fashioned bandwagon of giddiness.
They haven't even place themselves throughout the government levels as of yet.
Far more prudent to be patient and wait to see how they function.
Who might they be serving? The commons or other vested interests?
Let's wait and see before we become overwhelmed with excitement.
Yet, weren't they upgraded by English civilised missions?
Probably from which came the inherited evil and nastiness that we've seen since the early 60s.
Yes. Perhaps a decent start - on the surface.
Yet, even the best projections will be a steep uphill climb.
Tradition has an extraordinary presence here.
Usurping a dominant paradigm would be a remarkable feat, if not impossible.