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Everything posted by zzaa09

  1. Yes. Good luck with the reform.....an almost impossible hurdle. Some can dream, though.
  2. Still quite the possibility. Some hushed circles might be expecting it. What they do when things don't go their way. Dealing or treating the rot, on the surface, does little. The gangrenous condition needs to be removed.
  3. I'm assuming that you're inquiries are understood to be deeply rhetorical. Don't they [banks, police, govt, organised crime, corporations, etc] all belong to the same club? Naturally, they cover for one another. The first rule of The Ruling Oligarchical Club is not to talk about it.
  4. And those who fell for it all - here, there, everywhere - fit into the same category as well.
  5. ......if some had their way, he'd be a resident guest of the government - by way of accommodations at Bang Kwang or Klong Prem.
  6. It appears that living beyond one's means is a universal trait. You're comments above hold true regarding the expanding prices everything and anything, while wages/salaries remain stagnant. These inconsistencies of everyday life and the added consciousness of unnecessary consumption and accumulation naturally drive the need to loan and extend exhaustive credit......
  7. You might be surprised as to how many are lulled into such things. The accepted repression and control. Take a look at the West for a definitive example - especially the Anglophone world.
  8. Indeed. Many are still confused as to the rules of order and how things truly work here.
  9. Actually, you'll find that each respective province is it's own little quasi-fiefdom. Allowing the Amphoe and Tambon locals to feed from the trough.
  10. Foxes watching the hen house. They don't investigate their own.
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