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Everything posted by zzaa09

  1. Truer than not. .....and all attached to the same club. One-n-the-same, can't tell one from the other.
  2. There are only two purposes for the military here. 1] Coups and putting down the subsequent rebellions that occur. 2] Protection, and the image thereof, that we're not allowed to touch upon. 'Tis wonder that they have ruled the roost for ages.
  3. ......and then integrate a seemingly Thai logic into such a scenario.
  4. Everything you know has it's origins in Asia and other non-Euro locales. Ain't historical diffusion grand....and twisted into a superlative grandeur. In the meanwhile, might be to your best and collective interests to get over yourselves. So it is.
  5. A long history of arbitrary accusations and dirt slinging has been their call. Even manufactured items of a trivial nature will do.....and the abiding Thai msm, by their very controlled nature, does everything/anything to perpetuate such nonsense. Never mind real journalistic integrity of the so called Fifth Estate to critique, challenge and question....but instead, are beholding to the traditional ruling classes and cycle about the false and non sequitur matters of the day. It's not so much that the dinosaur gang engages in this stimulous and actions [that's what they'll always do], but the msm that assist in promoting and attention getting in the subtle and prejudicial manner.
  6. Nay. The ever encroaching and oppressive visa rules and regulations would get my vote.
  7. In defence, there's an alarming percentage of countries the world over who find themselves with consistent shortages of medical professionals and technicians - this is not a recent phenomena [Covid era and other factors], as this is the way it's been within these fields since memory......coupled with contemporary populations that seek medical/health aid when it's truly not necessary.
  8. Wasn't this their strategy from the start......especially if they found themselves with ample leverage within this elective circus. Could've seen this coming.
  9. Yet, it does own Samui airport [as it does in Sukhothai] and therefore the only carrier fling in-n-out of Samui is their own...
  10. Like everything here, it's based on rackateering. Whatta shame for everyday hard working folks.
  11. Oh dear. I should say so. I'm taking it that the voters of this prestigious awarding have never experienced the everyday workings [for years] of Bangkok Airways.
  12. Some might tinned tuna not to be tuna whatsoever [from a purist pov]. Just saying....
  13. Which begs the inquiry of what a netizen might be - specified or not.
  14. Almost iconic [Time Has Come] for the era. Thanks for sharing...
  15. The point might be: never contradict or question the made up and false narratives......which seems as most have adhered to. If repeated [and forced upon] loud and often enough - all becomes real and true.
  16. Such a revelation that's been in existence forever.... Beginning to click?
  17. Or perhaps a second opinion? Pursuing a competent oral surgeon might aid in such resolution.
  18. zzaa09

    Makro Pro

    What's become of actual in-house physical shopping.....??
  19. Sure. They're probably working on it as we speak.....
  20. The greater paradox will consist of middleman mafia that work with both sides - smugglers/importers and the Thai officialdom. In these cases, everyone's a winner [profitable]. Business is business regardless of supposed illegalities or regulated protocol. For the Thai authorities to speak of oversight and stemming the tide is purely rhetorical and moot. Makes for good news copy, though.
  21. Simply because they spend the most [as a collective] and today are clearly the most numerous - that's the bottom line. Plus the added incentive for pleasing prospective Chinese business/infrastructural investors..... It's where the wealth is centered these days. Certainly not gonna get this from the skint West, as hard times are looming for the majority. Can't blame the Thais for chasing the opportunities. Taking advantage of these particular situations comes naturally. It's not a political thing.
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