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Everything posted by zzaa09

  1. Couldn't have been too much of a deal, the promotional shots of finger pointers were quite absent.
  2. Not wrong.....just not discussed in polite company. ????
  3. That's usually how it works - the rulers [everywhere] have no flaws. .....and almost always accepted.
  4. Especially particular breeds of cow's milk. More evidence to suggest that it's not that healthy. Yet, most [Westerners] have been hoodwinked by numerous circles - repeated often and loud enough.
  5. Popular among Thai folk? Really? I could easily question this.
  6. A standard definition for what fake news might be......?
  7. Birds of a feather in a round about subliminal manner. What they say and how the act is a bit contradictory, ain't it?
  8. Even the cynic in me is delighted regarding this news. A change is clearly evident.... But now, it's ripe for sweeping change that benefits all - not just a handful of cronies. Best wishes to the newly formed coalitions and incoming PM.
  9. Contrary to the popular conditioning and indoctrination - Less foreign tourist and residents - a better Thailand.
  10. Some might question the quite accepted role the government has in directly creating jobs and investment [in this particular instance]. I come from the school that govt, per se, shouldn't have have any sort direct over lording or say so in the said suspicious creation of jobs, investments, etc. Government intervention tends to muck most everything - not always.....but a better chance that government requires a hand in every circle of endeavour. What their purpose might be is to create overriding and balanced policies that encourage the markets to flourish naturally and grow accordingly without the false premise of govt interplay. Of course, in this case [and many other similar instance the world over] the bottom line for such economic projections has little to do with the benefit of the commons, but more to do with the success of those elite classes.
  11. From more keen observations over years, it appears that election processes and mechanics are becoming frightfully discredited the world over, a most common practice of challenging, unsavoury political maneuvers, scandals, cheating, etc.....something seems to be amiss within the so called democratic thematic.
  12. Are you sure? Or.....just regurgitating the conditioned propaganda that you've been fed all your life. Conveniently forgot what your beloved U.S. has put upon the world - Dumbed down.
  13. Remember when Trannies and assorted LGBTQIA2S+XYZ#@&%! were referred to singularly as Kotoey..... Can we go back to that, please.
  14. Won't be terribly difficult for these folks to become lost into the population, as Mae Hong Son is a majority Burman/Karen bloodline.
  15. As we already know who the gambling gangs are forced to closely associated with - online or otherwise.
  16. Indeed. The Shinawatras, and their circle, have always been deeply associated with the establishment ruling elite. Nothing more, nothing less. Though, one might say they were/are a different branch of the ruling classes..... The degradation that was put upon them and their types was all part of the show.....political theatre, if you might. Those deluded masses that can't see the difference should be pitied for their ignorance and common perceptions.
  17. Was also his initiative that propelled the machiavellian non-O variety [marriage/retirement/family] visas - which most resent, for good reasons.
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