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Everything posted by zzaa09

  1. Why are some illicit stimulants deemed [invented] to be illegal, yet accepted are medical pharmaceuticals, which do much much more harm? Conditioned. Hoodwinked. Dumbed Down.
  2. Yeah, their 15 minutes expired some time ago. Extreme political identities with an agenda. Guillotines in the public square.
  3. Which should've nullified the the whole election process, as they were all participants.
  4. ....and largely ignored by any discourse and reason. Still able to exist without consensus challenging or questioning.
  5. For the most part a puppet....
  6. Before all this sorted mess is said and done, I've a strong feeling that someone is going to intervene and declare it all nil and void - select a temporary interim government until a new election can be settled upon. Just a hunch. Damn the will of the people.
  7. Indeed - isn't that the idea. What should be more of a priority is to serve the constituents and the commons as a collective, instead of the petty backbiting and self-interest swindling that is the make up of elected politicians.
  8. One of too many scallywags amongst Thai politicians. He won't be missed....
  9. Media distraction.
  10. Somewhere along within our evolved character we've managed to dismiss the simple ideals of what pizza might or might not be.....
  11. Even more so, he has an influential entity behind him that will always ensure his safety. Remember where he comes from.
  12. These days, it's much more of a income deriving job and business venture than a calling. I've known too many that are phony. The top dogs are nothing but criminals.
  13. As are most of his less than inspirational self-inflated topics. Consider the source.
  14. Grandiose Deluded Member.... Quite applicable. ????
  15. Part and parcel to the game that you [and most others] don't understand that is being played. Two [perhaps more] factions of the establishment that use distractions to confuse. Not cut and pasted as one might think.
  16. Indeed. Same as it ever was. In the end, this whole mess will be decided by prejudicial shadow decrees. The darkness will get it's way.
  17. Nothing worse than extremists in the midst.
  18. As with historic perspective repeated and promoted by particular circles - nothing appears as it seems to be. This is Burma.
  19. I wouldn't wager on that suggestion. PT is closer to oppressive establishment in design.......perhaps, they're not Junta Gang-like, yet wouldn't take much to push them over to the dark side.
  20. And most seriously amusing is the implanted seed that PT harbors some sort of liberal/progressive working-class hero stand - subliminally promoted as well is that they are "opposition" to the traditional ruling class. Far from such deluded reality. PT, as most others, are tied to the traditional establishment mindset and doings. Give 'em time to cure and MV will fester toward these bases as well - the nature of politics and political machines serving the masses......eventually they go array to tradition, forgetting what they exist for.
  21. Well.....you know how that is. Priorities of the state - pork barrel and grotesque expenditures/profits before policies and projects that might benefit the commons. This practice appears to be practiced universally the world over.
  22. Logical in theory, yet never in practice. We won't be surprised as to how all this pans out......the usual suspects.
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