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Everything posted by zzaa09

  1. Indeed. Same folks, different name. Semantics can be enigmatic at times.
  2. Tourism [generally speaking] has little effect and importance on the real economy. Born of a myth. Yet, the dogma that is repeated loud and often enough creates a deluded standard of reality. Might be surprised as to the number of reasoned types that easily fall for the trickery of what is and what isn't. Too many here have. 'Tis obvious.
  3. International reputation? International: defined as a couple of Anglophone world views of everything. Don't be fooled as to what is placed or indoctrinated to be international or global.
  4. Correct. There are enough deep-seeded historic issues to deal with domestically than going off into a dreamy state of saving Burma. Let's concentrate on saving Thailand, firstly......
  5. Yet, remembering that this individual is a firm cabal member - no [or little] reparations ever come to this class, and clearly practiced the world over. Moreover, accepted by the dumbed down populations.
  6. Actually, the sense of a twilight here doesn't really exist at this latitude - when the goes down it's dark in 30 minutes. Whereas, this time of the year [a month prior/after the summer solstice] at higher latitudes is where you'll find that eerie feeling a "twilight" during dusk. Also locales closer to the equator [within 20 degrees] the sun moves quicker, because of the angle of the earth, and the ratio of day/night is somewhat equal. Those more distant latitudes is where the sun lingers slowly across the sky - creating much longer days and of course this extension of twilight.
  7. Kicking back a couple for breakfast [with a cig] as we speak.
  8. It's not the number that counts, but the quality of education and training......in which seems to be in short supply.
  9. Wouldn't you if your present [and perhaps only] option was Austria.
  10. Perhaps daily news worthy within this type of platform - to be expected. But in real everyday news, doesn't even warrant a trickle - cause it ain't real.
  11. Are the mysterious disappearing acts still in popular practice? ????
  12. Criminals need not apply to play. Step back in your place, charlatan.
  13. In defence, they are a rather pageantry inspired folk. Observed from decades. Tradition.
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