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Everything posted by zzaa09

  1. Though, this might be an instance of fancying oneself too much, when others might not see it as such. Just an observation applying to the OP.
  2. Full blown dementia kicked in a few years back. His handlers would prefer to promote the stability delusion.
  3. Sad to say, but true. Ever notice that there are so many young fellows that easily qualify. A depressing state of affairs.
  4. I'd be more impressed if they were knowledgeable, connected and better educated regarding their health/medicine practiced fields. I can get more insight from local practitioners of traditional medicine than that of Western allopathic training types.
  5. An invented and created Farang thing. Think too much about everything. A terribly developed Occidental siwilai manner.????????
  6. All true. Be rest assured there is a bountiful basket of independent/alternative sources that defy the ever-vigilant establishment convention/indoctrination [that most have been dumbed down to] - such exist regardless of where one is.....as the variety is available in many forms.
  7. Wow. Have been closely monitoring the Shinawatra-based VoiceTV of the last couple of weeks. They sure have been active on this front and promotions thereof - the return. From the cryptic discussions, it appears that there has been a back room deal made by higher ups and the Thaksin camps. We'll see....
  8. Yeah..... Fingers crossed. Perhaps they've worked it all out for a positive and productive future. No invites extended to the traditional ruling classes. Shut 'em out. There might be hope.
  9. There is a bit of hopeful light shining through, as the growing practice of community farming [especially rice] collectives is becoming the trend of the last generation, allowing the open/free/competitive markets to suss themselves out - without the over lording [and dependent upon] command of the repressive government, agricultural mafias and their financial institutions. It's a slow movement but it's getting there. Perhaps a full blown agricultural revolution within a decade. [??] Rice has always been used as a political tool here in Thailand. About time that we reverse the fortunes and create a tool for our advantage - the hard working farmers.
  10. Everything/anything is regulated or monitored in one fashion or another. Sounding a bit like what goes on in the U.S. - every aspect of existence is ruled over by government or corporations. A sad state for our beloved Thailand when we find it necessary to be copy-cats of an already dystopian civilisation.
  11. Indeed. Too many don't recognize such natural acts. They're not accustomed to these types of instinctive social extensions from where they come from. Aloof Farang locales.
  12. They're the darlings of the twist and very good at what they do.
  13. Why do I smell Shinawatra all over this Pita-iTV issue and controversy? Remember who controlled, if not owned, the nearly failing media conglomerate in the early 2000s after the CPB bailed. The eventual bust revealed numerous and hidden beneficial holdings and profits......to this day.
  14. Perhaps the old guy has misplaced or lost those borrowed watches. No evidence, no case.
  15. There's always hope... Who knows, it might just go against the rotting corpse of the establishment.
  16. Shhhh... Don't wanna disrupt the delusion. To this day, most still don't get it. He found his way to the top by illegal, criminal and unethical manner. Should be behind bars.
  17. If one truly wanted to be pedantic......neither PM or Caretaker. Technically true.
  18. 'Tis all the rage and fashion throughout the extreme woke crowd......and seemingly accepted by the slumbering and distracted populations. They're taking advantage of it when they can. Another dumbed down triumph.
  19. More than likely reassigned. He'll be back at his illustrious position when all this passes over in a few weeks. Oligarchical business.
  20. As it is the practice throughout the Thai agricultural sector. Why do hard working farmers put up with this crap?
  21. We keep the red variety for ourselves.....much more tastier and a composite texture.
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