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Everything posted by zzaa09

  1. 20-30 years ago is considered nostalgic? How quaint. I'll raise your 20-30 and call. Real old hands, with disseminating values, will wax romantically at 45-50 years ago. The good old days. Generations That Haven't A Clue.
  2. Perhaps a future and possible BRICS membership is in the works. A win-win for all.
  3. Those special country club minimum security prisons. And on top of that reduced sentence and early release. Ain't it grand......being associated with the privileged elite has it's moments.
  4. Nature is working on it as we speak. Selected extermination. Can only be a benefit.
  5. Crackdowns accompanied with Ya Dong can surely be endured. Resilient Thais. ????
  6. Allowing the ethnic cleansing, genocide and exterminations to commence. Civilised hatred is perfectly acceptable to the dumbed down.
  7. And quite gluttonous. Eating too much and too often. Very Farang. Not necessary. Not healthy.
  8. Indeed. It appears that a few understand how things are working and have historically operated.
  9. All of which would be quite moot at this stage in the circus. Probably had a healthy and balanced percentage of admirers and detractors in his day. He's not looking to be directly involved in political candidacy any longer - yet, surely would be advising or even pulling strings here and there. Wouldn't it be best for all circles to allow this seemingly Thaksin obsession to be and get on with our lives.
  10. It is quite pathetic and telling regarding those long-timers that haven't bothered acquiring the acclimation skills that should come natural..... Will always be considered ignorant, unknowledgeable and disconnected Farang. Unfortunately, reflective of all too many here.
  11. A Farang spin they know nothing of. To be expected.
  12. Or predisposed to see what he wants to see among the savagery.
  13. Indeed. Never muck around with all things militarism - the heart and soul of our existence.
  14. The proverbial Thai paradox and it's offshoots.
  15. Oh yeah. Someone had to say it. ???? Cheers!!
  16. Can't recall the exact dates, but both were part and parcel of a long stretch of inebriation.
  17. I miss the 60's.....
  18. Open air prisons. Concentration camps.
  19. As told by way of the establishment cabals - expect anything less? Most are to easy.
  20. They were legendary up until they sold out to their supposed principles - in or around 1997.
  21. Nothing like a good fanciful speculation from experts to set us straight.
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