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Everything posted by zzaa09

  1. And.....EVs have a quiet reputation for faulty electrical overheating causing unnecessary fires/damages. Yet, the manufacturers [nor government regulators] apparently don't want to redesign this common glitch.
  2. In truth, the whole of the green ideal is little but a fashionable trend.
  3. One only needs to have some knowledge of the place and it's history to understand all this. Thais have never suffered greatly.
  4. Looking forward to it all. Three ring circus. And then......back to square - expect some sort of usurping activity or coup.
  5. Probably because the minor parties are of little threat nor truly threatening.
  6. More than curious, when their new government is formed, to see how they fare to benefit the commons........or will we witness more of the same shenanigans.
  7. Could be worse...... They surely wouldn't be any better off in their respective home countries, where there is whoa-a-plenty and life can be terribly unpleasant and largely unaffordable.
  8. The whinging and complaining is all these miserable old [and young] gits have.
  9. So.......after their victorious landslide claim, what changes that benefit the commons will come about?
  10. How about a unique concept - practicing a free, open and independent market.......without government intervention or regulation.
  11. Indeed. .....and in the end, despite what falsified political identities are projected and practiced, regardless of the powers that be - the good Thai population will continue to get on free, independent and self-sufficiently as they always have. It might be us, the unaware outsiders, that flourish in a dreamy cognitive state that suggest Thais are under the suppressive thumb of some imagined government mechanism of their choosing..... That's just not the way it is - never has been. We'll insist on putting a deeper Occidental spin and reason towards most everything, which generally becomes more fanciful with each passing moment - confusing the well intended.
  12. Rural land prices have been insanely high for a decade or more.....evident of common paddy land, which has become really outta site. I suspect this will be the trend for some time to come.
  13. Perhaps they are prepared......as it might be assumed that there's more coming - especially if they [MFP] gain ground among the other so called opposition. As it has been noted already, the ruling circles will do anything in their means to usurp most everything in their favour. Not as if this would be the first time.
  14. Indeed. That......after 16 years. Probably still doesn't get it.
  15. Any such perceived problems will never be resolved by this repeated rhetorical manner of false elections and premise. Trimming the branches, here and there, will never prove successful. The roots require severing.......
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