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Everything posted by zzaa09

  1. Oh no. The end is near......for the dumbed down.
  2. Tourism cult-like obsession. Can never have enough.
  3. Pro-Dictatorship Parties? Really. There's such a casually accepted consciousness towards such things?
  4. So many, currently, jumping on the very solid and secure BRICS bandwagon......wouldn't surprise me to see Thailand joining in.
  5. What kind of changes might you [et al] expect after this stirring election? ????????
  6. Cheers.......Kinda interesting how some [throughout this and other similar threads] might observe and critique recent times without whataboutism historic comparisons - attempting to gather convoluted political/societal advantage by using the good guys vs. bad guys scenarios......when in reality, there's not much difference between the two. Even more impressively ignorant is that no one realizes that all this decades upon decades long nonsense [regardless of government] has truly no personal effect on everyday Thais, as they remain steadfastly free, independent and self-sufficient for the most part. Very unique within particular anthropological and sociological studies. Referred to as the: mysterious Thai paradox.
  7. Yeah. One could even go out on a limb to suggest that most [if not all] political ideologies and practices are truly based on conservativism or entrenched within the establishment circles.
  8. Evidently, the good General needs to brush up on his history as to what the traditional May Day might be and it represents....
  9. This possible damage scenario shouldn't be overlooked. Crooked is as crooked does.
  10. Hmmmm... Not so fast - quite possible that PT might make a full sweep [from the speculative looks of it] and he'll be assured a return. Naturally, they'll be pushback from the traditional elite and military.......but who knows. Just considering all this senseless, and very Thai, drama upcoming is making me all tingly inside..... ????
  11. Instead of this incredibly outdated and machiavellian day rate for hard working workers, why not campaign and implement a lawful and regulated hourly wage/salary - where flexibility and raises would be required.
  12. Nonetheless, expect his cronies to gain substantial [albeit minority] seats in this year's circus that passes for an election.
  13. Independence and self-sufficiency isn't reasoned as a way of life in particular Occidental circles.......as it doesn't exist in their world. Kinda sad.
  14. Shouldn't attempt to explain natural familial/social extensions to contemporary Western types. Such patterns don't come by them easily....
  15. Would be interesting to see how they approach things if they were to control and majority. Integrate Khun Thanathorn back into the populous fold?
  16. Oh dear. Are we rewriting a slanted perspective on history and remembrance?
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