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Everything posted by zzaa09

  1. I'd be curious as to who conducts such inaccurate surveys and the inconclusive evidence that they come by... Akin to any poll, survey, rating or whatever. A minute few are used to create an imaginary deduction. Looks good on paper, though.
  2. Indeed. The honorary and romantic ideals of public service are lost on most.
  3. I believe that the intent of the good population will be easily misled and fooled regarding regardless of who they vote for and hang their hope on.......change for the betterment will be slow if not false. The political machines exist for their own grand perpetuation and has little to do with expansion of the commons. This is the sad reality that is found everywhere.
  4. Grounding isn't a common fixture or practice here - properly or not.
  5. We're getting pitched every few days, of late, from all parties. It's a way of life.
  6. Whatever became of the universal program here that allowed very low incomed households to receive substantial discounts or nominal rates on their electric bills....? Does it still exist?
  7. With the exception of the Western mindset that have been conditioned/indoctrinated to find everything China/Chinese despicable and boogieman extended.
  8. Indeed. The young buck [and strongly opinionated] Khun Pita would mark a great change through the traditional political change. Some might be hoping that this type of trend continues by way of a younger and civilian-based parliamentary body.
  9. The most knowledgeable experts on all things Thailand.... ????????
  10. Might you be suggesting that farming/agricultural activities isn't work or proper employment?
  11. Akin of the 1970s. We've been there already, have we not?
  12. Actually, the vast majority are indifferent. Pretending to have acquired any such knowledge or connections about the society is quite soulfully poor.
  13. Let's hope that something comes of it in positive manner. Though, I have my doubts....
  14. More astute observations will strongly suggest that it's not society that propels a sense of this imagined xenophobia, but some circles of officialdom and authority. Thais, largely, have never been of this nature. Yet, their counterparts of political and authoritarian circles have subliminally displayed such a manner for ages. All which doesn't reflect the nature of the everyday Thai population.
  15. Hmmm.... What kind of specific and dreamy change? Truly.....what do the likes of PT or MF have to offer the commons? - in practice....not just rhetoric. Some wiser [or cynical] folks might not be buying into such projected scenarios.
  16. When all is said and done, it will be guaranteed that the sound status quo will remain the same....yet, perhaps with a surface tweak of difference - nothing significant. Politicians. Politics. Same club. Not about the commons [in which they serve]. It's about themselves.
  17. That's been the contemporary downside regarding EVs. There are clearly never enough charging stations to keep up with the ratio of these types of dependent vehicles. This applies to urban and rural settings. One takes their chances making long distance travel.......and then you need to know where the spartan locales might be. What is required might be an EV charging station side at every petrol filling station. These contradictory examples can be seen today throughout the U.S., Germany, Canada, NZ, et al where the EV fashion has taken off, yet the nominal shortages of charge stations remains the same - making the EV less practical in an everyday sense. Only China [shouldn't surprise] keeps up a ratio demand of charging stations-to-vehicle status. It's just fair at this stage. Certainly shouldn't expect Thailand to keep updated with any such changes.
  18. Pheu Thai aren't progressive. Nothing close to that. ....yet, many are buying it - hook, line and sinker.
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