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Everything posted by zzaa09

  1. Remember the good old days when self-reliance, independence, intelligent thought and creativity were the fashions.
  2. He might not spend one day in prison. Deal's already been settled.
  3. Even the desperate and soured cynic that I might be, the above comment could be taken in agreement.
  4. Might you be suggesting that other deviant circles were working in tandem with old Thakky? That all would make sense - cover ups and protection rackets is what they do well.
  5. All about the health and well being of the people. Of course it is.
  6. Though, I suspect that such random do-gooders are rather lacking in displays of truer goodness. In practice or theory. I might trust a curmudgeonly cynical type before engaging in such romantic embrace of the do-gooder [whatever that might be]
  7. What type of Democracy might you be speaking of? Surely, nothing resembling those so called Liberal Democracies [the world over] that truly don't engulf anything democratic whatsoever. These fanciful ideals that are bandied about and referenced to what a Democracy might be are quite amusing. Repeated over and again.
  8. The ASEAN body, like most other regional cooperative associations, exist in rhetorical namesake only. Just going through the motions as if they're striving to create a betterment for the broader commons.
  9. A trait that appears to be all too common amongst these particular forum tribes.
  10. Better chance that they'll allow a short time to pass, all the while forgotten by most everyone, and be secretly released. We tend to forget where the rot emanates. The systems, in general, are of this nature.
  11. Oh dear. You might want to brush up on your contemporary history.....and understand who was and who wasn't.
  12. Old traditions are almost impossible to rectify. There's always been an overwhelming military presence/influence throughout these institutions - can't get around it. A people's rebellion might resolve such long standing issues. ......or not.
  13. Sounds true with the usual romantic visions......but it's not the way it is. Simple observations will suggest that a Thai political free-for-all isn't allowed to exist. It's incredibly restricted, as any and every sort of legitimate opposition will be dismissed [in one manner or another] by the firm hand of the ruling class.
  14. All of which might be somewhat moot...whether he was a scoundrel or not - he didn't pursue coups to gain power. Any such clear charges and judgement of those principles that lead coup d'etats are never pursued, as they pull the strings. Kinda Thai tradition.
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