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Everything posted by zzaa09

  1. There's something else that has to happen, firstly.
  2. Sad for me to say.....I know a few [Thai] successfully completed doctoral candidates - a couple are family and a couple are friends to varying degrees. All are dumb as a bag of rocks, as such applies to intellectual capability or pursuing challenging curiosity regarding any fields of endeavor. This thread, in particular, should be quite the reflection of what the status and standing of today's university and tertiary education experience - students, educators, admin, the systems at large, etc. Across the board, it's terribly inadequate and less than genuine.
  3. Say it ain't so. Shocked......as these things never occur within the illustrious and honourable circles. A sad day.
  4. Remember the good old days when we actually purchased something from a brick and mortar with cash...?? ????
  5. Shhhh....don't wanna usurp the fanciful parade that they've enjoyed for so long.
  6. Appreciate your lofty and dreamy ideals, but this won't be the reality or such outcome. Historically, they have their tried and true manner and provisions to manipulate things in their favour. The only real hope would be a people's revolutions.
  7. We could use a few more solid and collective peasant revolts.
  8. .....and been in place and well entrenched for ages. It's as if we're just learning of it - pointing the finger at the usual suspects and scapegoats. The rich cycle of rhetoric can be amusing.
  9. Can't rescind, overnight, traditional acts that have been practiced for ages. All of a sudden it's an issue. Quick fixes rarely pay off.
  10. In instances that are usually ruled out and ignored, the skullduggery and corruption that is a way of life throughout the democratic West is a common practice......obviously more so than the usual candidates that are looked upon as distractions.
  11. As to be expected, your distinguished scholarly panel were bashfully hesitant to omit the key figure as such applies to Thai [Siamese] militarism and history associated. A most common avoidance among discussions/forums of this nature. Very few wish to challenge or question the true crux and reality.
  12. Would be assuming that you haven't spent too much [if any] time in Thai communities or interacted with Thais on a everyday basis. They're free, independent and self-sufficient as they've ever been.
  13. In this day and age, where most societies are struggling to stay afloat, you'd think that we'd want to direct superfluous funding and infrastructure towards a more practical manner for the benefit of the commons. A reasonable inquiry might be posed as to why.
  14. A blessing in disguise that any of 'em wonder upcountry.
  15. Considering the alternatives, a colonialized vassal to China would be much more suitable and beneficial. Asian-to-Asian thing. You know how that is.
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