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Posts posted by snowgard

  1. @snowgard

    Those are the third and fourth clips mentioned in my previous post, I believe.

    The New Zealand article originated from IWPS, a pro-Palestinian NGO. Excuse me for not taking it as very accurate when it refers to Mekorot as a private water company. While it does raise the claim that Palestinians pay 300% more than the Palestinians, it offers neither proof nor mentions how much "Israelis and settlers" pay. This is pretty much on the same level as your statement. Reading the article, doesn't seem like a very objective or even balanced account. As you point out it's somewhat dated - 2004.

    The ICE review link refers to the Gaza Strip, not to the West Bank, and dates back to 1997. Additionally, the agreement between Israel and the Palestinians specify different conditions with regard to the Gaza Strip's water supply.

    And you still don't get it. YOU made the claim, YOU need to provide support. I do not need to prove YOUR claims for YOU.

    But this shows your ignorant view of humanity!!! Are you a Israelian??? This would let me understand your point!!!

    Search on Google for "palestine higher water price" and Google give you an answer.

    But I know you can't do it. I made the claim and you not need to google it!!! ;-)

    I really hope the western countries stop to support Israel in the near future and not sale all fruits and vegetable from Israel anymore.

    Have a nice weekend!!!

  2. And here is a news article from Newzealand http://www.scoop.co.nz/stories/WO0402/S00164.htm

    but this one was from 2004.

    http://www1.american.edu/ted/ice/GAZA.HTM (Gaza Palestinians pay up to $1.20/cubic meter while Israeli settlers only pay $0.10/cubic meter for water. Elmusa (1994) states that "relative to per capita income, Palestinians pay as much as twenty times what Israeli settlers pay for water.")

    But I still wait for your PROOF!!! Sorry but I found it unrespectful to stink against something and don't show YOUR TRUE!!! Or did you have something to hide???

  3. Just read the links what I posted before!!! There is every proof inside!!! And yes you right. Israel not cut the water to individual palestinians but to the complete communities!!!

    And the Israelian settlers got their water because to grow up bananas and oranges with a extrem high water consum in a dessert is more important as a palistinian!!!

  4. I see you still can't make a post without being unnecessarily offensive. Usually that's not an indication of being able to make a point, but the opposite.

    So you have no idea regarding the water tariffs relevant to Israelis, and yet claim Palestinians are charged 300%-1000% more. You are simply "sure" that illegal Israeli settlers pay less, based on pretty much nothing at all. Sound reasoning there.

    Israel is not responsible for laying out the the water infrastructure all over the West Bank. Israel (via Mekorot) provides the water to municipalities, not private consumers.

    I think you are mainly speechless because you are not all that informed regarding the topic you post on. This might also explain the frustration evident in your foul language and repeated Nazi references.

    Offensive is what Israel do with the palestinians!!! I showed you that source what I found with higher water prices. You said this some palestineians charge self, But why they charge it? Because the Israelis stop the water and so someone must use the trucks and drive and buy water. Easy to understanding or not.

    Also if the israelis pay the same waterprices why YOU don't show us the bulk water tariffs for the settlers so we can see that we think wrong!!!

    But I don't believe you wanna do it!!!

  5. These tankers are not Israeli, but operated by the PA or local outsourced companies. Quite often, the water originates from illegal (as in not authorized by the PA) wells, or by stealing water from the existing infrastructure (again, this refers mostly to the PA).

    Sorry, but I can't found the BULK WATER TARIFFS from Mekorot what the Israel Settlers must pay but I am sure it is a much more smaller price as what the palestinians pay. Don't tell me the settlers don't become extra bulk prices what they use for their own household too.

    And your comment show me your crazy thinking. If the Israelis cut the water and the palestinians need water trucks with much more higher prices so that they not die, who is the ...ing bastard? And than to say what you wrote up is in my eyes the badest what someone can say. This made me Speakless!!!

    But the settlers got full water access!!!

    It's like Dogs don't need water but the Israelis Settlers. Full Nazi Style!!!

  6. So you still cannot support that 300% over pricing claim. Let me save you some time. The pricing was set at the times agreements were signed. It was kept at the same level for years, even as water prices in Israel rose steeply. There was one (as far as I recall) update for water prices sold to the Palestinians (and no, not a unilateral decision), which still makes prices lower than those paid by Israelis.

    Oh, the "right" Israelis only. Well, who would those be? According to some posters the vast majority of Israelis are guilty of supporting the occupation, even if not directly engaged in related activities. And here's another thing - there are many on the Palestinian side which do not seek peace, nor wish for co-existence with Israel. Would your philosophy of targeting only the "right" people apply to such Palestinians?

    War against the Palestinians? What war? If there was a war, the OP would not even be possible.

    Why you not search self for it??? I am sure you can find a lot of sources. But I am sure too that you give a shit on it.

    Here are some sources 300% - 1000% water pricing claim:




    Not forget the super high prices now at the shortage time where they must buy the water from water trucks if they don't want die.

    I know this are all lies!!! The palestines pay the same price as the israel seddlers. This is something what the Israelis learned from the Nazi Propaganda!!!! :-)

    The palestine leaders who don't want stop to fight are at most in prisons or died already from target bombs and israelian snipers.

    But this produce only more and more and more terror .....

  7. ^^Some people can't help themselves getting carried away.

    Could you support that 300% pricing bit with a credible link?

    It makes you sad that terrorism is not directed solely at Israelis? Because they are the ones who "bring problems to the world"?

    Well, there are in fact many terrorist attacks directed at Israelis, read on the latest here - http://www.thaivisa.com/forum/topic/923596-two-suspects-are-detained-following-shooting-at-tel-aviv-shopping-centre/?p=10836480

    No, it not makes me sad that it is not directed solely at Israelis!!!

    It's make me sad that it not hit the right Israelis. This one who never want stop the war against the palestines. The same one who never want freedom for Israelis and Palestines and who do everything for treat the palestines harder as dogs!!! I am sad that the most time innocent Israelis die from the Rebell Attacks and much more palestines because the Israelis stroke back on innocent people..

  8. It's hard for me to understand why anyone would provide water to people you're essentially at war with and equally hard to understand why the Palestinians would accept it. Just another little mystery about the whole mess in the middle east that is beyond understanding.

    The palestinians don't accept it. But what can they do? Fight again with stones against Israels Hightec Army? How much thousands will die again and the WORLD do NOTHING!!! I still not understand that the most western countries support Israel.

    I hope this will change in the future!!!

  9. There is no shortage in the area, just go on the official website of the Water "supplier"

    You mean there is no water shortage for ISRAELIS!!! They can fill up their pools, grow oranges, bananas, ...!!!

    And charge the palestinians 3 x higher prices as the israelis pay!!!

    Why make me sad is that all the terrorism just gone to the wrong people. Why they never hit the right one who bring the problems to the world???

  10. Can be. I never had pit-bulls. But I learned know a lot of idiots who was aggressive to dogs and was after crying because they was bitten bz the dogs.

    So I asked myself who can be so stupid and make a dog more aggressive?

    Everyone with a higher IQ as a dog would ask what he can do that the dog relax. But ...... Shaking heads!!! 555

  11. If you forget it, we are in Thailand!!! Not in Europe or USA or Australia, ... or ...!!!! Here the most dog owners don't own a dog. They just feed it. But the dogs protect the places where they live against intruders. If you come there, you will be a intruder. You can try to explain it to the dogs but I think they not understand it!!! The IQ thing!!! 555

    So if you show that you are a good guy and give them a snack you don't wanna be a intruder.

    Very easy!!! But some humans think .... to stupid to write more!!!

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  12. FREE; 40 foot blue water cruising yacht, just tell me in comments why I should give her to you.

    A very good question!!! 555

    I like water, I like it to go fishing, but I be sick on a boat on the sea if have a little bigger waves!!!

    I like it sometimes to make a sailing trip but I have at most only expirience with freshwater!!!

    So it's up to you!!! I don't know I would like it to have a own boat but It's the onliest way to find it out!!


  13. read again, geezus, the noise scares them, u don't shock them

    REad what again? The tips for the sticks to hit or Pepper spray, Kicking them, electric cattle prod, squirt gun with amonnia, ...????

    If someone not hurt them I not speak something but all the other crazy shit, .... make me speakless!!! I hope someone see this bastards and report it to the police!!!

    What the most not understand is: "This dogs just protect their place against invaders (you)!!!" Nothing other!!!

    If you be nice to they, they would be nice to you!!! Give they a little bit snacks and they want love you!!!

    If you be aggressive they do the same!!!

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