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Posts posted by snowgard

  1. Go to the Consumer Protection Board and talk with their lawyer. It's complete free and him tell you your rights and maybe solve your problem!!!

    In normal the rental company must charge it from the driver's insurance who is responsible for the accident. You don't made a accident so don't pay!!!

    So or so this is a civil case. No one take your passport away. If you want fly out without paying you can do it!!!

  2. I have 3 fire extinguishers (2x powder, 1x foam) and this is much more useful as all others. If you got a powder shot in your face you will be happy if you can breath again. But you are blind. 555

    And it help for fire also!!! Extinguisher%20maintenance.png

  3. Kids learn to build their own guns at technical schools, it's really plenty of homemade guns, can buy for a couple thousand bahts, there's nearly one in every house. Add this to very short tempered mentality and attitude to understand why this is hopeless

    The price is around 1.200 THB. And you can find construction videos on youtube!!!


    The police can find very easy the dealers, if they want!!! Just check the Google results, Youtube comments and Facebook sites. But nothing happens ....

  4. Where is the car now? Did the bank hold the blue book? How much times him paid? Did your friend sell the car already?

    In this case you can try to make a criminal case against him about scammed you!!! Because maybe him bought the car only for make it quick to money again.

    In the first view it looks like a private case but if him never or just 3-4 times paid the debits it can be that him want scamming you from the beginning!!!

    Otherwise it is a private case. In this case RUSSIAN INCASSO can help if they have a office here!!! ;-)

  5. I'm curious about your electric sausage mixer, where did you get it?

    you can buy mincer/stuffer now at Lazada. Much more cheaper as 2-3 years ago. Now it's the half price from before.

    1.850,- THB in the moment: http://www.lazada.co.th/meat-grinder-lv880a-black-2772222.html

    I never used binding agents. I use 100ml milk and 1 egg on 1kg meat (eating on same or next day) or 100ml per kg ice cold sodawater.

  6. There is no equality in injustice. If "big fish" do not get caught (for whatever reason) "small fish" cannot claim injustice. Otherwise the rule of law principle is inevitably bound to fail.

    Those very very few soldiers or police officers who refused to take part in the mass murders were NOT punished. The "me or them"-situation is a myth. Pleading superior orders was no excuse in the trials after the war.

    But why they don't do it 65 years ago? With all the SS Stars and the small one!!! Now the most survivors are dead. Also the most other witnesses. This people are now very old, sick, senil, demenzia and so they can't send they in jail. Shit happens!!!

    But this court trials costs a lot of money and help no one. But this money can help about of other things.

    jope - The "me or them"-situation is a myth

    Sure, and you still believe about Santa Claus or?

  7. If one questioning the rights to bring to trial people who participated in genocides after 70 years, wondering whether it is ' revenge or justice ', same one shows his infinite ignorance........

    But it is not OK to bring the small fish on the grill after they let ALL big fishs running away!!!

    Think about what happend with a normal soldier if him spoke "NO I don't do it" in this time!!!

    If they don't killed him, him where a prisoner too!!! And his complete family also!!!


  8. A friend of me from iceland had prostata cancer but can't get a short termin for a op in iceland because the doctors on strike there.

    So him come to thailand (for 6 month) and another friend told him to eat/drink GRAVIOLA fruits. Him thought try it because it can't be more bad about it and after a month him let check his PSA and it gone down. After 6 month in thailand him made a checkup in iceland and the doctors told him everything well now.

    Him bought the fruits on the flower market (friday, saturday) Sukhumvit Pattaya next to Mc Donalds.

    Give it a try maybe it help.

  9. you seem to be barking up the wrong tree,or your barking mad,and dont call us ignorant either,youve been listening to tooooooooo much bar stool talk.

    all of us on here have experianced what the op is going through.so instead get off your soap box or should i say stool and give some genuine advice.

    meatboy LOVE ME LOVE MY DOG.

    Bars are maybe your favorite place but sure not for me. :-)

    And the genuine advice I give before but it looks like your eyes stopped at IGNORANT and hang there!!! biggrin.png

    Maybe you can ask your wife for a soft slap on your head so you can read the rest!!!thumbsup.gif

    Have a nice day!!!

  10. As far as I can find out, hair loss is NOT a symptom of erlichiosis. I had four dogs diagnosed with it three or four years back, and the obvious symptoms were loss of appetite, lethargy and anaemia. Diagnosis was by a blood test. The treatment given by my vet worked; sorry I don't know the names of the medications, but an antibiotic was given for four weeks, coupled with blood reinforcement pills.

    I do not think Mobi's dog is suffering from this.... but I'm not a vet, and one lives and learns!

    Right!!! You are not a vet!!! If you don't know something about this sickness don't talk about it. Try to google and read about it before you tell something.

    https://www.vetinfo.com/derlick.html - Hair loss can be a symptom of it!!!

    I don't know why so much ignorant people read and talk in this topic. Just when I read about Frontline, Advocate, Revolution, ... all the medics for stupid farangs. Very expensive and help only for 1-2 weeks. This are all medics what help in europe over the summertime but not really in Thailand. And cheap medics don't gone in the european market because it damage the income of the vets.

    If someone tell me something about almost everything I use the internet and inform me it is right or not. Here I read only stupid comments.No one check informations but wrote what they listen from their vet, maid, neighbour, .....!!!!

    Please check every information because a wrong one can damage your dog!!!

    The best medic about ticks is: ivermec/ivermectin/ivomec but not for every dog!!!

    Nothing other help better!!! More infos? Google it!!! You must know what you want give to your dog!!!

    Did someone check what I wrote about the yellow powder (Sulfur) yesterday? No!!! For sure not!! But read it now here:

    Pharmaceutical use

    Sulfur (specifically octasulfur, S8) is used in pharmaceutical skin preparations for the treatment of acne and other conditions. It acts as a keratolytic agent and also kills bacteria, fungi, scabies mites and other parasites.[66] Precipitated sulfur and colloidal sulfur are used, in form of lotions, creams, powders, soaps, and bath additives, for the treatment of acne vulgaris, acne rosacea, and seborrhoeic dermatitis.[67]

    Common adverse effects include irritation of the skin at the application site, such as dryness, stinging, itching and peeling.[68]

    Mechanism of action 20px-Wiki_letter_w_cropped.svg.png This section requires expansion with: the keratolysis mechanism. (March 2014)

    Sulfur is converted to hydrogen sulfide (H2S) through reduction, partly by bacteria. H2S kills bacteria (possibly including Propionibacterium acnes which plays a role in acne[69]), fungi, and parasites such as scabies mites.[66]


    We paid 20 THB for a pack but everyone who want to buy the expensive stuff for 1.200 or more can do it!!!

    I just give you this information. Think about it self what you wanna do!!

  11. For one of my dogs I given a higher amount too because it don't gone. After 2 month everything ok.

    Now we don't had problems anymore the last 2 years. But for some dogs it never gone.

    Maybe you try another antibiotic like Tetracycline.

    Ehrlichia canis

    All breeds are prone to CME. However, German Shepherd dogs and Siberian Huskies are predisposed to develop more severe clinical signs of ehrlichiosis; therefore, these breeds have a worse prognosis [119,120]. This fact was corroborated in experimental studies, which showed that the cell-mediated immune response to a challenge with E. canis was reduced in German Shepherd dogs compared to Beagle dogs [119].

    Canine ehrlichiosis may appear at any age. No sex predisposition has been detected in the development of CME. Some studies have found higher seropositivity in males, but this may be explained by a higher exposure to vectors than females, due to behavioral characteristics [121]. Similarly, in epidemiological studies, higher seropositivity rates were found in older dogs [121-123]; this observation may be attributed to a higher probability of exposure to E. canis as the dog ages, rather than an increase in susceptibility with age.

    Full article: http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4324656/

    Merck Manual for Vets: http://www.merckvetmanual.com/mvm/generalized_conditions/rickettsial_diseases/ehrlichiosis_and_related_infections.html

  12. I think your dog has the most common blood parasite Ehrlichiose/Anaplasmose!!! All my german sheperd dogs got it before.

    To solve it you don't need a vet but a big pack of Doxycycline. Give it for 4 weeks to the dog and all gone.


    - 5 - 10 mg/kg every 12 - 24 h vor 2 - 3 month or

    - 10 mg/kg 2 × daily for 2 - 3 weeks,

    make a bloodcheck again 2.5 month later

    Easy to handle.

    For the skin my thai wife bought a yellow powder from a chinese pharmacy in Naklua.

    Price was around 20-30 THB.

    This powder smells like Sulfur. I think it is sulfur. We mix it with a little bit water and Oliveoil and give it on the infected skin. Don't wash it out. Some days later the skin is well again and new hair comes.

    If you have more dogs you can ask a doc or pharmacy to sell you a box of Doxycycline wih 500 capsules for 600-800 THB.

  13. It is amazing how many people make posts that are INCORRECT.

    It is legal to drive here with most European and USA Full licenses. FULL STOP.

    I have asked Insurance Co. I have asked Police, I have asked Lawyer, I have asked Consulate. Are they all wrong ????

    I have shown UK license at police stations when paying legit fines, I have had Insurance Companies repair all scratches etc, before I sell car to get new one. I have shown license to Insurance companies to buy new/renew insurance. All in the last 14 years !!

    P.S. I have also been asked to pay 'on the spot' fines for having 'wrong' license, I REFUSED to pay, I have never been to jail !

    Wrong!!! You need a International Driving Permition!!! A lot of policemen accepted your national one but it is against the law!!!

    The onliest national driving licenses what accepted by the law are from ASEAN countries.

    But no problem for me. I have both from Thailand.

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