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Posts posted by snowgard

  1. If you think you can just shoot someone in the arm or leg to disable them then think again.

    Even trained police have trouble hitting someone in the center of mass from distances of more than 6' (2 m). All those amazingly accurate shots to the extremities you see on TV or in the movies are just a fantasy.

    Are you a american? Than I understand it. I saw a lot of youtube videos about USA Police shootings. Horrorable, like playstation shooters!!! In other countries the policemen can shot very well on 10m!!! They learned it and must go exercise several times a year. They can shot in legs, in arms, in shoulders and if really needed in the head!!! I not understand why american policeman never learned it.

  2. In his comments, Warmbier said he was offered a used car worth $10,000 by a member of the church. He said the church member told him the slogan would be hung on its wall as a trophy. He also said he was told that if he was detained and didn't return, $200,000 would be paid to his mother in the form of a charitable donation.

    So him know exactly what can happen about him!!! I don't want to call him an idiot but ... I never understand why a US Citizen would visit North Korea. Did Kim not imprisoned enough americans before?

  3. Why should the Thai who made the citizens arrest of a fleeing, drunken, foreign thief be fined?

    And to those who will be claiming the "another final nail in the Thai tourism industry" I reckon that this Pattaya Soi 7 punter WILL be back and won't be put off from returning to Thailand. He will have second thoughts about doing a bill runner next time though.

    And even if he doesn't ever return, I don't think any Thais will miss him anyway.

    Because him can call the police and let solve the problem from they. This way it run in the most countries!!!

    But if the bill is faked it's better to go a hard way ...!!! Close the bar and lock this staff!!!

  4. We are a family. 5L hold around 4-6 month. And I don't want mix every 1-2 weeks a new bottle.

    But you can buy 2-3 bottles, mix it and put it in a big coke or water bottle.

  5. If the land that you purchased has been put in her mothers name she is thinking ahead

    and it sucks to be you. Move on with whatever you can salvage. sad.png

    Go to court and tell that your wife cheated you. You give her the money to buy the land on the name of your wife and you trusted her. You can't read THAI. So you must believe your wife. If you can show you paid the money for the land you will have a great chance to got your money back!!!

    May i advice u to only post here on your sober days...

    Do u really believe a Thai court will be lenient to this kind of defense..

    He would lost THEN one more million bht for court fees and after 8 years in court he would have lost each and any case!!

    I don't know how much alcohol you drink over the day but I think TO MUCH!!! Yes, I believe and know what I wrote because a friend of mine had a problem like this and got his condo back. Him bought a condo for him and his girlfriend in her name. After some month she kicked him out. Him take a lawyer and gone to court. Him win and got it back.

    So much to your stupid comments about Farangs no have rights here!!!

    I come to Thailand over 25 years and live here now the last 9 years. And surprise I don't no one person face to face who lost here something. I only listen stupid comments like you wrote here...BLAH BLAH BLAH!!!! But some of my friends divorced, Thai wife died, ... Some must gone to court but become exact their part.

    If you think you not have rights here, please go back to your home country!!!

  6. If the land that you purchased has been put in her mothers name she is thinking ahead

    and it sucks to be you. Move on with whatever you can salvage. sad.png

    Go to court and tell that your wife cheated you. You give her the money to buy the land on the name of your wife and you trusted her. You can't read THAI. So you must believe your wife. If you can show you paid the money for the land you will have a great chance to got your money back!!!

  7. Why was Paul put in handcuffs and instead of being placed into an abmbulance, he goes into the flatbed of a police vehicle?

    No arrest warrant outstanding, nobody injured in the accident except Paul, no complaints out against Paul.

    Police actions here seem to follow a pattern of arbitrary and unprofessional behavior that borders on violation of human rights.

    But then the police are under the jurisdiction of the junta, so the current standards are explainable. wai2.gif

    Typical sensation story!!! I don't believe that the reporter not asked the same questions to the police and got his answers. But to let people speculating what happend pushed the story much more up!!!

    Maybe him was drunken and don't had passport/driving licence!!! And because him made a accident and some damages happend they placed him into the flatbed and drove him to the hospital and locked him.

    The same they do in england, us, ...!!! But in a ambulance car!!!

  8. Do you really believe what you wrote??? Look this videos. Maybe it changed your minds: https://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=glyphosate+deformed

    Oh noes, a YouTube video! Surely that trumps all the evidence and safety trials that have been conducted all over the world by dozens of independent regulatory agencies!

    The question should be: Do I really believe I'm wasting my time debating you? No, I really don't.

    Posts above are correct - glyphosate is sometimes sprayed as a pre-harvest desiccant, but that that time the wheat is already dead so there's no "improved yield" to be had. Unless glyphosate causes zobmbieism too. Maybe I can find a YouTube video to prove that... BRB.

    If you really looked the videos you saw also that it give a lot of evidence against Monsanto, RoundUp, ....!!! This are all proofed doctors and scientists who found out the traces of GMO in this people and animals. If you are serious you would say too that it must be checked more.

    But this is the different between us. If I see something suspious I believe it must be checked better and the results must be proofed. But you are so ignorant that it's really looks like you are a paid from Monsanto for your statements!!! And everyone know that Organisations like FDA and the European Food Safety Authority pay very good for good statements. It's all about money and nothing other!!!

    And the most wheat and corn in the US and South America are gene manipulated so that it is herbicite resistante. Just goggle for it: https://www.google.co.th/search?q=gen+manipulatet+wheat

  9. Roundup is proven to cause cancer.

    Absolutely no truth to this whatsoever. So if you could stop lying, that'd be great.

    I know my post up there contained an awful lot of words, many of which were more than one syllable, so you probably skipped over it. But there's one sentence you need to read:

    both the FDA and the European Food Safety Authority (an agency known for its conservative approach to safety) have both reaffirmed their assessment about glyphosate being non-carcinogenic

    I guess EFSA works for Monsanto, right?

    Do you really believe what you wrote??? Look this videos. Maybe it changed your minds: https://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=glyphosate+deformed

  10. I like that, good for drunks etc wandering into business premises for a female proprietor alone. Which substance is more disabling?

    Inside a room it's good for a distance of 5-7m. Outside 3-5m and important from what side wind comes. Powder is the best!!! Also for cleaning later!!!

  11. Go to the Consumer Protection Board and talk with their lawyer. It's complete free and him tell you your rights and maybe solve your problem!!!

    In normal the rental company must charge it from the driver's insurance who is responsible for the accident. You don't made a accident so don't pay!!!

    So or so this is a civil case. No one take your passport away. If you want fly out without paying you can do it!!!

    Again wrong. In civil cases passport does get taken away or a huge bail amount required.

    CPB does NOT have lawyers to speak to, just officials who supposedly know consumer act .

    Furthermore, signed contract is a legally binding agreement , asking for losses during repairs is NOT an unreasonable clause.

    Wrong!!! The CPB in the Pattaya Cityhall have laywers for protect the consumer rights!!! I talked with one of them several times. And in a civil case no one can take your passport away!!! Police are not involved!!! Only if it is a criminal & civil case the court can order that you can't leave the country!!!


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