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Posts posted by snowgard

  1. But NO ONE have the right to film YOU and publish it AGAINST your will!!!

    And to publish this video is a defamation:

    Section 326. Defamation
    Whoever, imputes anything to the other person before a third person in a manner likely to impair the reputation of such other person or to expose such other person to be hated or scorned, is said to commit defamation, and shall be punished with imprisonment not exceeding one year or fined not exceeding twenty thousand Baht, or both.

    Section 328. Defamation by Publication
    If the offence of defamation be committed by means of publication of a document, drawing, painting, cinematography film, picture or letters made visible by any means, gramophone record or another recording instruments, recording picture or letters, or by broadcasting or spreading picture, or by propagation by any other means, the offender shall be punished with imprisonment not exceeding two years and fined not exceeding two hundred thousand Baht.

    And because it gone online it is a computer crime act and will much more harder be punished.

  2. What a cretinous bit of logic--"what comes naturally when a man is drunk in (sic) horny" He's lucky he wasn't shot.

    It's bad enough that so many people cannot handle alcohol, but even worse that so many others accept it.

    Who accept it? The point is to come out of a small problem without to pay a lot for nothing. That him do something wrong him know self now and I believe him learned about it.

    But this is not a reason to rip someone out of money for nothing.

    Where do you see I was talking about money?

    Where I wrote something about money???

    YOU wrote: "... but even worse that so many others accept it."

    And I answered on it!!! biggrin.png

  3. What a cretinous bit of logic--"what comes naturally when a man is drunk in (sic) horny" He's lucky he wasn't shot.

    It's bad enough that so many people cannot handle alcohol, but even worse that so many others accept it.

    Who accept it? The point is to come out of a small problem without to pay a lot for nothing. That him do something wrong him know self now and I believe him learned about it.

    But this is not a reason to rip someone out of money for nothing.

  4. If I am you I refuse completly the payment what this lady want. But report to the police that you are willing to pay the damage if you got a fair bill fror the repair from the company who repaired it.

    You was invited to the party so no one can complain.

    If it gone to court, what I not believe, the damages are paid already.

    I am sure the case will be closed!!!

    Give a shit on this what this policeman said. If you need help, try to connect the Information lady from Soi 9 police (Mrs. Magold)


    She will help you for sure!!!

  5. This sounds similar to when two Thais have been found out for having sex.

    The girls family will insist on marraige. If the boy's family decline then the girls parents will, sometimes, go to the police and file a rape case.

    See how serious the girls parents are. Money may need to be paid to keep the boy out of jail.

    Rape case? 555

    They was together for a longer time and sure don't played Majong or something else. A rape case they can forget. Police never accept it!!! 555

    If she tell him stole her virgin, him can tell the same and nothing happen.

    If they are they are the same age or over 18 years nothing will happen too. No one can do something.

    And not forget, Thai men have the right to butterfly. Every thai woman can tell it to you.

    Sure her family want a compensation if they broke. Because she open her legs and her family lost the face in the village if they not marry.

    You clearly know nothing about it.

    For sure much more as you!!! I have 2 sons 19 +21 who made a lot of experience!!!

  6. This sounds similar to when two Thais have been found out for having sex.

    The girls family will insist on marraige. If the boy's family decline then the girls parents will, sometimes, go to the police and file a rape case.

    See how serious the girls parents are. Money may need to be paid to keep the boy out of jail.

    Rape case? 555

    They was together for a longer time and sure don't played Majong or something else. A rape case they can forget. Police never accept it!!! 555

    If she tell him stole her virgin, him can tell the same and nothing happen.

    If they are they are the same age or over 18 years nothing will happen too. No one can do something.

    And not forget, Thai men have the right to butterfly. Every thai woman can tell it to you.

    Sure her family want a compensation if they broke. Because she open her legs and her family lost the face in the village if they not marry.

  7. I have an Asgate as well as a couple of other cheaper power mowers but the wheel bearings have given up and they are a special type not sold in any bearing shop. So going to buy this one from Global House:

    Did you look at Lazada? They have a lot of bearings now: http://www.lazada.co.th/shop-home-improvement/?dir=asc&itemperpage=120&q=bearings&sort=priceasc

    I have a Asgatec now for 4 years. Work still very well. Onliest problem is I need a new blade (Standard blade) and can't buy it somewhere.

    Emails from Ansgatec never been anwered.

    Someone here know a shop in or around Pattaya who sale lawn mower blades?

  8. What do the police in your home countries in cases like this? Nothing!!!

    Because if it don't give a assault and witnesses who report it to the police they can't do something!!!

    If your car is showing bullet strikes, it would be a case to follow........................coffee1.gif

    Him have reported it and a case is open but WHO saw that bang bang shot??? Nobody??? So what the police can do?

    NOTHING!!! And they know it.

  9. I agree. Haven't suffered the dreaded dual price at all in my area.

    Personally , i agree with dual pricing

    We are farlangs , Alien , / foreigener . have much more money than Thai people , who rightly resent us .

    Why do many thai lady want farlang darling , and not thai darling . ? Dual pricing . at it,s best . wai2.gif

    Time that your wife charge you!!! Her Thai boyfriend f..k free and you pay 20.000 THB the month!!!

  10. It says more about the kind of farang man you meet then the reality. I don't behave that way, nearly all of my friends do not behave that way. Don't confuse faring men with the types that prop up the bar looking for cheap sex or spend their "business" trip weekends in go go bars.

    This is the reality!!! And the most of them are married long time, over 60, have a own house, car, kids, ...!!! Maybe it is Pattaya related but I don't believe.

    Or it is blah blah blah from the old guys. Hahaha....

  11. I don't know why so much TV members bashing on thai ladies!!! Minimum 80% of the married farang men's I learned know here in Thailand told me from their weekly love affairs, short time adventures and Ban Chang days, ......!!!!

    So a FARANG MAN can <deleted> around but a Thai Woman not because him paid everything?

    You all can be happy to find a younger woman who take care about you. In your home countries you just got a middle finger from younger woman or it will cost you much more.

  12. If I had this one time, I bought some cameras for protect my place and find this &lt;deleted&gt;. For 12.000 THB you can buy a 4 cameras cctv system and check who do it.

    Can your GSD not track him? Exercise this with him/she.

  13. Israel has long rationed water to Palestinians. This is water pumped from wells and rivers inside Palestine. But Israel has seized control of all the water and doles it out one drop at a time.

    From the very first, the policy of the Israeli government has been to make conditions of life intolerable for Palestinians so they will leave and make way for Israeli settlers.

    It is all part of realizing the Zionist dream of ​Eretz Israel.

    This is exact the point. Every year they stole more and more land from the palestinians!!!

    And this never change if the western countries not stopp to support Israel.




  14. You can badmouth, bold your words, and put more exclamation marks, to your little heart's content. It would still not make your case.

    Sending other poster to search Google is rude, and simply means you cannot provide proper support.

    To try and make this clearer - the price a Palestinian may or may not pay to another Palestinian delivering water in a tanker, is not the price Israel charges from the Palestinians for the same water. It is not even the price set by the Palestinian Water Authority. Basically, these are private operators, many of them unregulated (by Palestinian authorities), who thrive at the expense of their fellow Palestinians. The Palestinian Authority does very little to counter water theft (by Palestinians) from its own infrastructure, does very little to regulate or subsidize such private operators, and fails miserably when it comes to collecting revenues from Palestinian consumers.

    You can talk what you want but the fact is: "Israel cut almost every year the water for the at most very poor palestinians but give very cheap water (2.6 Shakel) to the Israelian settlers for grow up !!!" Source: http://webcache.googleusercontent.com/search?q=cache:YTh3O2CquvsJ:www.haaretz.com/israel-news/business/.premium-1.622913+&cd=1&hl=en

    THIS show me that palestinians are only low class humans for Israelis. Otherwise they would be treated the same.

    The palestinians must pay 7.676 Shakels for the m³. And don't tell me the settlers too. They got the aggriculture tariff for growers for just 2.6 Shakels and use it 100% for their households too. http://www.water.gov.il/Hebrew/Rates/Pages/Rates.aspx

    But that you ride so extrem on my claim and not on the bad behavior from Israel to cut other humans from the access of water show me too what human are you be!!!

    Your statement that the palestinians who provide the water tanks charge the higher prices is even misleading, given te fact that these trucks are only needed because Israel blocks the waterpipes.

    But I still believe not all Israelis are bad.

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