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Posts posted by snowgard

  1. I have read today online about other peoples experiences with Alibaba. They all say that it is hit and miss. If you can find a quality dealer with quality products then you are aces. If not you may as well spend the money on cheap Lao Khao and wake up with less of a head ache.

    same as with lazada.

    That is why one should only buy from lazada if you can see it is "sold and fulfilled by lazada" and not "sold and fulfilled by your neighbors poodle".

    and maybe Tesco, they sell a lot on lazada too

    As I understand they recently became one in the same, but I can't remember who bought who.

    No one bought someone. Completly different groups.

    Alibaba.com is a chinese Investment group

    Lazada is a german Investment Group. Rocket Internet!!! On the european market they ran Zalando and destroy all small shops.

  2. Again .....!!! What is the true? What the lady told? Or was it self defense? I don't know!!!

    But I know that the most Thais let run their dogs in front of their homes, on the public road, and give a shit of it that their dogs try to bite people walking or driving the road.

    But it's all the time better to shot a video of the hunting dog and call the police as to kick the dog. The most dogs are so scare that if you go down for pick up a stone they run away. You don't must throw it to they.

  3. Alibaba.com is full with scammers. Never buy something direct from the sellers and never pay direct to they.
    The best way is to fly there, buy it, check that everything right and give it to a shipping agent. Or use a trusted shipping agent from alibaba. For the payment only use Alipay.

    China and Thailand have a FreeTrade Agreement, BUT you need the Form E from the seller, stamped and signed from chinese Government. Without it you pay the normal tax.

    Not forget that also Vat come on top of all.

    More infos for Form E: https://www.google.co.th/search?q=freetrade+china+thailand+form+e

  4. What we learned about it? For sure the most NOTHING!!!

    But some will wait that the condominium building is build already before they buy something.

    Don't trust someone in this country. Not a Thai and 100% not a Farang!!!

    Why do you even bother to live here if you cannot trust a single person in this country.

    Did I have to trust someone to have a good life here? No!!!

    I live my life and enjoy it!!! That's all!!! And that I think like this, is based on my personal experience.

  5. Nothing you can do about it, if you think they are charging you more walk away, their loss at the end of the day

    I don't even bother saying anything if I think I am being dual charged, just walk off, I remember a incident years ago where a brush salesman came outside my house whilst I was in the garden, I asked him how much for a brush, he said 100 Baht, (30-40 in the Shopping Mall) I didn't say a word to him and walked in the house, when I came out 10 minutes later he was still stood there laugh.png

    There are things I have seen on the markets that I would like to buy but never do, I really can't be bothered with all the haggling, I just shop at places where the price is clearly shown

    As for hairdressers the one I go to charges me the price shown in Thai on the list,

    I really don't class it as racism, Thais try to rip each other off as much as they do Farangs

    I agree with you - it is most certainly NOT racialism, it is simple grees. Unfortunately it is common not only in Thailand, but in most other tourists centres. Take Manhattan main Stree - 6th Ave.- with all the tourists stores, where the prices are 3 to 4 fold of the normal prices. Here in Thailand, each Farang is considered a tourist and hence the

    situation, which looks like racism.

    Agree with you, its not racism ! Its trying to earn more money as they can, from tourism... Its all over Europe, i got stung 15 euros for a shot of espresso in Rome, tourist price !! Visited a food stall in Egypt, alone, then with a friend, paid less than half the second visit.. Life as tourist.. A mate was conned in London as well......

    And how much the italians pay? Same price? So it's not racism it's only a expensive place!!!

    But some people are to stupid to see a different!!!

  6. I'd like to congratulate the Governor.

    After recently spending a few days R&R in Kata I was disappointed and embarrassed to see the generally low standard of foreigner behavior.

    Walking through markets and riding bikes in bikinis or budgie-smugglers. Yuk. When walking head on to a Thai expecting the Thai to move aside.

    Helmetless on bikes and feeling they had the right to proceed while Thais were waiting at stopped traffic.

    Demanding first service in front of others.

    Refusing to respond to a greeting from our Thai hosts.

    Arguing every bill.

    Not a very appropriate way for a guest to behave.

    Thais get away with some things that we don't. That's the way it is.

    But the most of this will never happen if:

    1. You can rent a motorbike/car only with a valid international/Thai driving license. Like in the most countries!!!

    2. Rasing up the fine for driving without helmet, on pedestrian, phoning, ... on minimum 2.000 THB.

    3. Who drive again without helmet on the same day get his motorbike confiscated for one week.

    4. Driving drunken on stop arrested and minimum 1 month prison.

    5. .....

    I am sure that this want help a lot about traffic death rate, accidents, ...

  7. Firstly it’s important to categorize the deaths of foreigners based on the circumstances before any action is taken.

    They never done it before in the last 20 years? And him never done it in the last 7 month ... after "This matter always comes up in consulate meetings."???


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