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Posts posted by snowgard

  1. When a friend of mine was checked into immigration detention in BKK he was given 100 baht of his cash back after the strip search and powdering. Once he got into his cell a nice man offered him 'protection' for 100 baht. Stay was relatively peaceful after he paid whilst waiting for the wheels of 'justice.'

    Money IS used in many Thai jails.

    And this nice man is living now 3 years in a immigration detention center cell and offer his service??? Come on man!!! Hahahaa,,,,,,,,,

    And tomorrow it's raining nuggets? :-)

  2. I like this comment from him:

    Driving at night, Dave said he collided with another bike, which didn’t have its lights on, carrying three people who weren’t wearing helmets - a French man and woman and a local.

    After being knocked unconscious, he was left with broken ribs and severe cuts and bruises. He said he nearly lost an eye in the incident and has been left suffering terrible memory loss.

    But what the other do wrong him remember very good!!! lol

    Also I am missing the part that the police informed the embassy about the accident wich they do all the time if a farang had a accident and stay in hospital.

    And the police informed the embassy that they locked up a Brit!!!! The embassy look inside the case and help to find a lawyer ....???

    Or do the british embassy nothing for help???

  3. Does anyone know where to buy the curing salt in Pattaya?

    In Soi Khao Noi at Royal Group!!!


    Wood chips you can buy also in HomePro, HomeWorks in the near of the BBQs.

    Many thanks smile.png

    Welcome!!! :-)

    But I not use it anymore. My favour is now sea salt!!! I bought a 5kg bag at Makro for 70-80 THB!!! Work almost the same.

    So or so you must keep the meat in the fridge. So it's no problem.

    For a smoker you can look in the street where they build this one fot Thai kitchen:


    I paid 3.500 THB for this big one. For me it is to big but some friends come smoke their meat too. So it's ok!!!

  4. Why they don't show a photo from the Everest? A good chance that the damage is on the left site of the Everest.

    Maybe the german drive at normal speed on the left line, saw that the parking tourbus bl​ock the left line and want to move to the right line. But there the Everest come at highspeed, don't worry about flash light and hit the german.

    It's easy to give the fault to a dead man.


  5. Both mastercard and visa have emergency cash advance facilities.

    what do you mean?

    You can get a express emergency credit card in 24h. https://usa.visa.com/support/consumer/lost-stolen-card.html

    Otherwise you can call your bank and ask what can do (Western Union Transfer) or visit your Embassy. They will contact your bank and arrange a payment to you if you have money in your account. Otherwise they tell you <deleted> off!!!

  6. A farang in a fight is seen as entertainment and a money making opportunity for a Thai Policeman.

    Here is an example how things can quickly go "belly up' in Thailand.

    Some time ago, I was in McDonadls and there were 2 German boys claiming the cashier 'shorted' them the correct change on a 1,000Bt note.

    They were being very polite about it all, but persistent, and requested to see the CCTV video to verify their claim.

    The cashier of course was not going to show them the evidence...

    so the German guys persisted, they wanted the correct change & asked the Tourist Police be called to settle the dispute. They were being very polite and expected it to be sorted by the police.

    Coincidentally, there was a police box across the street, so the cashier sent staff and asked the police to come resolve the issue.

    Did the police go and help the tourist? No. They sent over 7 motorcycle taxi drivers to escalate the situation and they watched from across the road.

    I waved over the German boys and explained the Police were not coming...They are not exactly like the German Police back home...Really? .. and those 7 taxi drivers lurking around were sent by the Police to escalate the situation. Probably get a good kicking, then be spending a day at the Police station costing 20,000 Bt each.

    The took my advice and gave up their quest for the correct change.

    The 7 motorbike taxi drivers all got a free ice cream.

    I not believe this story!!! If you have problems with a cashier in a McDonalds the restaurantmanager come direct and check what happen. And for sure they check the cctv. I also not believe that the police sent 7 taxidriver!!!!

    Complete BS story!!!

  7. This is a clear example why Thailand need harsher gun laws.

    Very good idea!!! The penalties are at most only jokes:

    Section 371 - Whoever, carries arms in a town, village or public way openly or without a reasonablecause, or carries arms in a gathering assembled for worship, entertainment or any otherpurpose, shall be punished with fined not exceeding one hundred Baht, and the Court, shallhave the power to forfeit such arms.

    Section 376 - Whoever, unnecessarily fires a gun in a town, village or an other place where there isconglomeration of people, shall be punished with imprisonment not exceeding ten days orfined not exceeding five hundred Baht, or both.

    Section 379 - Whoever, in the course of a fight, draws or shows up arms, shall be punished withimprisonment not exceeding ten days or fined not exceeding five hundred Baht, or both.

    Source: https://www.samuiforsale.com/law-texts/thailand-penal-code.html#308

    Unbelievable penalties!!! But I don't found a penalty for unregistered guns. Maybe 1.000 THB???

  8. Mobi, what I not understand is that you still don't know what medicals the vets give to your dog. Unbelievable for me. I let give me all the time the names of the medicals so I can check exactly what it is, sideeffects, ...!!!

    I live now 8 years here. I have in the moment 4 dogs (1Thai, 3 German Sheperd Dogs) and made the same expirience like you before. I paid around 3.000 THB monthly for Frontline, Revolution, ... and the other shit, but my dogs were ill.

    I paid a lot of money for the vets who treat my dogs and learned my lessons. In real no one of the vets here need to make a bloodtest because they know exactly after they saw the dog what they have but ... it's all about money!!! If one of my dogs start be sick and the symptoms looks like Erlichiosis I treat my dogs self and everything is fine.

    My advice what I posted here before is the easiest and cheapest way to threat your dog but you as the owner must choose the right option:

    As prevention for fleas and ticks I use Ivermec. I buy 100ml bottles for injection but give it in the food.

    A lot of vets will tell you it's not save blah,,,,,,,blahh...blah.... but want give your dog a injection with the same.

    For small dogs (1-20kg) you can buy tablets with Ivermec.

    For treat Ehrlichiosis I have a big pack of Doxycycline (500 Capsules):

    Ehrlichiose Treatment

    - 5 - 10 mg/kg every 12 - 24 h vor 2 - 3 month or

    - 10 mg/kg 2 × daily for 2 - 3 weeks,

    A Bigpack Doxycycline cost around 600-800 THB in a pharmacy (check differents). Let your wife buy it otherwise it can be much more expensive.

    For the skin treatment my thai wife bought a yellow powder (Sulfur) from a chinese pharmacy in Naklua.

    Price was around 20-30 THB for a pack.

    We mix it with a little water and Oliveoil and give it on the infected skin or better full body. Shower the dog before. Don't wash it out. Some days later the skin is well again and new hair comes.

    Yearly costs:

    100ml Ivermec for 4 dogs between 27-38kg THB 250.00 incl. Shipping

    500 Doxycycline Capsules THB 600.00

    Sulfur, 1 pack THB 30.00


    THB 880.00

    The double of this I paid before just for the first vet visit. The important stuff is Ivermec. No Ticks = no health problems

  9. A friend has his house broken into while he was out, and they not only took his tv and computer etc, but his SUV as they found the keys for that too. This was in a gated community, where by a very strange coincidence the security guard vanished at the same time as the robbery. The police refused to investigate unless my friend paid them 100,000 baht.

    A couple of hundred years or so ago we had highwaymen where I come from, the UK, where they would stop you in your vehicle (horse-drawn coach) and demand money. It still goes in Thailand, all these years later. No difference at all.

    Sorry to say but your friend must be a complete idiot!!! A easy visit with a reporter at the policestation had done it too!!!

    I come now over 25 years to Thailand and live the last 8 years here. Drive a car and a motorbike and NEVER paid a ticket!!!

    How this can be? I mean almost everyone here tell a lot of stories about the criminal, corrupt police. Nut I never ever had a problem.

    I never been asked for teamoney.

    But I saw here a lot of stupid farangs who don't accept the rules here, drive without helmet, no driving license, drunken, ... who are crying here that the police stopped they and charged a fine. Be happy that I am not the policeman who stopped you.

    I would charge you the highest level for every rule breaking!!! Let you walk to find or buy a helmet without your bike, no driving license would bring you to the police station, identy check and a nice court date and so on ..!!!

    Same you know it from your glory home country!!! I think you all miss it!!!

  10. With a modified exhaust and intake, 10% increase in power. I guess that 4 seconds of noise ruins you whole day.

    Wow!!! And this in a country with highspeed max. limit of 120 km/h? Hahaha....!!!!

    I think the bike drive without a modified exhaust 132 km/h too!!!

  11. Why? Because him have balls and not pay? All the idiots who run away or pay are the troublemakers for farangs because a Thai learn fast to charge more and more and more .....!!!

    I have honest respect for the Russian family. Much more than for the courageous TV members who would pay the higher price or run away cowardly.

    It is your blame that the Thais trying to rip us off.

    And I is not about the money but to stand for your rights!!!

  12. Here's how the "civilised" world responds to this sort of thing:

    "A man in Australia has been charged with murder after he allegedly confronted a burglar who broke into his house on Saturday morning and left the man with fatal injuries".


    It would seem the legal way to deal with someone breaking into your house is to help them pack your gear into their swag bag, give them a cup of tea, and help them out the front door, after asking if they want a ride back to their place. Or just give them the car keys and let them take that too.

    Let us know how the courts ruled it out in the "civilised world"!!! But here are two men gone on one burglar. This is a big different.

    I found it funny how much people respond here that the Thai cop shot to much times. Up to the law they can have ONLY 7 bullets in the pistol.

    But I saw a lot of videos where the US Cops empty their complete Glock's and reload it and empty it again on suspects.

    So who is well trained? cowboy.gif

  13. No.

    Israel is not Nazi Germany.

    That's what haters say and they use the Nazi thing specifically to inflame Jews.

    Stop it, haters.

    Stop it.

    Criticize rationally as you would against any other state, fine.

    Sure Israel is not Nazi Germany but it handles like it. Yes I know, you see it different.

    Change the world:

    Give the palestines the same rights as Israelis.

    Let them pay the same prices for electric, water, ... as Israelis pay.

    Give they back a good quality of life with schools, hospitals, .... all what Israel destroyed and will destroy again next time.

    At last give they their land back!!!

    This would show the world that Israelis are GOOD PEOPLE!!!

    And don't come with the Jews Thing!!! I give a shit on it if someone is a Jew, Christ, Buddhist, Moslem or just a Moneylover!!!

    For me everyone will have the same 100% rights I have. I treat everyone the same way I would like to be treated. Whether he is rich or poor, Muslim or Christian or whatever.

  14. Cold blooded murder by an IDF terrorist. His lawyer claims he was fearful the assailant had a bomb strapped to his belt, how pathetic. Looks like business as usual for the IDF, the bystanders hardly bat an eyelid.

    I think you mean cold blooded murder by an Israel Nazi Soldier!!! Completly SS Totenkopf Comando style!!!

    It is unbelievable but the USA and Israel have the rights to murder everyone in the world without a court rule. If a palestine gone crazy because Israel stole their water and charge they more as 4 times so much as Israelians must pay for it him is a terrorist. Israleis can destruy schools, kill old innocent people, kids, women, ... everything is wonderful. Shit on the palestine terrorist!!! But why they do it? . Just google for it and you want to learn a big lesson!!! ISRAELIS are the new bread of the Nazis. Nothing other!!! Otherwise they never threat other people like this! And charge a much more higher payment for palestines as for Israelis!!!

    If ISRAEL threat people harder as animals ....




  15. Police special forces, in Australia, it's the tactical response group, are trained by military special forces, so I doubt the validity of your statement....,and besides, I would 100% expect a soldier to be more accurate with a weapon than a cop, as they have the opportunity and time to practice a lot more.... Which is also why ex military can easily transition to the police force, or mercenary groups, or close protection details, while cops become security guards.

    So generally, if a cop shoots the perp in the leg... He missed his target!

    This show me you never was in the military. The most time you don't shot with real ammon. Only if you go really shooting.

    But as a cop you gone shooting once the month in the beginning and after you MUST exercise every 3 month. If you can't reach your points you must come again..

  16. Law enforcement officers are trained to shoot to kill if they draw their weapons. They don't fire warning shots. The military will fire warning shots on certain occasions.IE a Somali pirate 500 meters off of a boat. Even then the warning shots are a signal that the people they are being issued to are well outgunned. No warning shots are ever given all things being equal.

    However in close quarters involving hand guns if a police officer draws his weapon he is instructed to shoot to kill.

    Are you serious? I was in military and we learned just to kill attackers. No warning shots!!! But in all countries where I lived in usually the police will be trained to disarm attackers and if appropriate to incapacitate they. But never the military!!!

    Why so few people are killed by police in Europe? Because they learned their business!!!

  17. Okay... please answer one question: did you ever try to shoot a 9mm pistol on a small, quickly and erratically moving target at a distance of 10 meters?

    I did and I can tell you it's pretty damn difficult to hit the target.

    For the record, I won the second prize in my club's shooting competition.

    Yes, but a body from a 60-120kg man is not small. A rabbit is small and can move fast and I can shot it a lot of times.

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