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Posts posted by samgrowth

  1. Lee Kuan Yew got his son it. So did George Bush. There are also others in India, etc etc..

    I am not surprise that Thaksin will get his son in. What's wrong with that?

    You mean like Syria and North Korea? Singapore is a family run dictatorship in all but name, and is probably the model that Thaksin was aiming for if he had been able to stay around long enough. The second coming of the Bush name didn't exactly produce the most notable president the US has had, and the Ghandi family reunions are pretty small events despite ruling India for some length of time. I don't think any of these were caught cheating at their university exams too, something Takkie junior was guilty of, not ideal for a future PM. I'd like to think the Shinarotten empire is dead, but unfortunately I have a feeling that they haven't finished yet.

    Rumour has it that at some stage big sis will take the helm of proxy party

    Which big sister? You mean Somchai's wife?. I prefer the your sister, the ex CEO of the mobile phone company. She's more appealing.

  2. Let's see what exact charges the police will bring for airport shutdown. I've been asking our members here for a while now, no one seems to have any idea, only plenty of "terrorism" souts.

    Since there is not much physical damage, maybe a couple of block toilets, my guess is that the court will ask for a few thousand bahts to compensate for the cleaning. Say 5,000 baht, then case close. Issue resolved.

  3. Thanks Ricardo.

    From the news I got so far, it seems that representatives from China, Cambodia and Vietnam are not sure if they can come for some reasons.

    The truth is, if the terrorist PAD had not blocked the airports, the Summit would have been taken place.

    Shame on PAD. I don't know why PAD are loved by some people here. What did PAD contribute to the development of Thailand?

    At least PAD put Thailand back into CNN & BBC headline news (on Swampy closure). Most people in this world does not even know where Thailand is.

    Many Americans think Thailand & Taiwan is the same country. And Austria & Australia. Or Switzerland & Swaziland. Do Thailanders have cloths on, some may ask.

  4. Now it is so clear that PAD and Democ Rats are 2 in 1. The only trick is Abhisit himself didn't directly lead the terrorists to block Government House and airports.

    The government shakes hand with terrorists. Must be the joke of the century.

    Please remind me, who exactly did the PAD terrorise? Did they blow the airport up? Did they go on murderous rampages through the city? They were well out shadowed in violence by the red shirts, but I wouldn't even call them terrorists, just mindless thugs. I can just see Osama Bin Ladan watching from his cave and thinking "so that's where we went wrong, next time we'll just sit around the World trade center waving hand clappers, far more effective as a weapon of terror."

    For the benefit of those with short memories.


  5. To the Thai people, this subject must not be discussed in any form. Please stop the discussion here. All this must be censered, not only in Thailand, but all over the world.

    Also I hope Jonathan Head, Giles Ungkaporn and Jakrapob Penkair all gets the maximum 15 years sentenses for insulting the king. Their cases must also not be reported. They are not even worth a trial. Just arrest them and put them in jail straight away.

  6. ... the suggestion that they hid ping pong bombs there is ludicrous....

    It's not ludicrous to think that when the decision was made to leave Government House, one of the hard core PAD guys decided to get rid of his ping pong bomb before going home.

    However hardcore PAD may be, PAD is a non violence group with no weapons.

    Having said that, has anyone check if there are shuttlecork bombs left behind in Swampy?

  7. This is just another Marketing scam. They all take turn to win a award, from various institution, magazines, survey, etc.

    Have been flow an airlines that has not an award?

    Or driven a car that has not be voted best car of the year?

    Or attended a university that is not on a top 10 list of some kind?

    Or seen a movie that has no nomination?

    Or drink a beer that never won a gold medel?

    All brands won awards. The frequency of the winning depended on their marketing budget.

  8. Media report facts as they see them, they are not obliged to strictly follow the court resolution as it didn't concern them or ordered them to report things in certain way. You can try to sue the Nation if you want.

    Sound like The Sun to me. At least their page 3 is juicy.

  9. I believe they're entitled to pocket 50% of the "on the spot fines". Anything paid at the station goes into the "joint account". That's why the police will charge you less at the roadside (usually half) because it goes into their own pocket!

    Oh, I see..

    Legalized corruption.

    Like the other poster wrote..." Next..."

    What is wrong in legalise corruption. The govt will gain in the form of income tax.

    In our world, we have already legalised sex, drug, gambling, alchohol, tobaco, gay marriage, etc.

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