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Posts posted by samgrowth

  1. I can't understand what made him think of giving 2,000 Baht per person to those who earn less than 14,000 Baht / month. Total 9.4 million people can get this money. What about the rest? We all pay tax but only these people get the benefit.

    2,000 Baht every 6 months if I remember correctly. What can it really help Thailand?

    Now you are upset he gives money to the poorer?

    So now Mark is the Robin Hood of Bangkok Forest? Rob the rich and give it to the poor?

  2. hey tod, sometimes if you are lucky you get a real gate. I have had real gates at suvarnabhumi on a flight from KUL to BKK, and recently a real gate on a BKK-CNX sector. very nice :o The main problem with Suvarnabhumi is they have no 'Low Cost' terminal. So the Air Asia flights park a fair way off on a remote stand, that is not within walking distance of the terminal.

    i agree that a domestic to intl connection on air asia could cause an issue, but if you give yourself a good 4 hour connection you will be ok 99.9% of the time. At least they operate into Suvarnabhumi, try a Nok Air to international connection in bangkok, erm, can't do it without a long taxi ride

    Usually AirAsia they go to a gate when possible. However these are the expect.

    1. First flight out in the morning (6 to 8 am) as they don't park at the gate overnight

    2. Last flight in at night (after 10 pm) as they don't park at the gate overnight

    3. Switch between international & domestic (& vise versa) Eg. International flight arrived in the domestic side, because the next take off is for domestic destination; international passenger will not go into the domestic side of the terminal, but bused to the international side of the airport.

    Express bording not necessay. Just don't be the last few to board the plane, and you will be OK.

    Baggage is the cheapest amount the low cost airlines. Just take a look at Tiger web if you don't believe me.

  3. MacDonald & Asian kitchen are the only 2 in the LCCT terminal (land-side). Both are always jam pack. Asian kitchen is also over price, and limited choice. There is a coffee shop with sandwich in the air-side.

    The foodcourt on the left (as you exit), pass the bus stop, is known as FOOD GARDEN. All the stores are already open. The food are typical Malay, Indian and Chinese food found in normal foodcourt in KL. Price is very reasonable (for an airport). A new KFC has open there too. This foodcourt is alway ultra clean, well lit, and never crowed. I always kill time here.

    The new international arrival hall is now open. It is just beside the old one. Very big with lots of immigration counters.

  4. ASTV is broadcasting from Hong Kong, there's little the government can legally do about it's impartiality.

    Then why was PTV shut down? They also broadcasted from overseas.

    Thaksin shut it down after winning the election, why waste money when you can abuse NBT freely?

    Wong. PTV was shut down by the military governmet, while allowing ASTV to air. Would you say it is double standard?


    Bangkok Post Thursday, February 22, 2007

    The government will lodge a complaint asking police to shut down the new satellite television channel PTV, which is linked to the Thai Rak Thai party, if it starts broadcasting on March 1 as scheduled, director-general of the Public Relations Department Pramoj Rathavinij said yesterday.

    Speaking after a meeting with Prime Minister's Office Minister Thirapat Serirangsan to decide the fate of PTV, Mr Pramoj said the station had been established illegally, without a licence from the state.

    "We are ready to lodge a complaint asking police to arrest them [the PTV operators] if they still launch it in March," he said.

    Earlier, Mr Thirapat, who supervises government media policy, said the government would no longer allow new community radio, satellite and cable television stations in the country and said existing stations would be regulated and managed by the rule of law.

    Mr Thirapat blamed the previous government of ousted prime minister Thaksin Shinawatra for letting media outlets mushroom so they became out of control.

    ASTV's News One Channel, owned by media mogul Sonthi Limthongkul, has also come under fire for being established illegally.

    But the satellite channel has been given temporary immunity by the Administrative Court, allowing it to continue broadcasting on grounds of the right to freedom of expression.

  5. Disgusting, I know.

    I just hope Abhisit is doing it out of necessity - he MUST make Isanese accept him as alternative to Thaksin.

    If that is the goal, country unification, I'm prepared to tolerate it for a while.


    Abhisit can breathe a sigh of relief now.

    Does this mean that Plus is actually Sonthi Limtongkun???

    So Thai tax payer must contribute to the government to buy vote from poor Issan.

    No wonder Thaksin avoided paying tax.

  6. I think this could have been taken care of in the usual (corrupt) Thai way of paying a fine and paying off the store owner. The problem here is that the store owner saw $$$ and got her calculator humming. "40 towsand baht dey take from me, big sack." That GIANT discrepancy between taking 2 shirts and 40,000 BHT worth is where the trouble began and ended for the 2 Swedes. The cops probably said pay 40K and you can leave. The Swedes only took 2 shirts equalling 600 BHT.

    I wonder how big a sack you need to stuff 40,000 BHT worth of shirts in it? They must have been Armani (bootlegs)...

    You sound as though it is OK to steal 2 shirts equalling 600 BHT. IMHO, one should not even steal 2 candy worth 6 BHT.

    Thieves MUST be punish. Put them in jail.

  7. Thai forces using torture in restive south: Amnesty International

    Amnesty International (AI) has called on the government to end the "culture of impunity" in the deep South where the London-based organisation has documented at least 34 cases of authorities torturing suspected Malay Muslim insurgents, four of whom died.

    All I will say is that AI is lying. Thai people are peaceful people and will never torture. Take a look at PAD for an example.

    Unlike America, there is no offshore prison in Thailand. Not even in the South.

  8. There's heavy critisism of the stimulus package in today's Bangkok Post from various economic gurus.

    Many of them view it as a populist vote attracting campaign rather than sound economic policy.

    Apparently Abhisit go his priorities "right", finally. For now he has little incentive to look further than one or two years ahead. If, however, he continues in the same vein they might just as well call themselves TRT sequel part IV.

    It looks like under current political system, no matter who is in charge, the government is forced to do exactly the same shit, over and over again, against any common sense.

    I just hope Abhisit doesn't extend it past the next elections. Somebody has to stop it, and if not him I don't see anyone else. Unlike the US political leaders here never seem to change.

    So back to the same old story.

    Vote buying using public money.

  9. What has the children asset got to do with Thaksin.

    This is not France 220 years ago, when the heads of the whole family could roll because of just one man.

    If only it were so... Put a large guillotine in Sanam Luang, line up the entire Shinarotten clan and chop chop chop.

    You mean turn them all to eunuchs.

    Well, since Thaksin is divorced, he don't need his anyway. Not sure about his son though.

  10. I'm surprised that no one else has picked up on the real reason for all this. Concerned at the low numer of tourists visiting Thailand the authorities have started locking up those that actually come here in the hope of attracting family members. What a novel way of increasing foreign arrivals.

    I like this new TAT approach. :o:D:D

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