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Posts posted by samgrowth

  1. Mrs Areewan accused Kanisorn of beating and torturing her as well as forcing her at gunpoint to walk naked in their neighbourhood.

    According to her, on one occasion Kanisorn tortured her by dripping hot candle wax on her body. On another occasion, he stripped and handcuffed her and then forced her to walk back home from the mouth of their soi.

    The woman must have stolen some GODIVA chocolate from him.

  2. This committee didn't say anything about ASTV telling many lies since 2006. Maybe they only check radio stations and not tv stations.

    No one is allowed to do this and that except PAD/elite/Army/Dems and some more.

    Yellow/PAD/elite/Army/Dems have mandate from the top. They are the untouchable. Unless you don't want to walk free.

  3. [

    The truth is Abhisit did not join the Army. He cannot argue about this but keeps silent.


    Well, there are plenty of people that don't join the Army. I'm sure that you being a Thai you are more than aware of that.

    I agree that many Thai boys did not join the army. Many Thai boys also do cooking shows on TV.

    However, the law says no cooking show, so Samak got kick out.

    But the law also say must join army, except if your name is Mark.


    p.s. I am a Thailand Elite member and I think it is fantastic. If you are a moderate user you get your million baht back in benefits in 8 years, plus during that time the money you bring into Thailand does some good for the countries economy. You don't need to be rich to buy this card, you just need to be able to do the maths! I will be disappointed if it does die and of course will hope for compensation as would anyone concerned with a broken contract. Some of you Thai Visa miseries should try getting your cash back from your ex-wives...or is that maybe where the cynisism in your posts comes from. You get what you give out baby :D

    Wow, that's great news. I have my cheque in hand. Where can I buy one?

  5. The govt is playing a game of squashing the opposing voice.

    There were post a few month back on youtube clip of ASTV and translation into Thai in this forum. I will search try to search for it when I have time. I remember it is a speach by Sondhi telling the PAD supporters, something like "If the police try to search you for weapons, shoot them; don't worry, PAD will protect you from any legal issue".

    Calling violence by ASTV/PAD/Sondhi? That was just one example.

    please provide that link, I doubt that.....

    h90, here is the link


    FF to min 30. The sound file is still there too


  6. According to the South China Morning Post, the barbaric policy was introduced by the Thai army's elite Internal Security Operations Command (ISOC) in December when it took control of refugee matters from civilian immigration services. The newspaper published photographs of Colonel Manat Khongpan, a regional commander in ISOC, supervising tens of hand-bound refugees on Sai Daeng beach.

    Read more here


  7. Has anyone got the link to the PAD shooting the pistol while his comrade holds up a picture of the royals? Anyway this might help to understand the PAD mentality:


    PAD saves the nation from supernatural attack

    ON OCTOBER 29, Sondhi Limthongkul gave a speech from the People's Alliance for Democracy stage, broadcast over ASTV, about a new front in his fight to "save the nation". He said:

    "For many years in the past, the powers of many sacred things including the spirit of the City Pillar, the Equestrian Statue of King Rama V, Phra Sayam Thewathirat, and the Emerald Buddha, have been suppressed by evil people using magic. 'Suppress' does not mean destroy, because sacred objects cannot be destroyed, as they have too much power. But 'suppress' means not allowing them to emit their power, by encircling them. This is true. So we have just finished rectifying this in the last two to three weeks. Like at the statue of the Emerald Buddha.

    "Behind it there is a stone. Evil-minded people had allied with some in the Royal Household Bureau to allow a Khmer adept to go behind the Emerald Buddha and take the stone away, because that stone is the important thing for emitting power."

    A few weeks ago, anti-government agitator Sondhi Limthongkul, whose People's Alliance for Democracy has occupied key official buildings for four months in an effort to topple a government he considers illegitimate, accused his opponents of employing wizardry to channel the statue's protective forces their way. And to reverse that alleged sorcery, he deployed his own mystics to encircle the statue with used sanitary napkins (collected from the PAD's rank-and-file) to form a shield of menstrual blood.

    Do you mean this clip?


  8. The govt is playing a game of squashing the opposing voice.

    There were post a few month back on youtube clip of ASTV and translation into Thai in this forum. I will search try to search for it when I have time. I remember it is a speach by Sondhi telling the PAD supporters, something like "If the police try to search you for weapons, shoot them; don't worry, PAD will protect you from any legal issue".

    Calling violence by ASTV/PAD/Sondhi? That was just one example.

  9. Mark should let the RED close Swampy & DM for 8 days. Then he can say it is even. Stop all nonsense from now on.

    If he closed Nana, how would you feel? :D

    My backup plan is to go to Soi Cowboy.

    Patpong for ping pong,

    Pattaya for pattycakes,

    Phuket for getting baked,

    and Samui for some sex, sloth and sun.

    More than enough options if Nana is closed. :o

    Does PPP stands for Patpong, Pattaya and Phuket?

  10. Isn't the whole issue of internet censorship to do with the fact that it is a medium that cannot be controlled by the normal means of censorship, that you find in TV, press etc.

    It is a whole new kettle of fish which the Thai est. sees as being "dam_n inconvenient" as it gives the whole picture. Of course the whole spectrum isn't going to be correct, but people do have the freedom of choice to make up their opinion instead of spoon fed propaganda issued by the normal channels.

    The powers that be wish to shift the consensus in their favour by cutting out this diverse source of information.

    The situation is maybe slightly akin to what you see happening with western financial institutions and the press at present. People are beginning to question what they are being served up and who is at the bottom of the big mess.

    I agree with you.

    However, this is Thailand.

    Everything must be control for the common good.

    And nothing to offend the Royal families.

    So that there will be ever lasting peace in this Land of Free (Thailand = Land of Free in Thai translation)

  11. Just a quick look on Air Asia I see flights for just under 3000baht round trip inclusive of taxes. They fly 2 times a day.

    Thanks flightcrew. AirAsia were the cheapest that I found so my question is really more about whether there is a way to get flights cheaper, for instance, by joining their club, waiting for a promotion, booking through an agent...etc....??

    less than 3000 baht return, and u still want it cheaper?? how much do u want to pay? just book it!

    Another Khao San Road Farang on budget. I suggest take the bus. Wait . . . ., it is cheaper to walk there.

  12. Authorities in Chiang Mai Hold Meeting with Red-Shirt Group

    Chiang Mai authorities have warned the anti-government group in the province to run its protest within the law, or it could face tough legal action.

    TOC / 2009-01-28

    The occupation of Govt House, Airports (Swampy, DM, Hat Yai, Krabi & Phuket) are all WITHIN the law.

    TOC is own by Sondhi. If you people read Thai, you should post cuttings from ASTV & Manager.co.th as well.

  13. This is just one of the countless great achievment from the great King of Thailand.

    Well done and I am so happy for the people of Thailand to have such a great king.

    The king of kings as the world's kings praise him during the last gathering in Bangkok a few years back.

    At that time, Thaksin (being the PM) was trying to steal the limelight without success.

    I wish the Thai king well and rule forever.

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