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Posts posted by samgrowth

  1. You may also want to consider a stop of in Soi Nana which is just a stop before Soi Cowboy.

    If you do so, I don't see how you can make it to Soi Cowboy in the same night.

    Sometime I don't even make it pass Siam (one stop from Hotel Asia); too many female uni students distraction.

    No wonder Mark wants to control the female uni student population (especially over the web).

  2. I was too stupid earlier until I watched Truth Today from 6:30pm.

    The draft says that those who violate (blocking airport for instance) will be fined 500 Baht.

    I can't believe someone who graduated in UK can have such a brain.

    The wonderful thing about government coming from Army and Dems is they issue law having effect for the past. So PAD will pay 500 Baht each person. Case closed. 290,000 million Baht lost caused by 8 day airport blockage is no problem.

    So anyone who wants to knock a government they don't like just gather a few thousand nuts and sit at Suvarnabhumi. Later they will pay 500 Baht fine and go home.

    Not sure if other civilized countries in this planet have this kind of law. Retroactive law?

    Price List


    THB 700 for 1 hour, to pass through. Food and entertainment extra.

    THB 500 for 8 days, to shut it down. Food and entertainment provided.

    Which is cheaper?

  3. A field day for the FM and procurement department I suppose.

    Do you remember those horrible highly sophisicated colourful plastic annual Road Tax stickers a few years back? It was suppost to be forge proof. It must be printed using a special termal printing machine. I lasted about 3 years, now it revert back to the old basic tax label that can be printed by simple dot matrix printer. I wonder how much the transport minister make out of the procurement deal.

  4. I do travel in and out of Thailand a lot. Every time I ask politely for the immigration officers to squeeze as many entry / exit stamps as possible to conserve pages.

    As usual I told the kind and sweet looking Thai immigration lady today. They often acknowledge back with an unforgettable smile. There was no one in the queue so she start chatting with me and showed me some sticker stamps, and told me that in the future (a matter of days), Thai immigration stamp will be replaced with a sticker. I don't mean a large visa sticker. It is a small stick to replace the usual entry / exit stamp.

    Has anyone seen such practice in use in other part of the world? I suppose rubber stamp is too easy to forge these days.

  5. So in Thailand we allow convicted criminals to govern the country then ? :o

    I notice this is in the present tense

    Kosit has yet to be convicted of high crimes against the state for his involvement with the PAD. You can bet there is a bit of negotiation and compromise behind the scenes on this one!

    High crimes? Participating in a sit-in at the airport is now a "High Crime against the State"?

    Anyone in Thailand can do a sit-in protest in any airports. All they have to do is show the 500 to 10,000 Baht fine receipt; when the law comes to effect. I am sure Sondhi et al all have prepared the 500 to 10,000 Baht fine, and pay them promptly when it happens. End of story.

  6. So what happens next?

    Red Shirts have given the government 15 days to take action against PAD and Suthep has already stated that the PAD leader Kasit, will remain the foriegn minister. The investigation into the PAD is still "on going"... LOL.... Wait, wasn't Suthep also involved with the PAD.... Round and round we go....

    Are the red shirts bluffing or do they really have the stomachs and courage to take the government house?

    Are the red shirts bluffing or do they really have the stomachs and courage to take the airports?

  7. I don't know about upcountry.

    But in BKK, I have my phone, electric & water automatically paid via my credit card. Just call your cc up, fax them a copy of your bill, and they will set up an auto payment for you.

    I have also set up my credit card bill to be deducted from my bank account.

    You may ask why not have the utility bill deducted from my bank account direct? The reason is that you can see the amount taken from your cc a few weeks before the cc take money from your bank account. It case the amount seems strange, you have sometime to do something about it. I just don't like someone to just take money from my account without telling me first. Wife excepted.

    I used a separate Krungsri GE cc just for the utilities bills; and do not charge anything else on that card. This cc is free for life (no conditions what so ever), and also provide free rewards points.

  8. With the inheritan tax coming, not many speculator are will to pay a good price. I don't know what's the going rate for Rayong, but in Rangsit klong 10 - Pathumthani area which is abou 50km from Bangkok, the going selling price is only 200,000 Baht per rai.

    The other way is to get a loan from the bank using the land and collectable. You should get about a million Baht. Then default the loan, and let the bank have your land (indirectly selling it). You could also try a local money lender.

    Try asking your neighbour, he/she may want to enlarge his/her land, and may want be able to pay a premium for it.

    If you are selling for a lot less (I mean a lot less), send me a map via PM. I may drive down to take a look next weekend.

  9. The Reds should go straight to protest at the airport if their demands are not met in full.

    There is no point fannying around with Government House. As the PAD has shown, sit-ins there have little impact.

    Couldn't agree more, especially about the airports.

    Also, please remember that (like PAD) UDD is not a political party, so they do not buy vote becuase they don't stand in election.

  10. I despise Snake Thaksin for taking what could have been a mandate by the people and just doing the old 'I'm gonna get super-rich of the backs of the poor'-rutine and then adding 'and I will be tricking them into voluntarily thanking me for it'-double play that will hurt people in the long run more than they seem to realize. Or haven't grasped yet. And the aftermath isn't even over, for him it's like we are in intermission!

    I wish any PM could have a brain such as his so Thailand could go ahead.

    What about a PM who supported PAD to put 350,000 tourists in difficulties if not terrors when they couldn't fly out? Instead of judging them, he brought them to key positions to reward. Next step Abhisit government will borrow money to run Thailand as they don't know how to make money. This is the 2nd time. The 1st time, Khun T paid the loan. A PM who dared to do anything, to promise anything in order to be PM. Is he a man?

    You can lie some people but you can't lie us.

    I cannot agree more.

  11. I am not saying that news of military orders to close stations have been published , I am merely saying I heard this from a credible source.

    Looking at some articles on history of community radio it seems to follow previous happenings under military rule after coup

    Nation - 2006 - Over 300 community radio stations suspended

    Chiang Mai Community radio actually received a donation from the US Govt back in 2006 as they saw it stood for increased democracy in broadcasting.

    US Vice Consul speaking at community radio workshop

    No US or any foreign power may have a say in Thai politics. Americans go home.

  12. Isn't the whole issue of internet censorship to do with the fact that it is a medium that cannot be controlled by the normal means of censorship, that you find in TV, press etc.

    It is a whole new kettle of fish which the Thai est. sees as being "dam_n inconvenient" as it gives the whole picture. Of course the whole spectrum isn't going to be correct, but people do have the freedom of choice to make up their opinion instead of spoon fed propaganda issued by the normal channels.

    The powers that be wish to shift the consensus in their favour by cutting out this diverse source of information.

    The situation is maybe slightly akin to what you see happening with western financial institutions and the press at present. People are beginning to question what they are being served up and who is at the bottom of the big mess.

    I agree with you.

    However, this is Thailand.

    Everything must be control for the common good.

    And nothing to offend the Royal families.

    So that there will be ever lasting peace in this Land of Free (Thailand = Land of Free in Thai translation)

    Ah yes the "common" good and everlasting harmony. Do we all take our cue to hold hands and walk off into the sunset right now.

    Sorry excuse me, I feel a "Hello Kitty" moment coming on. Brief deviation from reality, broadcasting back to normal shortly. :o

    Like if you remains faithful to your wife, it is OK once a while have a brief deviation and sleep with some Pattaya boys.

  13. Just because the name is "ELITE" many people link elite members with politicians or the elites of thai society.

    ELITE is something money cannot buy.

    You earn it by dressing in Yellow, and help to shut down airports to become a Bangkok ELITE.

    Sometime PAD may also upgrade your status to become a FM member.

  14. There are no Jehova's Witness nor Muslim in Thailand.

    Thailand is a Buddhist country.

    thats just not true is it.there are many muslim thai nationals and for all i know there maybe thais who are JW.

    Either they all have been in hiding or more likely I must be blind.

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