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Posts posted by samgrowth

  1. Shop, Guesthouse, Hotel Owners displaying such signs - doesn't matter which national is targeted should be taken to justice - license revoked etc. - it's plain racism!

    .... if not, in this particular case, plain Anti-Semitism!

    Ever had to deal with a bunch of indians? :o

    If not able to deal with the mannerism's of certain people - don't get a job serving the public!

    Ther is no law against that in LOS. All you can do is boycott them. TIT.

  2. Education Ministry to hire 13,000 administrative officers

    "Hiring administrative officers will also reduce unemployment rate in the country," Jurin said.

    -- The Nation 2009-01-16

    Most of these 13,000 admin officers will have nothing to do but wait for month end sales at Central. On top of that, they will get another 2,000 Baht per month from Mark V govt. That's the way to make public sector competitive.

  3. One way to avoid land grabing would probably be to make sure the title deed owner (a farmer i presume) not being able to transfer and/or sell the land for 10 years ... or even 20 years ... but still being able to use the land as collateral ... This would probably hamper the greed from well to do families to use nominees as they won't be able to transfer the land for a long time ...

    Land distribution (re-allocation) is a basically sound policy.

    Who would be willing to lend if the collateral can't be transferred to them if the loan is defaulted on?

    There are plenty of loan sharks out there hunting for prey. They will take anything, including deed, contract, agreements, gold, silver, amluet, fingers, daughter, son and even wife. And all these is just to cover the 20% per month interest. This is real. There is a forum in ThaiVisa that discuss about this 20% per month interest in Thailand, even though by law, government only legally allow 18% PER YEAR.

  4. Jail mates will use their stuff as much as they like, does not matter how strong or fast you are, they are so many more.

    As the men are lock up without access women (paid or unpaid), the natural process would turn them to go for their own sex. This happens all the time in Thai prison (and prison in some other countries) as the men are lock up in groups. Some of them like "ron kon plak" (try something different). When there is so many more of them, resistant may only excit them. To protect white men ass, it is better to lock them up separate. Any accidental acts (consent or not) will create an even greater CNN/BBC headlines.

  5. One way to avoid land grabing would probably be to make sure the title deed owner (a farmer i presume) not being able to transfer and/or sell the land for 10 years ... or even 20 years ... but still being able to use the land as collateral ... This would probably hamper the greed from well to do families to use nominees as they won't be able to transfer the land for a long time ...

    Land distribution (re-allocation) is a basically sound policy.

    One way or the other, some poor farmers will off-load the land through some form of arrangement to greedy investors / money lenders / land brokers. The longer the non-transfer period, the lesser will the poor farmers get.

    And what is stopping norminee to get their hand on free land. Many people will sell their ID card for, say a motocycle. The village heads (puu yai ban) usually acts as a broker, and get a small cut in between. On behalf of the investors (many have connection to local politician), puu yai ban are also the one to request for infrastructue to be build. The projects will be approved by the local politician, who in turned get a cut from the investors.

  6. If Abhisit is considering the possibility that the 'truth' might put Thailand in a very bad light (maybe even so bad that Thaksin can't be held solely accountable) - wouldn't the least of his concerns be getting that information out to the foreign community?

    I have explained before, this is the work of THAKSIN, and THAKSIN alone. Mark & PAD are peaceful people. Such act can only be ordered by THE animal.

  7. The Navy chief added that the illegal migrations of the Rohingyas have affected the nation's security, as they lead to social and public health problems."

    [ http://www.thailandoutlook.tv/toc/ViewData...?DataID=1011708 ]

    To save the life of 60 million Thai woman and children, it would be better to kill a few hundreds drifters. What if these people carry deadly virus that spread like flu that wipe out all 60 million Thai woman and children. Prevention is better than cure.

    Any army who loves their country will do that without a second thought.

    You talk like a Nazi. How about a medical screening instead?

    Isn't it not that a few sailors from Spain almost killed the whole Tahiti islanders due to new diesease?

    Also, it is not possible, with the small boats they used, to travel from their country to Thailand. They are trying to join insurgents in the restive southern region, or wanted a Patani Republic. Hence these people must not be allowed to land, AT ALL COST.

  8. The Navy chief added that the illegal migrations of the Rohingyas have affected the nation's security, as they lead to social and public health problems."

    [ http://www.thailandoutlook.tv/toc/ViewData...?DataID=1011708 ]

    To save the life of 60 million Thai woman and children, it would be better to kill a few hundreds drifters. What if these people carry deadly virus that spread like flu that wipe out all 60 million Thai woman and children. Prevention is better than cure.

    Any army who loves their country will do that without a second thought.

  9. The problem is you can't use the land as collateral, to buy a tractor for example. It's not a simple problem, this system of land titles is really holding poor farmers back. But it's true that people who are mostly going to benefit from this measure are wealthy democrat supporters.

    Poor famers cannot get loan from banks. They get loans from greedy Chinese money lenders who gladly take what ever land they can lay their hands of. That is part of the reason where there are so many who claims that they have no land left (after it was taken by the greedy Chinese money lenders), and what did they do? They went further and further into the jungle and open it up more and more vigins (land).

  10. The problem was instead of most of the land going to poor people for them, it was given to poor people who were nominee's of rich people.

    Allegedly, the poor people took the land, got paid a few thousand baht for doing that process and promptly handed the land over to the behind the scenes rich people who put the poor peoples names forward and made sure they got the land.

    So Thaksin is poor, but his son has billions frozen. Does that mean that Thaksin son's is Thaksin nominee?

  11. It would seem prudent for Sunisa to resign her commission. Then she can do whatever she wants unfettered. Militaries the world over have strict rules on what the commisioned and enlisted can do that always go beyond restrictions placed on civilians. That is the nature of militaries. Leave and proceed with a journalistic career in the Thaksin camp is probably a viable option for her. To stay in the military and break the rules is silly and may result in penalties that can be avoided by leaving. At best it becomes a mere political stunt and that is worrying as the red side have abandoned a few foot soldiers when they got themselves into trouble.

    Broke what rules?

    Many low paying civil & military servants moonlight to make ends meet. What's wrong with that?

    Unlike the PM post (who say one cannot be a cook), no one prevent them from driving taxi, sell illegal lottery, sell noodle or be a part time jourlist.

  12. Whats wrong with Thaksin ,the democrats enlisted Newin ,i thought he is also banned , they must be really scared of Thaksin ,wonder why ,

    No, democrats didn't enlist Newin. Don't reply if you don't know anything about the topic.

    Yes. Mustn't use the word "enlist", so let's flame this poster and imply doesn't know anything. :o

    Mustn't discuss Newin (founder of the Red shirts, and banned from politics) , Friends of Newin and the fact that his group jumped ship and now supports the "democrats" (misnomer if ever there was one).

    Keep it up TAWP - you're going to find it even tougher as time goes by and your beloved PM and his party are revealed to be just as bad as all the rest.

    There is a clear distinction between people from different groups helping eachother and people from one group hiring/enlisting/joining another group.

    But no, let's muddle the water and pretend others have done the same to make poor old Thaksin and his cronies look only 'equally' bad.

    TIT. You could go to jail for not standing up in a cinema.

    TIT. You shut down the airports of Thailand (Swampy, DM, Phuket, Krabi, Hat Yai), and nobody say a thing.

  13. Prime Minister Abhisit Vejjajiva this morning (January 18) addressed concerns...

    She is now being questioned on her appearance on DTV....

    ...will be scrutinized for appropriateness.

    Why worry about DTV?

    He didn't express any concern about ASTV.

    Does Mark have nothing else to do than to comment about the appropriateness of a single army woman doing some work for DTV?

    Common, Mark has a country to run.

  14. This is not the sort of press tourists need to see, although beside the point. I would have thought such "dirty work" would be carried out in away from prying eyes.

    Well it's all over the interational press now.

    This is as indecent as Taksin's treatment of protesters in the south.

    There is no excuse.

    It seems the thai army were either oblivious or so arrogant they didn't care. Very sad that a buddhist culture would allow security forces to act in such a way.

    Imagine how incensed thais would be if they found out this happened to thai boat people abroad?

    The new government have a chance to act on this issue. Would be interesting to see how accountable the army are to the new gov. We know thais are patriotic and often ignorant to other cultures, although I can't imagine most thais seeing this behaviour as decent or acceptable.

    As much as wealthy countries like Thailand feel that they don't need illegal immigrants or boat people, perhaps this is a chance for foreign embassies from countries like US and Aus to point out how thai boat people were helped in their time of need, especially in the post Vietnam war era.

    Do thais see this arrival as a threat or do they feel they loose face because dirt poor desperate people from neighboring countries dared to seek help. It's not like the boat people can be accussed of being terrorists is it?

    A very sad event indeed.

    Very sad indeed. However I believe it is NOT the order from Mark.

    It must be old order to get rid of theses people by Thaksin. The same way how Thaksin kill almost 100 people is Tak Bai.

    PAD and Mark are peaceful people that does not support violence. Just like the airport event. Sanook even for Kasit.

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