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Posts posted by chiangrai

  1. So,about half an our after my last post uTorrent started working and Tixati is still dead.It says it's downloading but it's not.

    I didn't do anything except turn off the router for a few minutes.

    I think I'll leave well enough alone for now and uninstall Tixati.

    Thanks for your help.

  2. Hi,

    My Tixati torrent program won't download.

    It will pick up the torrent but won''t download it.

    I use Firefox with windows 8.1.

    I tried it on Chrome but no joy.

    I uninstalled the whole program and re downloaded and installed

    it but still no change.

    I have been using it for months with no problem.

    But now it just shos the torrent,

    I've been getting some warnings lately that I'm entering an unsecure

    site when I use Youtube or some site that I use all the time without

    getting these warnings,if that may have something to do with it.

    So any sugestions before I change to uTorrent...........

  3. When I'm going from video to video on youtube with Firefox it keeps

    giving me a message saying "shockwave flash has crashed and that there maybe a problem with the plugin...........Do I want to close or wait"

    I have the latest Firefox and windows 8.1.

    Does anyone know what I can do about this.

  4. I have started getting a shaving rash lately

    I'm 48 years old and never had it before.

    I changed from the Gilete 3 blade to a 5 blade one but there was no rash

    untill I changed to Gilette Fusion gel.Then I got a bad rash.

    I got on eBay and ordered Gillete gel for sensitive skin and I only get a rash on my chin now but it's bad.

    Does any one have any advice on what to do.

    Does anyone else get a rash from the newest range of Gillete Fusion Gel

    or the 5 blade Fusion Proglide Power.

    I could go back to the Mach 3 turbo or get an all natural shaving gel from Australia but I would love some advice before I splash out.


  5. Malwarebytes Anti Malware is saying that my free trail has expired and that I am not protected.

    Malwarebytes antiExploit is saying that my free trial is over and that the program is running.

    Anti Malware is the one sending the messages,Anti Exploit isn't sending me any messages.

    I presume that all I have to do is to set these programs to "don't show icon or messages"

    in the taskbar and the programs will run the free version which is good enough for what I'm

    doing on my notebook.

    I just want to be absolutly sure before I set and forget.

    I don't mind having to pay 20USD or so to purchase a program

    Thanks for all the help so far

  6. So I have installed Malwarebytes anti Malware ,Malwarebytes Anti Exploits and turned on windows defender.

    Now I am getting little notices in the top right hand corner saying that my trial period has run out and that I am no longer protectrd.

    I can't remember if it was Malware anti exploit or anti malware that sent the messages but does anybody know what I should do about them.

  7. O.k,

    That's a nice easy solution.I presume it's the same for the apps as the programs ,they just sit there and don't

    slow down the machine.

    There is a hell of a lot of items on the "services" section but I can tweak it by trial and error.

    My computer isn't actually running slow,I just want to streamline it as much as I can.


  8. Hi,

    I have windows 8.1 and there are some programs that show as installed but I never use them.

    They show on my Revo uninstaller and in the controle panel.My notebook is not powerfull so I want to keep everything to a minimum.

    Is there a way that I can uninstall these programs wirhout deleteing them.

    There are also loads of apps that show on my Classic Shell start menu which I know I will never use.

    I don't know where they are stored or if they are slowing my machine down.

    So I have two questions 1-how to uninstall unwanted programs without deleting them and 2-how to get rid of the apps I don't use by deleting them if possable.

    Thanks in advance.

  9. Thanks Guys,

    The water looks fine the only problem is that the missus says

    she can't wash whites and the neighbours washing machines

    clog up after some time.

    But the neighbours machines are all autummatic.

    So going on your advice it's not really worth putting in a

    2000bht filter.

    The neighbours use a filter that goes onto the spout of the tap

    of the kitchen.They're probably not much good though.

    Anyway,I'm not going to do anyrhing major and have peace of mind about the issue.

    Thanks again

  10. Hi,

    We just got a new twin tub top loading washing machine.

    All the neighbours say that their washing machines only last a few years because the local water is dirty and their machines fill up with silt.

    I want to buy a water filter for my new machine and I want the best one available.

    So the top loader is desinged to be filled with a hose attached to the end

    of the tap of the kitchen sink.

    The water for the kitchen sink comes from a half inch PVC pipe.

    Does anybody know what the best type of filter and where is the best place to put it.

    Thanks in advance

  11. Windows Defender seems to be turned on.

    Anti-explois is in the startup folder and it says runing when I open the program

    but it has no settings button.

    Anti-malware has lots of settings,in advanced settings it says start with windows.

    It also has an option to set scedualed scans.

    Basicaly,my question is....am I protected.

    Thanks for all the help so far.

  12. I've got Windows 8.1 which came with McAfee antivirus already installed.

    Should I leave it there or is there a better Antivirus.

    Is it best to use a free program or spend some money and buy a program.

    I'm using a 10 inch laptop mostly on my personal internet conection.

  13. Hi BB,

    QUOTE------"I got a Lenova 7 inch tablet with Android 4.1.2 a while back.

    I installed the app "Computer" on it."

    Thanks Kkerry,the problem was with "Computer",I tried ES Files as it came with the tablet and the problem

    was solved.

    Don't know if File comander is any better.

    Anyway,problem solved in one post,ain't bad.

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