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Posts posted by chiangrai

  1. O.K...all clear advice.....

    So If I go the windows laptop/note book route are there

    ant tips for keeping the thing small and portable.

    I don't want to go below a twelve inch screen,

    What specifications do I need to look for to make sure the machine is

    not slow,CPU size or something.

    Are there certain brands that are more compact than others.

  2. This is a bit of a broad question and I don't want a huge debate.

    My laptop(windows 7) is in hospital and I'm waiting for a diagnosis,

    she may be terminally ill or dying of old age.

    I know nothing about the machines I could upgrade to if I have to buy a new one.

    Apple laptop

    Apple Tablet or

    Android tablet.

    What I would be using it fo,apart from email,is downloading and editing.

    I download torrents and uTube type files,video and audio.

    Then I use VLC player to edit them,basicaly cutting them down to size,no mixing or anything.

    So my opening questions are--! can I do that on a tablet

    2 if not and I bought an apple laptop, would I run into problems downloading free...and would all the programs be more expensive.

  3. Me Missus just got back from the local repair guy

    he said that the i.t chip needed replacing and it would cost


    I will get a second opinion but I could be on the market for a new machine.

    I will have to open a new post.

    Firstly,does the i.t chip story and 6000 price tag sound plausible.

  4. Wrong! it was wrapped with 4 folds of hard bubbles in addition to carton. Anyhow its not your fault or our fault. It is damaged in transition and this is the situation. I told you before that I'll make full refund of your payment. All you have to do is to take it back to the post office and return to sender as damaged parcel. They will return it at no charge and you will lose nothing. I hope its clear now. Please inform me when you are going to return it and thank you.

    This was his latest reply........The carton he's referring to was soft.

    He's also being a lot less polite than I am in my emails to him.

    I think I will tel him to do what he likes but if he doesn't return my money I will

    have to leave feedback saying that the item comes wrapped in 4 folds of bubble wrap

    and soft carton.

  5. He has just wrote to me saying.

    If I rell him WHEN I will send the clock back

    he will return the money.

    Nice to see some people agreeing with me on the packaging.

    If you can picture a 13 inch circle of thin glass covered in bubble wrap

    and soft cardboard you could tell that it probably broke before it left

    his local post office in Isreal.

    I think I will stil tell him I will not send the clock back even though if I lied I would get my

    money back.This is'nt about the money for me.I can take an 850bt hit but I'm not

    going to re wrap it up and go down to the post office and put my hand in my

    pocket again.

  6. The laptop wouldn't start this morning.It had two white lights in front of the touchpad

    I brought the charger to the shop and he said it was fine so now the whole machine is in.

    Let's hope it's those dirty connections you talk about.

    Will keep you posted.

  7. The glass face of the clock was covered with 2 layers of bubble wrap and soft card board.

    Any tip and the glass would be broken without a mark on the packaging.

    Which is what happened.The packaging was a joke.

    Does the seller have a way to give me a bad review if I give him one.

    My attitude may sound bad in print but it's not like that.

    It's just that I would prefer to loose the money rather than post the item back

    and spend more money doing so.

    If you saw how ridiculus the packaging was you would think the same.It's a wonder how he got it to the post office without breaking it.

  8. It's not worth half a days driving for 850baht for me.

    I'm annoyed at what has happened there was no way

    the parcel could not get broken in shipping it was so poorly wrapped.

    I will tel the guy I'm not shipping it back and see what he says.

    There is a clause where the parcel is unfit to return i.e leaking battery or damaged beyond

    repair when the buyer doesn't have to ship back.I'm hoping broken glass will qualify for this.

    What ever,win or loose,I'm not shipping it back.

  9. The easiest thing is not driving down the mountain and

    posting it back if I'm not obliged to do that..

    Does the seller give me my money back before or after I return the item.

    And then who pays my shipping cost to Isreal

  10. I just received a wall clock by registered post.

    It was wrapped in bubble wrap and soft cardboard.

    The glass face was smashed and the glass at the back was broken

    and there were cogs falling out.

    I emailed the guy and he said it was 'very well wrapped with bubble.'

    And he wants me to post it back.

    I live 40 winding mountain kms from a post office.

    I do not want to go down and spend money on postage to Israel.

    I have already spent extra for registered post.

    Am I obliged to sent it back before I get my money back.

  11. For the last two nights in a row my computer went on to battery power

    even though it was plugged in.

    I would take out the power lead and put it back in and it would go back

    to plugged in and charging but only for about 3 minutes before it went back to

    running on batteries again.

    Eventually I just turned it off and went to bed.Each night it would be fully charged by


    But this morning the red battery light in front of the mouse pad is on even though it says

    fully charged on the task-bar.

    Any one know what this is all about

  12. O.K

    I was just wondering,where ever I get the transformer

    is there a minimum wattage that it should be made for

    or do I just trust Maw and Paw to have one for power tools.

    Any way,thanks for the help folks,much appreciated.

  13. O.K,

    The thing is I've already got a jigsaw from America.

    Is it worth buying a transformer for it.

    It's made by SKIL and I don't know if there good or not.

    Also I'm used to power tools with the strength of the motor

    measured in watts but this one says 5 amps so I don't know

    how powerful it is.

    I cant find them on the homepro website but the are on eBay.

    What wattage do I need and is it 110 to 220 I need or visa versa.

    Will it perform just as well or will the transformer reduce the performance.


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